ⅵ | where it all began

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It was late in the night, and Kang Raebyul sat beside her window, doodling things into her sticker covered notebook as her phone beeped from millions of notifications she did not take notice of. She sat, her legs folded and hands on the small kitchen table, and sketched a dog onto an already filled page. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and her makeup was smudged.

Raebyul's cat, Chinga, prowled outside in the night, his eyes glowing from the moon and reflecting his grey fur and silver whiskers, as he came to a stop on the neighbour's fence and stared at a dark shadow approaching the house.

The cat watched, leaping off of the fence onto a dirty old bin, as a man in a dark black coat and hat hurried up to the houses front steps. Chinga scrunched his nose at the man, his sharp eyes searching over his whole body as if he were prey in the midst of trying to hide from the cats claws.

The cat glared at the man as he pulled his coat tighter on him against the cold wind. The man glanced over at him and looked away, then knocked on the door once, revealing gloved hands that the cat continued to hiss at.

Raebyul looked up from her notebook and rushed out of the kitchen, nearly knocking over her cup of tea, and opened the door slowly, looking out at the man.

Chinga slid though the gap in the door and up the stairs as Raebyul looked up into the face of a pale skinned, sharp eyed young man.

❝Joonyung. It's been a long time,❞ Raebyul said, pushing the door open wider and letting the man step in.

❝I'm happy to see you too Rae.❞ The man did not smile.

❝What's the honour of your sudden arrival?❞ she asked, taking his coat and placing it on the end of the stairs banister. She did not show any hint of her unhappiness of the man being there.

❝Nothing friendly.❞

❝I wouldn't have thought so,❞ she muttered, then ushered him into the kitchen.

❝I'm here on a serious business matter, to do with the girls that need to be put to some use,❞ he declared. Raebyul sensed the smallest bit of anger in his tone, and in her own emotions.

❝Oh my goodness, Joonyung. It's still those girls your're going on about? I told you to leave the poor things alone – especially my two young ladies. They're mine, she gave him a long look as she said this, then took some biscuits out of the cupboard.

❝Rae – I've finally decided,❞ Joonyung sat down on the chair at the table, now faced away from Raebyul, ❝I'm going to put the girls into a group. I'm going to fully find out what they did and force the scandalous behaviour out of them. I am going to make money on them and they will become the next top girl group in Korea.❞

Raebyul gripped the packet of biscuits in her hand and stared at her fingers. ❝Joon... you can't force the past out of someone. Those poor girls have probably been through a lot, that's why they're so, – ugh – I don't know, troubled.

❝Or maybe they're six girls who want to cause havoc in the industries. I'm going to make them change their minds about what they're up to, just you wait,❞ Joonyung said, taking Raebyul's cold cup of tea and starting to gulp it down.

❝I have nothing to do with this. Go away, Joon. Mess up those girls lives, but leave mine alone,❞ she threatened in her crisp and sweet voice, a wave of overprotection coming over her as she thought of her two Bighit trainees who never seemed to fit in, but had immense talent.

❝Yes, well that's why I'm here, Rae. I've contacted Shin Soyong of Pledis already and he's given me permission of his two girls, as has Chae Jaerin of SM.❞

❝What do you mean permission?❞ Raebyul asked suspiciously.

❝He has allowed them to be part of this project; the project to make these girls good again,❞ he said in a proud tone.

❝Joonyung, if I was to break a vase would I be able to perfectly put it back together? No. So if these girls have done what they have, do you truly think they would change so quickly?❞ It was not an easy thing to make the big hearted Rae upset, but Joonyung was doing a very good job.

❝Wait, hear my plan out: for example, one of Soyong's trainees is a girl called Kim Haru. Bullied about her race, quite obviously, not looking Korean, not even sounding Korean, which leads to her having no control over her emotions. My plan: plastic surgery so that she will look Korean, body, skin and face surgery. All we have to do is make her agree to it,❞ Joonyung explained.

❝That is just cruel. Making someone hate themselves even more than they already do. If you think I'm going to agree to this idiotic project of yours then you are very wrong,❞ Raebyul said, ripping the bag of biscuits open due to pure rage, a frown on her lips.

❝Well, SM and Pledis have agreed to it. You haven't – yet. But then when you think about it Raebyul, it's two against one,❞ he did not turn around, but Raebyul could sense a grin on his face.

❝No, absoloutely not,❞ she said with confidence, but sensed that Joonyung knew just how to break that confidence in an instant.

He turned around in his chair and smiled at Raebyul. ❝You still are as pretty as I remember Rae, still as pretty as you were at the ripe age of fifteen. How long ago was that? Thirteen years, wasn't it? You owe me a lot ever since that day, and you know.❞

Raebyul felt her feelings freeze over. What Joonyung had just said hit her hard in the chest.

❝And I think I am awfully kind to give you the easy task of letting two sad girls become happy by debuting in a girl group as payment for what I did for you.❞ Joonyung had won.

You're not going to make them happy. You're going to destroy their lives. Yes – yes, I know I owe you a lot, but I owe it to a different Joonyung, that Joonyung thirteen years ago who had a heart, not to the Joonyung who now wants to bury six girls in their own ruins,❞ Raebyul spat, her body giving a hard shudder. The biscuits toppled to the floor and broke into millions of crumbled pieces. Raebyul sank to her knees to pick them up as Joonyung got up from his chair and went to the front door.

❝Oh, and bring the girls to Seoul on the 20th of September. I'll assign some trainees and idols to help with the project and until the next time we meet Miss Kang. I am honoured to be your new CEO.❞

Raebyul started after him as he disappeared out of the house and back into the wind of the world, with a look of pure hatred on her face, glaring just like her cat had ten minutes ago.


Manager Kang Raebyul ↬ the sweet and friendly Bighit manager – takes care of the girls' health and makes sure they don't find out about the project

Manager Shin Soyong ↬ the strict and blunt Pledis manager – takes care of the money and makes sure the girls don't get into any more rebellious acts

Manager Chae Jaerin ↬ the quiet and peculiar SM manager – takes care of the trainees and idols helping with the project and keeping the hate towards the group hidden and controlled

CEO Sung Joonyung ↬ the selfish and ignorant CEO of Poison – was the person to set up the project and is the one managing the things that must be done to get six broken girls fixed


+ Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it

+ I know there is probably still a few questions, but I hope I gave you some answers

+ Please remember to vote and comment, I am working as hard as I can on this book! :))

Now Q & A time:
Why do you think Manager Kang owes Joonyung?
What do you think of Poisons CEO?
Am I describing the characters personalities well enough?

+ Please tell me what you thought and look forward to the next chapter within 20 votes!


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