Chapter 7

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Taehyung's P.O.V

The first thing I noticed was the smell. Cigarettes and bread. Stale bread. Not a very pleasant smell. Maybe that's why it came to mind first. I knew it was a mixture of aromas I hadn't experienced before, and it was a bit overwhelming. I breathed in; a new smell added to the mixture. Coconut. Now I was thoroughly confused, and my nose was twitching. I slowly opened my eyes, only then did I notice the massive headache I had. With a loud groan, I squeezed my eyes shut again. Maybe another ten minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. But my eyes shot open. School.

"Aish..." I sighed.

I slowly sat up to take in my surroundings, suddenly noticing in horror, that I was in a closet. A closet with a bed and a desk, apparently. What the heck? I began feeling very claustrophobic. I jumped out of the bed, the urge to get out of the cigarette-stale bread-coconut smelling closet overwhelming. But as my feet touched the floor, my legs buckled under me. With a crash, I landed on the wood, carrying a chair I had grabbed in panic, down with me. What was wrong with my body? A stab of pain shot through my ankle, wincing, I looked down to inspect it. That was when I noticed the large pink t-shirt I was wearing. Along with grey sweatpants. My mind slowly processed this information.

I have woken up in a closet that smells like my grandmother. My legs seemed to have lost their ability to function. And I am wearing a pink shirt that clearly says 'meow'...

I shook my head. Was this some kind of prank? Did the guys notice my nervousness? Were they trying to have fun with me, to put me in a better mood? But why such an elaborate joke? And my ankle still hurt. I looked down at it. Okay. Something is clearly wrong. My ankle is not this pale or skinny. I tried to stand, this time, succeeding.

"We're in business," I said aloud, quite pleased with myself.

I froze.

"Bus-i-ness..." I repeated slowly.

"We are..." I tried again, after clearing my throat.

It hadn't changed. Actually, it had. This wasn't my voice. This wasn't my room...This wasn't my body.

Nabi's P.O.V

The sound of a phone, vibrating against a surface, woke me up. I sighed in disappointment. My sleep had been dreamless and comfortable. Usually, I preferred dreams, but it was a nice break. Stupid phone. I reached over, eyes still closed, to grab the darn thing. But my hand just waved around in thin air. With a sigh, I turned onto my back, trying to get comfortable once more. But where's my table? Whatever. I was too tired to care.

But sleep didn't return. Instead, I grew more awake, realizing with discomfort that I had a horrible stomach pain. I wasn't going back to sleep any time soon. I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust in the light. You have school anyway. I sighed at that thought. But my breath caught in my throat as I stared at the ceiling. White. Too white. What happened to the yellowing, and the cracks? I sat up. Had my room grown, changed colors, and been refurnished in a night? Because it was large, gray and white, and it actually had a dresser.  

Don't panic. You have not been kidnapped. You definitely didn't go out last night. You couldn't have been drugged.

But if I had gone out and gotten wasted, which is very unlikely, wouldn't I lose memory of it happening? That's what happened in the shows, at least. And the songs. Of course, I was very uninformed about parties and alcohol. But then how did I get here? With a shaky breath, I slowly pulled back the covers. It didn't matter, all that mattered was getting out of here.

That's when I noticed my legs. I wasn't wearing my sweatpants. I was wearing...boxers? But I don't own any. My legs, though. My legs seemed to have doubled in thickness and hairiness. I wanted to scream in confusion and frustration. What was going on? Was I on some sort of television show? I brought my hands in front of my face. They weren't my hands. With a yelp, I leaped of the bed. I need a mirror. I dashed around the strange bedroom, because it was that large, before my eyes landed on a closet door hanging slightly ajar. I didn't see any other mirrors, so I decided to peak behind it. Sure enough, when I opened the door, a long, body mirror hung against it. And staring back at me was the rude kid from the backstab boys.

I screamed.

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