Let Me Fly

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My wings are broken

I am stuck here

Confined to this bed

To my mind

My mind is what got me here in the first place

I tried to fly too soon

I jumped, but instead of flying, I fell

Now I am here

Confined to this bed, this room

My mind

I senselessly sleep

When will I wake up?

When will I escape?

I'm sorry

I shouldn't have tried

Now, as I lay here, Motionless

I think

Where did it go wrong?

I just wanted to fly

Fly away from everything

Yet when I tried, I fell

I'm sorry

Can I come back?

Into the florescent lights?

Or into the lights of above

What do I do now? 

If I fly away 

Will anyone miss me?

Will anyone mourn me?

Its too late now anyways

I'm going to fly

You may miss me but,

I need to fly

Let me fly

I need to be free


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro