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By: Decoris Unum

You break the shimmering stars,
You burn clear water,
Your wit resembles whole herds of sheep.

Pour dreams of paradise
Down the drain of waste.
Adorned past days, turned
To dreadful brooding.

Spoke your promises,
Deceit splintered your hold.
Rendered you wordless.
Left you riderless.
So I grasped the reins,
And held too long.

Dams were built to holdback.
You carved your own mallet,
Sniggering behind screen doors.
Don't look me in the eye.
With your red hands you
Ripped your schemes,
Hid them in plain sight.

Tell your mirrors I left for the century,
Take my chocolate for your troubles,
And an eraser for your storytelling,
Lie no more, because glue fixed my mirror.

. . . . . . .

Copyright © 2020 by Decoris Unum.

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