Shards of Glass

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This is just me rambling so sorry if there are parts that don't really fit together.

I'm broken beyond repair, but you don't know that.

Everyday is a struggle just to open my eyes. All I want is to close my eyes to never open them again. Why can't I just die?

Everyday my mask seems to become weaker as the pain pounds with a bloody fist on my face.

It seems as though I am strong, but I'm broken. Crumbling apart at the seams no longer can describe how broken I truly am. Shards of glass is pierced into my hands and yet, when pulled out the wound is filled with a bigger piece of glass. The pulling and prodding has made me what I am today. A crystallized fossil encased in shards of glass.

I don't remember when the fist first became bloody or even the first shard of glass that pierced my delicate skin. All I know is that the pain will not end until my eyes close for the last time.

Why? Why can't they see through my mask and see the pain that I endure with each and every breathe I take. Why can't my pain go away? Why can't I be seen? Why? Why am I still here with glass covering my skin? Why...

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