the broken bones of the guilty

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it crushes me
pounds me into the dirt
the pain of what I've done is too much to bare

just a few words
more like a few stabs
into fresh wounds, just bandaged

I pull out the knife
and stab myself as well
for there is an x marking a spot
over my heart
and so I must dig
into my scar covered skin
uncontrolled by my mind once again

the blade carries bacteria
that leads to a deadly infection
which swallows me up completely
and I have no where to go

these wounds
these pains
they're not visible
there's no physical proof
there's no violent actions
but the inflictions made
are real and true
and they throb like a gaping wound
out of which seeps invisible blood

this ghostly incision
this cut in my soul
throws stones at my head
makes me lose my balance
and I fall
I fall
and all that is left

are the broken bones of the guilty

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