They see me but its too late

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I am standing next to you but you can't see me
I am now on your shoulder but you can't feel me
I see you
I feel you
But you can't see me
But you can't feel me
Am I dead
Am I a ghost
No I haven't died so I am alive
But why can't you see me
But why can't you feel me
I stand here but no one can see me
Someone walks into me
Someone can feel me
They look at me and tell me watch where your going idiot
No they can't see me
They see me but not a person who is worth something
Days pass no one sees me
If they can't see me then they don't care
I walk into the street and wait
Here comes a car they see me and stop
They see me
They see me
Someone can see me
I am not so useless
They come to me and talk to me
They are talking to me
Then i hear it they are yelling at me
What did I do wrong
I feel a slight pain on my face it feels nice
I smile
They frown
Thank you I say for showing me what to do
They look at me with the biggest eyes you can see
I run home
Grab a knife and slit my wrist
The pain feels nice
I swipe it against my finger
Bright red seeps out
The world gets dizzy
The person from before sees me with wide eyes
They see me
My legs feel week I fall they hold me
They feel me
I am important
It's to late
(By the way guys this is my emotions from 6th to 9th grade)

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