My hero

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He helped me out of the darkness
He is my light
He bandages my wrist
He keeps me safe
He protects me
He tells me he loves me
Heals me
Tries to fix my brokenness
Keeps me sane
He makes me happy
He defeats the depression
Keeps me out of the darkness
Holds me close
Makes me forget the bad things that happen in this world
He is the light of my life
And I'm happy to call him my boyfriend
And tell him I love him back
He helped me show emotion and affection
And I love him for the kindness and love he shows me every day

Hello! Yep, I'm back and I'm writing some more poems for you lovely readers! Sorry, I was gone for so long 😫🙇 please forgive me. But I'm back to writing so be happy! Yes, I have recently gotten a boyfriend and he is very good to me 😳 and makes me happy to still be living! But it seems I've caught the eye of upperclassmen so yeah anyway bye 😀


Yeah, that boyfriend I mentioned was a fuuckboi who didn't care. He broke up with me at the beginning of summer because he didn't want a long-distance relationship. I have a new boyfriend now though who is making this long distance relationship work even though he is a few cities north or where I live. (08/23/2017)

Yeah, the second boyfriend I mentioned did the same thing. Only he cheated on me multiple times and was a drugie and alcoholic. (12/25/2017) 

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