Waifu Glitch Edit/Mari Ishida

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I probably ruined this picture... (It isn't mine)

Cause... I was thinking of how much Mari be waifu and wanted to do what I did to Minene to this picture but it probably looks like REALLY bad... But I'll let you be the judge of that😅

Uhm... yeah, that's the picture... I'm having some serious de ja vu and I probably really ruined it. Ugh... it sucks to still miss this girl. Mari_Ishida I'm talking about you. I seriously miss/missed you. You're probably gonna get this like next year but WHATEVEEERRRR!!! And I'm gonna type out the lyrics to this song that I relate to so much over here so, FIGHT ME!


Until now, I never knew...
I was so in love with you.
Since you had to go and leave,
It's been hard for me to breath.
Like I thought,
Those days you stood by me...
Now they seem just like a dream.
But they're not,
And I hope I won't forget
That one truth since it's all I have left...

Even all the heartache,
All that crying.
Even all the hurting like I'm dying,
I remember every second with you
And I loved it, everything!
Even our remaining is that bitter,
Scent of lemon that I'll never leave.
Waiting out the rain,
I can't go home until it clears away.
Like a single help of fruit,
Split into pieces where they lay.

Even now you still remain
You are my light that never fades

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