The Cardinal

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"And here is our prized animal. His name is Murphy. If you are wondering why this handsome bird is here, I would love to share. Just come and ask!"

The crowd dispersed, looking at the various animals in the room. I noticed a young girl with bright red hair looking at Murphy. She spoke softly to the bird, seeming to share a bond with it. I smiled and walked to her.

"Hello. Can I assist you with anything?" I asked the young girl. Turning to look at me, she nodded.

"Yes, what happened to him exactly? He seems to be crying."

"I found him in the woods. He had a broken wing and leg. It was good that I found him when I did."

"Why did you name him Murphy?" She persisted, wanting to extend her knowledge.

"I had a dog named Murphy who had recently died. Murphy reminded me of him," I explained softly.

I pulled my watch out, opening it and checking the time. Realizing it was time to send everyone away, I cleared my throat and began to make the announcement.

"Thank you all so very much for coming. I pray you all make it home safely. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did." Everyone began to file out, bidding their 'good days' and 'farewells'. One remained though: the girl I had been previously been speaking with.

"I will see you soon, my friend," I heard her say. She turned around, bowing in the process. I bid my farewell as she bid hers. She gingerly walked out the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

She stayed on my mind throughout the remainder of the day; her dress, her hair, her gestures. As I prepared for bed, I heard a very soft knock on my door.

"Young master, there is a guest who wishes to see you," my maid, Josephine spoke quietly through the door.

I responded, confirming I heard her. I didn't look as sharp as I did before, my hair quite a mess. I rebuttoned my shirt, and headed to the library.

"I'm sorry to see you at this hour, but I had to. You were not prepared, were you?" my friend, Margerate asked.

"No, but I can not deny a visit from a friend," I smiled, and offered a seat across from mine to her. She nervously took it, and began to speak again.

"My father wants to arrange you to my cousin. She just arrived from Japan, and has not a clue father wishes to do this," she spoke with a great amount of worry. Continuing, she spoke,

"She's a frail little girl, of her mid teen years. Barely fit for marrying. On top of this, she just lost her father and mother."

It took me a minute to take into consideration what was happening.

"I will do it if I must. Your father is an honorable man, and as much as there is another on my mind, I will do it." Relief flooded her face.

"Thank you so much. I worry though, with what will happen," She told me. I placed my hand on hers, telling her silently to not worry. She smiled, and stood to leave.

"I should probably go. Thank you for seeing me so late," She curtsied, and left as quickly as she came. I headed back to my room, and got ready for bed. Falling asleep, I thought of the girl and Murphy.


I woke to Josephine pulling my curtains back. She heard me stirring, and spoke, not even turning to me.

"Good morning. How was your visit last night?" 

"You need to learn to have more respect for me. It went quite well."

She laughed tenderly, shaking her head. I looked at her with admiration. She was very loyal, as well as understanding.

"Breakfast will be ready shortly." I nodded, as I sat up in bed. She realized I was looking at her, curtsied quickly, and left.

I headed to breakfast as soon as I was dressed. I was served quickly.I heard a small quiet knock at the door, and heard a maid open the door. I heard whispers, and then I heard footsteps walking toward me.

"Young master, you have a guest."

I stood, and headed to the entry. It was the girl from yesterday!

"Hello! I didn't expect to see you so soon, How may I help you?" She turned to me, and spoke.

"May I see Murphy?" I nodded and led the way. When we came in sight, she basically ran to him. Murphy woke up, and started to chirp excitedly.

Margerate walked in, and began to giggle. Mr. Langlass also began to laugh. I turned to the two, and slightly cocked my head. I started connecting dots. The girl must have been the small red head. I myself began to laugh.

"Hello Mr. Langlass, Margerate. It is good to see the both of you,"

"Isn't it! Ahh, Joseph! I would like to introduce my niece, Kisara. Are you ok if wee speak shortly?" he asked. I nodded, and turned to Kisara.

"Hello, Miss Kisara. A pleasure it is." She turned to me, and nodded. 

"A pleasure it is, Mr. Joseph," She curtsied to me. Josaphine walked in, and I told her to set tea on for the ladies and lead them to the parlor. I lead Mr. Langlass to the library.

"Well, a sudden visit is very like you. What do you need?" I asked, although I probably already knew.

"Joseph, Kisara needs a husband. Her parents have left the rest of her care to me, due to the fact that I am her closest relative. She is a frail child, but will serve you well. As long as you are willing, I would love to make you that man she can rely on. Will you accept my proposal, Joseph?" I turned to him, and asked suddenly,

"How old is she?"

"She is seventeen. Please accept. You are the most fitting man for my niece." I nodded, and accepted. 

"Let me speak with her." He nodded, and headed out to the entryway. I walked to the parlor, and knocked. The girls were giggling, and it stopped when I knocked.

"Please come in," Margerate spoke. I opened the door.

"Hello, Margarate. Kisara, would you like to go for a walk in the gardens?" Kisara startled by the sudden request nodded, not sure what to do. Kisara and I walked Margarate to the door, and I bid them farewell. Kisara and I walked through the garden, talking about various things. She giggled a lot, and the sound was heavenly.

Kisara and I took many walks through the gardens. One day, we sat on one of the benches.

"Kisara, we have been doing this for a while, and I just want to know. Do you love me? Can you love me for who I am?" She looked startled, and took a breath. She looked at me lovingly, placing a hand on my shaved cheek.

"Yes, I do, and yes I can," she spoke tenderly.

"Then will you take my hand in marriage?" She leaned over and kissed my cheek, then giggled.

"Of course Joseph. I love you, and always will." I placed my arm around her frail form, bringing her closer. I then kissed the top of her head, gently and tenderly.


After the ceremony and the nights activities, after everyone had gone home, the newlyweds walked into their home. Grateful for each other, the walked up the stairs to the balcony. They turned to each other and kissed in the moonlight.

It was on the day of the tour they came together. They are in love, and look on from the stars. They will always thank one bird with feathers as red as fire: the cardinal.

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