It's all I see, and it's all I will ever be.

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Barren. Vacant. Empty. Haunted. 

It's all I see, and it's all I will ever be. 

A barren future.

With a future vacant of loving memories.

Empty hearts and haunted minds. 

Now see here you ignorant child. Yes, I am fully aware that you will say that I can reach farther than the stars. But that is why I'm here. I thought I could be someone. Someone who would be remembered for all the things they made plenty and all the lives they improved. Yet, here I am.

I am barren. I am vacant. I am empty. I am haunted.

Haunted by the memories that make me recall what you said.

I remember and it breaks me even farther.

Mother said, "It's your fucking fault for Josh running away."

Brother said, "I hate you. You bitch."

My best friend said, "The three of aren't apart of it, are going to make a club. "

Father said, "What happened to my beautiful daughter?"

Classmates said, "Fat. Ugly. Go kill your self. Stupid. Attention wanter."

I said, "It's my fault. I hate myself. I'm a bitch. Have fun making the club. I don't know Dad, maybe they are gone. I know I'm fat, ugly, stupid, and so much more. I have plans and I'm done."

I tried to give hints to my family when it got too much. Their words had scrambled me as my blood boiled and screamed.  I was done. 

My mind yearned to be barren, vacant, and empty. 

Now I am barren, vacant, empty, and haunted. 

It's all I see, and it's all I will ever be.

A barren future.

With a future vacant of loving memories.

Empty hearts and haunted minds. 

So you see child. I've tried. 

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