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Through these halls I smile, while alone I weep. I yearn to leave this claustrophobic scene to only get pulled back further from the exit. One fake smile, one small lie, one more day, and then I'll be free. Free from these memories that act as chains restricting me from escaping these halls, but pain clouds my judgement as death awaits impatiently. It scrambles my thoughts allowing only erratic twists and turns to captivate the path I walk. While hidden beyond your vision I witness memories paralyzing me in fear.

Fear of being a failure. That's what I am. So why are you counting on me? Why? A failure can't reach the stars, so why do you keep telling me I can? Why can't you just be like all of the others and leave me alone! Leave me alone to rot...just please. Why can't you just let me go...since after all, I deserve the worst. For I am a failure.

Every single day is a struggle just to open my tired eyes, when all I want is to close them for the last time. That mask I hide behind, cracks with each bloody fist pounding against it.

I called for help once. I asked for you to catch me when I fall, to be the one to lift me up and shield me from their hate filled words. You were there in the beginning, helping me resist the words nagging me to end it all, but then you left. Why? Why did you leave me to face this all alone? To be pushed down by the words of your friends echoing in my helpless mind. Echoing every single word muttered behind my back. And so, there I was. Falling, watching you wave goodbye to only turn around to face your so called friends. The ones who pushed me down.

Get back up if you fall, they tell you. But what happens when you're pushed. What happens then?

Get back up they scream at you. But you can't because they pushed you too far down.

So, I fell. I fell down past the clouds that shield your eyes from the searing sun, I fell through the ground that supports your feet, and I fell into the water where I drowned. Now here I am, watching from above awaiting that call to come home. That call never came...

Tainted by the pain I see in this world, I am frightened that you can ignore it. How can I smile when I see the darkness hidden in your heart? No wonder you can't see it. Lies hide the truth well from you, keeping you innocent and powerless.

Even if the memories will never leave, it's time. Time to spread my wings and soar to new heights that before were unreachable by man. Even if they are broken and weak I will still fly. No more fake smiles, no more lies, no more days, cause now I'm free. 

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