Chapter 24

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Nabi's P.O.V

The day of the showcase came way to quickly. But, the band seemed actually almost ready, much to Namjoon's surprise. V didn't talk to me after the fight. And I didn't try any harder. I didn't really have anything to say to him, and I was sure he felt the same way. His words still hurt when I thought back to our argument, but I focused on the song for the other members. Except for the whole day of the show, my nerves practically screamed in anticipation.

"You okay there, Tae?" Jungkook asked. "You look like you're about to pass out."

Jungkook and I were sitting at the lunch table together waiting for the rest of the members to come to lunch.

"I-I'm fine, just nervous," I admitted.

"Don't worry, you've been practicing really hard. We'll do great," he insisted.

"I hope so."

"Who's ready for tonight!?" Hoseok came bounding towards the table.

"This guy!" Jimin jogged up next to him.

"What's up, hyungs?" Jungkook grinned at their enthusiasm, but I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Woah there, V. You look horrible," Jimin told me in surprise.

"He just needs something to eat, I'm sure." Jin was suddenly beside me.

"No, no, no. I don't think that's a good idea," I immediately said.

"Come on, you just need some sugar. You look like you're going to faint." Jin helped- or dragged -me up from my spot beside Jungkook.

"Really, Jin. If I eat, I don't think my stomach will hold it."

"Ew." Hoseok wrinkled his nose.

"I believe it. He looks seriously green." I hadn't even noticed Yoongi arrive.

"Trust me, it's energy he needs. Did you sleep at all last night?" Jin was talking again.

I felt really sick now, probably at the thought of eating something.

"I-I need to go--" I grabbed my stomach. "--to bathroom."

With that, I dashed out of the cafeteria. I ran straight down the hall to the bathrooms, and right into the girl's without thinking. I actually did end up throwing up, which surprised me, because I had nothing in my stomach. I flushed the toilet and closed the seat, collapsing onto it in exhaustion. After catching my breath, I realized my mistake when the sound of female voices sounded through the bathroom. I internally groaned at myself. I'm going to have to wait until the coast is clear. I thought in dismay.

"Did you see him running out of the cafeteria?" A shrilly voice said.

"Oh, I hope our baby is okay!" Another one whined.

I cringed. Our baby? It was strange to refer to a teenage boy as a baby. Although, I knew I had to keep in mind how much all of these people loved V and his band. I slumped on the seat, trying to get comfortable. It seemed I would be there for a long time.

"I hope he's okay for the show tonight!" The first one said.

"They're going to be perfect as always, don't worry!"

The two continued chattering as they walked out, and I would have let out a sigh of relief, had I not been opening the the toilet seat again to throw up.

I was terribly nervous for the showcase.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I stared at the clock on the wall of the classroom, anxious for the bell to ring. I just wanted the showcase to be over already, to just be free of all of this nervousness. Of course, I was a probably a hundred times less nervous than Nabi was. Nabi. My stomach ached when I thought about our fight. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, thinking about the look on her face. I knew I didn't deserve for them to do well that night. I didn't deserve being able to sit and watch while someone else did the duty I'd been dreading. And Nabi of all people. What was she thinking? I imagined Jin trying to comfort her and forcing her to eat. I knew Nabi would hate that, feeling smothered. Hopefully, Namjoon would help.

I just prayed I wouldn't pass out myself.


"If you want good seats, we must leave now." Rachel's message said.

I sat on Nabi's bed and stared at it with a sick feeling. Gulping, I replied.

"Go without me. I'll meet you there."

"Fine. But don't be too late, I don't want to be attacked by desperate girls."

I closed the phone after reading her last message and laid my head back on the bed, something I'd been doing a lot recently. I didn't know what I was doing exactly, probably mostly just trying to put off going for as long as possible. But I knew I had to go early if I wanted to see her before they went on. So I pulled myself up and grabbed a jacket.

When I got to the school, I immediately headed for our group's usual pre-show practice spot. As soon as I heard their voices, though, I stopped. What am I supposed to say? They all think I'm insane. And Nabi hates me. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to find them. But I just had to see Nabi before the show, even if she wouldn't talk to me. So I stood against the wall to wait for them to come out.

"I know, I'll be back in a minute," a familiar voice came from the entrance of the room.

I watched as Nabi hurried out and down the hall.

"Yah! Nabi!" I called, jogging after her.

With a glance at me, she ran into the boys bathroom. I ran in after her without a second thought, but once inside I was relived to see it was empty.

"You shouldn't be in here," she told me quietly.

"Nabi." I sighed. "I'm not going to try and ask for forgiveness again, because I know you're not ready. I just wanted to wish you good luck."

She watched me with a certain look in her eyes. I realized within a moment what it was. She looked utterly exhausted. It was so strange to see myself in such a tired state, that I'd hardly recognized the look.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"No. I'm not really."

"Nabi, don't have to do this," I told her.

Even though, we both knew she did.

"Yes, I do." She sighed now.

"Nabi, I'm just--"

"Sorry, V, but I came in here to go to the bathroom, so, could you excuse me?" She interrupted.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, slowly turning to the exit.

I walked out in sadness, staring at the ground. I suddenly found myself wishing we could switch back before the performance. So she could be free from the exhaustion and anxiety I had to undergo.

"Do you have some kind of strange interest in boys' bathrooms?" A voice asked, making me jump out of my thoughts.

"What?" I looked up to see Jackson and Mark standing in front of me.

"I thought it was an accident the first time. But now it seems like it might be some kind of habit," Jackson said, tapping his chin in mock thoughtfulness.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to see the show, of course. You think we'd miss seeing your cousin's band making fools of themselves?" Mark smirked.

"If you want to see fools performing, watch a tape of one of your own shows." I turned to leave, hoping Rachel had been able to hold a spot for me.

"Listen, Nabi." Jackson was suddenly up in my face. "I haven't forgotten about your little hero act."

He motioned to his yellowish-purple jaw, then suddenly pushed me against the lockers. I was startled by his suddenness, but not exactly fearful. Even though it was probably smart to be at least a little wary in Nabi's tiny body.

"But since I can't exactly beat up a girl--"

"What are you doing?!" A panicked voice cried.

We both turned to the entrance of the bathroom, where Nabi stood in surprise. I wasn't sure if the surprise was because of seeing my predicament or because of actually raising her voice at someone other then me.

"Perfect timing, V." Jackson pushed me away and stalked towards her. "I was just saying to Nabi: since I can't beat up a'll have to do."

He immediately shoved her to the floor, to both of our shocks.

"Actually, maybe we should s-settle this differently," Nabi insisted. "Y-you know?"

He grabbed her by the collar and shoved her against the lockers.

"Thank your cousin for this," was Jacksons's reply.

This time he actually swung a fist at a terrified Nabi. With a sickening crack, she fell back to the floor. I dashed over to Jackson, to at least try to stop him. My body shook with anger. I was angry mostly with myself. I was the one who was supposed to be on the ground. The one being punched. It was my fault in the first place. A hand suddenly grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from Jackson. I tried to yank my arm away from Mark, but he was too strong. As Jackson kicked Nabi in the side, I just started shouting as loud as possible.

"Help! Someone! Help! We're being attacked!" I screeched.

"Shut up!" Mark said.

I ignored him, watching in horror as Jackson grabbed her by the collar again. I felt like throwing up, remembering how tired Nabi had looked, so weak she'd seemed, even in my body. She couldn't even fend off Jackson.

"You're not even gonna fight back?!" He asked. "I had no idea you were such a coward!"

I was about to let out a scream louder than anything I'd tried so far, when footsteps and voices sounded throughout the halls.

"Come on, Jackson. Give it a rest, we're leaving." Mark released my wrist.

Jackson scowled, but they both turned and dashed down the darkening hall way. I wanted to chase after them so badly. To pound them to pulps. But Nabi was laying on the floor in who-knows-what kind of condition. As my bandmates appeared, I kneeled beside her, almost recoiling at the sight of my own injured face.

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled, running over. "What happened?"

"J-Jackson." I could barely speak for some reason.

"I think he's unconscious." Jin was already on the other side of Nabi.

But I was standing again. I stared down the way they'd ran, my fists clenched so tightly, I thought I would cut myself with my nails.

"He's going to wish he'd never been born." My voice came back through gritted teeth.

Sorry, I'm not really good at writing about fights, so all of their run-ins with Got7 have probably been kind of lame...Anyway, thanks for all of your reading and voting!

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