Results Contest #5

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Sorry I'm late with the results again. I will probably remain late with the results, again life. Thank you for being patient. Now with the winners! This month's theme was death, with not exactly guys with chainsaws and clowns hiding out in sewers. Today's winners poems consist of depth, thought, with just a little bit of spookiness. 

3rd Place : _theriyality_

His caress was unlike any she had ever felt,
yet it came with the pain of a belt

He made marks at night,
And soothed them by the light

If love  was such a torture, 
How much worse could death be?

With that she found solace in the
Hanging tree

Comment: I loved the connection to the real world. Covering a current issue, abuse, that takes place around the world. I liked the bitter ending, it stays true to reality. Well done.

2ncd place: SammyPendragon

Death can't be beat, outrun or defeated 
It's the one definite in a world of ifs
People can't say "if" I die,

Because at the end of time, your time, you're at the end of the line
Once your life line has died make sure that you tried

Because in this life your voice is enough
to keep someone from cutting their line before time's up

Comment: Once again you deliver a solid piece. So many messages meshed in this poem. Just make sure you it's not too much that the reader doesn't know what you're talking about, but you did a  good job of executing the theme. You talk about living life to the fullest, treating people kind so we don't pus them over the edge (literally). Which is a current issue that lot of people are talking about now, I'm glad your talking part of it. Well done. 

1st Place : outsider4

It takes away the colors leaving nothing but gray
It takes away the laughter leaving nothing to say

It infects your heart, it pollutes your mind
It takes what it wants, and runs away

It breaks your heart, it breaks your dreams
Though it ends in silence, it starts with screams
Always closer than it seems

It's emptiness, yet it could feel the sky
It only serves to make you cry

It comes and it goes, but it will return
To close another shining eye

Comment: I loved this poem so much!  I love everything abut this poem. The way you used opposite meanings, still it connecting to the theme. You captured the feeling of losing someone perfectly and the sad truth revealed at the end. In love!

Honorable Mentions:



Extra Honorable Mentions:








Bye loves have a good day!

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