Chapter 3

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Nabi's P.O.V

I just laid there for a minute, not daring to close my eyes. If I did I would've fallen right back to sleep. It's not that I disliked school, I just disliked going. I hated waking up after a night of richly detailed dreams, that gave me new and creative ideas for my stories. I hated dragging my tired body around to get dressed and pack my school bag. I wished I could just stay in my warm bed, snuggled up and thinking of new scenarios. But I couldn't. So with a sigh, I pulled myself out of my comforting bed to get ready for another day. Another boring day.

When I came out of my room, the apartment was empty. Truthfully, I was relieved for that. I always preferred solitude, even from my mother. And last night was still unresolved. I packed lunch and hurried out the door, I'd been laying in bed a bit longer than I thought. As usual, I didn't remember to feed Blaze until after I'd locked the door. My morning was getting off to its usual start.


"So we can then presume that x is equal to forty three." The teacher scribbled the answer on the board as I dutifully took notes.

As much as I disliked school, I tried to get good grades. I liked learning, just not school. I was a bit of a loner. Well. Whatever you call a person with virtually only one real friend. I didn't mind that. Actually, I preferred it. Talking and hanging out with people was just too much for me. I got overwhelmed so easily. Too easily. And I hated that. More than school. With another sigh, I realized I'd been staring into space, so I blinked and continued scribbling notes.


"It's only two weeks away..." Rachel sighed happily as we walked away from math class.

"Huh?" I turned to her.

"The showcase!" She frowned at me. "Hmm...what should we do? I'm not much of a singer...guess I'll have to stick to the guitar." She tapped her chin.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The school talent show is in two weeks! We have to think of something, and fast!" She looked at me as if I should have known what she was talking about from the beginning.

"Sorry, I'm busy on that day," I said, flatly.

"You don't even know what day it's on," Rachel whined.

"Who cares? Whatever day it's on, I'm going to be busy." I nodded to myself.

"Seriously?" She frowned. "You know how excited I am for this."

"Yeah I do. And I'm sure you'll do great with just a simple guitar song," I assured her.

"I can't do a simple guitar song!"

"Why not?"

"One word: Boring," she complained. "I will never be boring."

I sighed. I knew what she wanted. But we both knew that I would never do the show. Ever. I would never go onto a stage. Attention was the last thing I wanted.

"If you're that desperate, then join someone else to do it."

"I want to join with someone. You." Rachel grabbed my shoulders. "I want you to sing."

"I know." I looked down.

"But you won't."

"I know."

The bell rang, we had to hurry if we wanted to make it on time to our next class. Without another word Rachel turned and began walking again. We had different classes, so I was going the opposite way. I watched her back as she disappeared down the busy hallway. Rachel knew me too well. She knew I would never sing in front of people. She also knew it was what I always wished to have the courage to do.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I ate lunch next to Jimin in silence. All I could think about was the showcase. The whole town...the whole school...I took a deep breath in. It will be amazing...unless you decide to mess up again. I shook my head to rid it of negative thoughts. No more mistakes. Not like before.

"Are you going to finish that?" Jin jolted me back to reality.

"Of course." I began to shove spoonfuls of my lunch into my mouth.

Just don't think about it. Distract yourself.

"What song are we gonna do?" Jimin asked beside me.

This was not going to work.

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