Outer Space

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I cannot fathom

The amount of stars

In our ever-expanding universe.

Their immense size

Seeming minuscule from Earth

But can swallow us up

Without our return.

The planets

In their perfect orbit

Around the brilliant sun

And our blue planet

Among them.

The stars and moons alike

Are all in a harmony

That us humans

Could not ever achieve.

The galaxies afar

Praise the name

Of their divine Creator

As do the Creations

On the blue speck

Staring at the humongous stars and planets

That seem so minuscule

From their home.

And, one day

We will all

Be able to see the stars

And planets

And galaxies

In their true form.

And when that day comes

When we take our final breath

And slip away

Into the darkness of death

We will see

The vacuum of space

In its glory

For the rest of eternity.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro