Chapter 13

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Nabi's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly, then once adjusted to the light, they burst open. I sat up immediately and looked around.
Still not my room. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to force the tears from falling. With a grunt, I slammed back onto the mattress. I'm still not Nabi. I thought bitterly. I missed my mom. I missed writing. I missed Rachel.

I turned on my side to grab V's phone. I slowly pressed my thumb against the home button, waiting for it to open.

"I need another ride." I texted Namjoon, chewing the inside of my mouth.

It was only 6:45 am. When he didn't respond, I texted V.

"How do I get to school." I was about to press send, but then I paused.

This whole time I'd been completely dependent on V, when he was perfectly fine playing my role. Maybe I should start gaining more independence. I decided. If V could find a way to school, then so could I. With a nod, I hopped out of the bed. I walked to the dresser and pulled out a dark t-shirt and jeans.

"Okay," I said to myself, placing the clothes on his bed. "No big deal."

With a gulp, I slowly peeled off the shirt I was wearing.

"Don't look down, don't look down." I stared up at the ceiling as my hands searched the bed for the new shirt.

Where is it? Without another thought, I glanced down. The shirt was right under my hands. I shook my head at myself before suddenly noticing my body. So much for that, there was no point in looking away now. I creeped over to the mirror.

"What are you doing?" I asked myself as I forced my eyes to the reflection.

What an enormous difference. His defined muscles were the complete opposite of my soft stomach. With a smirk, I flexed his muscles in the mirror. At that pose, I felt exactly like him. He's actually kind of good-looking. I realized.With a shake of my head, I walked back to the bed and slipped on the shirt, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable. But that only lasted until I looked down at the jeans I was already wearing. With a quick nod, I decided to just keep those on. I would drag that situation out as long as possible. I grabbed money from the wallet he had left out and the phone, stuffing the items into his backpack. With that I headed to the nearest bus station.


The station was easy to find with V's smartphone. I paid for my ticket and quickly jumped onto the bus. With a frown, I checked the time once more, only five minutes till seven. At that moment, Namjoon texted.

"Why did you call?" He asked.

"Never mind. See you later." I replied after considering ignoring it.

"Ok. We need to talk."

I didn't like that response. But I didn't text him back. Instead, I told V that I about ten minutes away. He texted back an angry "What happened to seven sharp?!!!"

And for some reason, I felt the corners of my mouth turn up at his reply.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I pulled of the covers with my eyes squeezed tight, hands covering them, then sat on the edge of the bed.

Order will have been restored to your life when you open your eyes. My mind told me.

Then, as if ripping off a band-aid, I jerked my hands away.

"Aish!" Order had not been restored.

Had the room shrunk? Because I felt even more claustrophobic than the day before. I looked at her ancient flip-phone at the sound of a buzz. It was a text from Nabi.

"Sorry. I'm ten minutes away from the school." It said.

My eyes widening, I glanced at the time. 6:56.

"What happened to seven sharp?!!!" I replied.

I couldn't possibly be later than her, so I jumped off the bed, and raced to the door, grabbing her backpack and sweatshirt and slipping on a pair of old boots that sat beside the front door.

"Where are you going so--" I heard a voice ask, as I slammed the door shut.

I hesitated for a moment, considering opening the door and responding. But then with a shrug, I kept going down the hall. Luckily, her apartment was close to the school, so I jogged at a steadier pace, more confident about arriving first. When I got there, I sat on the steps instead of heading inside, trying to catch my breath. Bored, I began rummaging around her backpack. There was a pack of spearmint gum. Grateful, I popped the last piece in my mouth, then continued snooping.

There wasn't really anything else of interest, except for a small notebook that was tucked away under the other bigger textbooks. On the cover, written in sloppy handwriting, was "story ideas". Interested, I flipped open the small booklet. Inside, with the same scrawling print, were lists and phrases, hardly any of which made sense, definitions of words I'd never heard of, names of books and authors, and more. I could barely make any sense of her writing. But it was fascinating. Looking at it, I realized how her mind worked and processed. In her head, she was the complete opposite of her demeanor. Her mind was so filled and complex. So loud. I wondered how many things she wanted to say.

"Yah! What are you doing?"

I looked up in surprise. Nabi dashed towards me and snatched the book out of my hands.

"This is private!" She snapped.

"S-sorry," I replied, taken aback.

"You can't use my backpack if you're just going to invade my privacy!"

"Okay--I won't!" I blubbered.

With a huffy attitude, she swung her backpack around her own shoulder, and I followed her inside. When we got to the library, Nabi was back to her quieter self. Luckily, it was empty, so we headed to a table in the corner.

"I think it's time we start thinking long term," Nabi said as soon as we sat.

That's the last thing either of us wanted to think about. But it was also the most important thing to think about. Who knew how long our bodies would be switched? My mind immediately turned to the showcase. I'd been so caught up in all the chaos going on, that I'd forgotten. My stomach sank. But, in the back of my mind, I was actually sort of hopeful. Hopeful that she would be me through the showcase. I had been so worried about doing it, completely dreading it. And now here was a chance at skipping it.

"I think you're right." I looked up at her. "We should start thinking about the showcase."

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