Glue Filled Cracks

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One can visualize the human mind like a vase. It's gorgeous, holds so much information, and is fragile. All it takes is for the vase fall to shatter. Now someone could glue it back together, but it would never be the same. There would be cracks and missing pieces that would be filled. If the vase were to fall again, how much glue would it take to keep it together? A simple push off the counter, an earthquake shaking the foundation, to the glue just not being strong enough. The vase will eventually be too broken to fix and is swept up and tossed away. How many more falls will it take for me to be unable to fix myself. How much more glue will I waste trying to keep myself together to only fall apart again. Is it possible that I have already been swept away? Is it true that I am already far too broken to even attempt to fix? If so, take my glue away. I don't need it anymore. After all, no one wants to look at a broken vase.

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