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Love is midnight mornings and dancing in the rain
Late night talks till 5 am and breakfast early in the afternoon
Quiet affection, holding hands and sitting close enough to touch
Love is those moments when everything and everyone fades away and your left together in your own world outside of time

Love is the feeling when you tell a joke and get to watch your best friend double over in laughter like it's the funniest thing they've ever heard
Listening to them talk about their new favorite obsession
Waiting for a second so you can catch up with them or the group because you fell behind
Being able to make them smile and feel better after a hard day and you know you did something right
Love is the hugs and the long quiet silence when there are no words to say because none are needed

Love is your sibling, blood or not, sitting with you after a hard day and being there for you
Knowing the unsaid routines and languages
The arguments that are jokes helping you unwind
Love is helping each other when there is no one else to turn to

Love is your parents sitting down to help you making sure you've eaten first
Hugs goodnight and early mornings once you've missed the bus
Advice that doesn't always make sense at the time but you see it at the end
Love is the way they love your smile in a fit of giggles and a moment of pure joy even though you think it's too crazy

Love is singing along to your favorite song and feeling the joy in your chest when you nail that one note
Saying f you to the society and spinning in the sunshine with your arms outstretched because the natural world is so so beautiful
Staying up late to binge a tv show because just one more episode and you need to know what happens
Love is piles of pillows and blankets, soft music, books, and fairy lights at 2 am when the whole world seems to be asleep

Love is the small things you notice and appreciate in other people and yourself
But above all other things love is love no matter what kind

Be careful how and who you love, don't give your love away to people who you know will throw it in the trash.

This poem is how I love, so it doesn't apply specifically to everyone but with familial love remember that family isn't blood and legal papers, it's chosen family too. Also so the first verse I've never been in a romantic relationship but that's the little things I would want in one...😅

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