Chapter 33

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Nabi's P.O.V

I had found myself staring out my bedroom window a lot more recently. Probably because of all the thinking that I'd been doing. It made sense though. Whenever I had a certain problem I would, of course, think about it a lot. Or write. But I hadn't been writing at all since we'd traded places again, so I was always thinking. Always staring out the window. It had been almost a week since I had last spoken to him. Almost week since I'd learned about BAP's victory at the competition.

By now, I didn't have to duck my head in the school hall, or hide behind a corner if I saw one the band members coming my way. Everything I'd predicted was slowly happening. That they would soon forget about me. Even though I was V's "cousin". I was sure at one point they would stop talking about me. Asking V about me. Because he would eventually stop caring about me too. And that was probably for the best.

Just stop. My head suddenly told me. I turned away from the window and shook my head, hugging my legs to my chest. It's not for the best. You know that. I felt like such a horrible person. And I probably was. V had confessed to me, and I, not only didn't give him an answer, but also had been completely avoiding him. I didn't know when, or even if, he would stop liking me. And for some reason, part of me hoped he wouldn't stop for a long time. And for that, I felt horribly guilty.

I was snapped out of my heavy thoughts when my phone rang. Although I didn't recognize the number, I answered.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Uh, hi. Is this Nabi?" A familiar, deep voice asked.

"Namjoon?" I said in surprise.

" this is Nabi right?" He asked again.

", why'd you call?"

Honestly, I was almost happy, maybe even excited that he'd called. Although, I found myself wishing it was V's voice that I was hearing.

"I, well, I think we should talk," he replied.

"...About what?" I asked, despite knowing the answer.

"I'm getting really worried about Taehyung," he admitted with a sigh.

I was silent. Hearing his name shot guilt into my empty stomach.

"Nabi? Are you still there?" Namjoon said after a minute of silence.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm still here." My voice was barely a whisper.

"So do you wanna meet somewhere?"

Not really. "Okay."


"He hasn't been eating. And by the looks of it, barely sleeping. He's so quiet all of the time. He didn't even show a hint of emotion when we lost at the competition," Namjoon explained his reasons for worrying about V.

"Well...why do you think he's been acting this way?" I asked.

"Nabi. It's because you rejected him. Why else?" He said bluntly.

" think it's because" I said slowly.

"He really likes you, you know."

"I didn't reject him," I said after a second.

"Wait, what?" Namjoon said, confused. "But he said you did."

"After he told me, I didn't say anything."

"What did you do?"

"I sort of up and left. I didn't give him an answer," I admitted.

"Well, if that happened to me, I would definitely feel rejected," he pointed out.

We were both quiet for another few moments. I nudged the wood chips below me with my foot, swinging back and forth on the rickety swing. I had told Namjoon to meet me at the park.

"Do you actually like him then?" He asked quietly.

I glanced over at Namjoon, then up at the sky.

"I don't know." I gave him the same honest answer I'd given to Rachel.

"Well, Nabi..." He bit his lips and grimaced. "The main reason I wanted to meet up, is to warn you about something."

I turned to him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked carefully.

Namjoon turned to me with worried eyes.

"You don't have much time to figure out what you feel about him," he told me grimly. "V's leaving for Seoul in a week."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoyed it still. Once again, thanks for all of your comments and votes!

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