Chapter 35

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I frowned at the empty room, angry at it for betraying me. It was empty, stripped bare of all that told the story of who I was. It was unrecognizable, a room I'd never seen before. It had betrayed me. Tricked me into believing I'd never have to leave. That I'd never have to see it so empty. The rest of my house was the same. So hollow and echoey. I felt like we were leaving forever, not for a single year. To me, it was stupid that we had to completely remove everything inside. But we had people renting it. I scowled at the thought of someone else using my house as their own.

"Taehyung! We're going to be late!" My mom's voice echoed, unfamiliar, through the lonely hallways.

I sighed and turned my back on the sad-looking room.

"Be right there!" I called back.

When I got into the car, I was silent. My parents were too. I watched in disappointment as my home got smaller and smaller.

"See you in a year," I whispered to the large, lonely house.


When we got to the airport all of my friends had already gathered, even Hoseok, to my great relief. I walked up to them and was immediately pulled into a large group hug. The hardest part had begun.

"We're gonna miss you so much," Jin said from beside me.

"I'm going to miss you all even more," I replied with a small smile.

"You'll have a good time in Seoul, trust me," Namjoon said.

"Not without you guys." I looked down, biting hard on my bottom lip.

"Yes, you will," he insisted. "A whole new place, with new people. You'll learn so much. I'm sure of it."

"It's only for a year," Jimin repeated what I'd told him.

"I know."

"But a year is a long time," Hoseok said quietly.

"I know," I replied.

"Maybe some new scenery will inspire you. You'll finally write a good song," Yoongi spoke up.

We all chuckled, but our smiles were all half-hearted.

"I just wish Nabi was here to say goodbye with you guys," I said without much thought.

I glanced up at Namjoon.

"Could you tell them everything for me, please?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he replied.

They all gave us confused glances, but asked no questions.

"Taehyung, it's time to get on the plane," my mom spoke up behind me, sadly.

Suddenly, I felt extremely anxious. I didn't want to leave the band. My friends. Best friends. I didn't want to leave Nabi. Even with our confusing situation. I wanted to stay so badly. I didn't want anything to change.

"Guys..." I whispered.

We all huddled into a large hug one last time. I pulled away after a moment, watching each of them carefully, trying to memorize their features. Though I could never forget.

"We're gonna FaceTime every night! And we'll email and text all the time!" Jungkook said as I started up the ramp.

"We'll visit you as soon as we all raise enough money, okay?" Jin continued.

"Okay! Promise?"

"Promise!" They all shouted.

"I-I love you guys! I'll miss you!" I called.

But I didn't get to hear their response.

Nabi's P.O.V

"Please! Please don't let me be too late!" I cried as I threw on a jacket and shoes.

"Nabi? Where are you going?" My mom asked groggily from the kitchen.

"For a stroll!" I slammed the door behind me and dashed down the hall.

My heart pounded in my ears and my breaths came out in ragged gasps as I raced to the bus station.

"You'll make it," I assured myself. Please make it.

I could barely sit still on the bus. Eventually, I stood up and began to pace back and forth, glancing at the time on the bus wall every few seconds.
9:16. 9:19. 9:21. My heart thudded louder and louder against my chest. I felt sick and sad and happy and anxious all at the same time. Mostly anxious, though.

As soon as the bus stopped, I dashed off into the large airport parking lot. My head ached and the sickening feeling in my stomach increased. I had no idea where his plane was departing from. Especially not in this huge airport. Desperate, I ran inside the closest huge glass doors and up to a crowded desk.

"" I said between gasps.

The thin, pleasant-looking woman sat calmly as she replied slowly, "Good morning miss, how can I help you?"

"I need to know where the 9:30 flight for Seoul is departing," I quickly told her, hoping she would get the message and talk a bit faster.

"Hold on one moment please while I check." She smiled and began to type, agonizingly slow, on the keyboard in front of her.

I grimaced and glanced at the large clock. 9:26. Was I too late?

"The 9:30 flight for Seoul is departing from Terminal B, Gate 6," she informed me after a minute or two.

"Thank you so much!" I told her as I raced away.

Terminal B? I glanced around, searching for signs. Luckily, my eyes landed on a map of the airport. The terminal I was looking for was only a floor away from me. I ran and ran. I ran up stairs, I ran down halls, I ran past people. Every step I took was second wasted, and with each new sight, my sick feeling grew. When I finally made it to Terminal B, only two minutes had been spared. I was surprised but relieved. Now, Gate 6. I thought, chewing my lips. But I hardly had to look, because my eyes landed on a familiar sight. The Bangtan boys. Except...they were missing someone.

I ran towards them, my lungs screaming. I'm...too late? I slowed down and began to stumble towards them, my vision blurring. When Jungkook saw me, he spoke up.

"Nabi?" He said, grabbing the others' attention.

"Nabi..." Namjoon said as I came up to them.

"You''re too late," Jin said quietly.

I already knew that. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and sank to the floor. Not giving any thought at all to the scene I was probably making. It didn't matter what the people around me thought. All I could think about was how stupid I was. Why couldn't I have realized my feelings sooner? Why couldn't I have at least said something to him? My breathing, instead of slowing down as I rested, grew quicker and shorter. Don't cry, please. Nabi. Don't. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Nabi," Jimin's voice said.

I could barely hear him, I could barely hear anything. My mind was foggy and my heart was pounding loudly in my ears.

"Sir, I'm sorry! But you really must get back on the plane! You're causing a delay!" A woman's voice said sharply, faintly.

I felt like I was going to faint.

"Sir! I insist!"

A year. He's gone for a year.


I was suddenly snapped out of the huge mist that clouded my mind. I shot upright, jolting Jimin backwards. Everything was back in complete focus. As clear as it had been when I realized how I really felt.

"Nabi?" He said again.

I stood and stared at him.


We stared at each other, relief flooding into me.

"Why are you..." He trailed off.

"I found your finished version of my story," I admitted, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Oh...right." He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was bored."

Without thinking, I raced up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yeah...I know."

He hugged me back, tight.

"You look tired."

"I stayed up all night," I admitted with a shrug, turning serious. "Taehyung..." It was strange saying his real name, but it felt right. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He tensed, as if bracing himself for my next words.

"I--I like you. A lot," I muttered. "And...I'm sorry it took so long for me to figure it out."

"It's okay, Nabi." Taehyung's deep voice cracked.

I pulled away so I could see his face. He was grinning like a mad man.

"If I could go back in time, I'd want to switch bodies all over again. Out of everyone in the world...I'm so glad it was you," he continued.

" too." I grinned back. "Even if you are a bit of a perverted jerk."

"Yah!" He said.

We both grinned even wider, if that was possible, and looked at each other. After a second of silence, he slowly leaned towards me, and gently placed his lips onto mine. It was my first kiss.
I felt self conscious since my breath probably stunk. My face heated up as the group of boys next to us stared. I began to laugh really hard all of the sudden, realizing that, in most of their eyes, I was still his cousin. Taehyung pulled away and smiled.

"Don't worry, Namjoon's gonna explain it all," he assured me.

"Sir!" I realized the flight attendant had been snapping at us for the past minute and we'd barely heard.

Taehyung's face suddenly fell.

"You should go." I chewed my lips, my smile having disappeared as well.

"I know." He pulled away. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," I replied.

"Promise me you'll visit in the summer with the guys."

"I promise," I told him with a firm nod.

"Goodbye!" He said anxiously as he boarded the plane.

"Goodbye, Kim Taehyung!"

"Goodbye, Gam Nabi!"

I watched as the doors closed. V was gone.

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