Chapter 16

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Yellow Jacket drove back to the cave, he was slightly confused about the encounter he had with the Autobot. It had called him by a different name, not only that but he had lost control of himself for a moment.

"Where are you taking me Bumblebee?" The girl asked. There it was again, that name. Bumblebee. What bothered him more was that he had spoken, yet now he couldn't.

"Hey, I know you can talk." There was silence "What's gotten into you Bee?" Yellow Jacket was bothered by everything that had just happened, but figured Arachnid would just tell him about it later.

When they got into the cave, Yellow Jacket transformed, and held the girl tightly between his hands, so she wouldn't get away. He didn't know where to put her, so he opened the cage and locked her in. He then looked at her size and the gap between each bar, it wasn't going to work she was to small. Yellow Jacket heard growling, he turned around and came face to face with an Insecticon.
"Move aside, we want to have fun with the earthling." It said. Miko gasped and retreated behind one of the crates. Yellow Jacket started to unlock the cage door, as he was about to swing it open, he locked eyes with the girl. He saw fear in those brown eyes, and something inside him stirred. Miko didn't take her eyes off of his, she watched as his eyes flashed blue then back to purple, and she gasped.
Yellow Jacket slammed the door closed, then turning around he blocked the door so the Insecticon couldn't get past him. The beast growled at the bot.

"Are you challenging me?" It said. Yellow Jacket straightened up, but didn't move. "Move a side." By now other Insecticons had gathered to watch. He stayed put, yet he couldn't figure out why he was being so defiant. "Very well." It hissed.

Yellow Jacket ducked as the beast punched at him, a few more punches were thrown by the beast, but he dodged each one. The other Insecticons started to cheer them on, or give out a battle cry. The noise had become almost deafening. Yellow Jacket punched the Insecticon in the face three times, the beast roared and clawed at him, and only connected once. Yellow Jacket stumbled and looked at the three deep cuts across his chest. He looked up and the beast sneered at him, he glared back. As quick as a flash he jumped on to the Insecticon and started punching the back of its neck. The beast clawed at him as he shrieked, trying to get him off, Yellow Jacket dodged each swipe and fired at the con. Eventually the con grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground. Yellow Jacket looked up in time to see the con bring his fists down on top of him, and hit his chest. The Insecticon brought his fists down again, but the bot rolled away. The Scout jumped up and kicked the beast so hard it hit the wall, he then slammed its head against the wall a few times. The beast slid to the floor and shook its head, when it looked up again, it was staring down the barrel of a gun. The room fell silent, it was almost an eerie silence. They stood there frozen for a while, when they heard clapping, but from one person.
Arachnid walked towards the two boys, when she reached them she looked slightly angry.

"What's the meaning of this?" She asked sounding irritated, and looking at the two of them. By now Miko had watched the whole thing but remained hidden. She knew that escaping wasn't going to work, especially now that Arachnid was there. Yellow Jacket and the Insecticon continued to stare at each other. Neither made a move or sound, which irritated their leader even more. Arachnid pushed Yellow Jacket aside and pointed her finger at him, as if warning him. Then yanked the Insecticon up and demanded that he explain.

"We had an argument." The beast mumbled.

"What about?!" She yelled "What could possibly cause you to fight Yellow Jacket? You know very well that I still need him alive." She said glaring at the other con. Arachnid turned her attention to the Scout, who simply glared at her and pointed to the cage.
Miko had come into view but just slightly. When she saw the Spider staring at her she ducked back into hiding. Arachnid looked back at the two bots.

"Are you telling me you fought over that, girl?" She asked confused.

"I wanted to play with it, but he!" the Insecticon said pointing at Yellow Jacket. "Wanted nothing to do with my game, so he protected it."

"Is this true?" She asked the other bot. He just looked at her. "Fine. You will be in charge of watching the human. Tomorrow you will finish the plan, and continue to babysit." Arachnid looked around the room as she heard a few snickers. "The rest of you are to leave the human alone. I need her for my plan." With that she walked off, and the Insecticons all slowly disappeared, leaving Yellow Jacket alone with the human.
Miko watched as Bumblebee, or Yellow Jacket, sat with his back against the bars, blocking an easy escape. After a while the young girl walked over to the bot. Hesitantly she placed a hand on his arm, he twitched but didn't pull away.

"Thanks...for protecting me..." She said unsure what to call him at this point. She laid down next to him, where she felt safe yet not alone, and started to doze off. Her last thought was of Bulkhead, and she wondered if he was alright.

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