Chapter 20

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Arcee grumbled slightly as she watched the portal disappear. She folded her arms and leaned against the wall near Bumblebee. Who's berth was up at an angle. Why did she have to stay behind? Especially with Rachet. She glared over at the medic who was also grumbling as he worked on the computer.

The two boys sat on the couch and watched the two bots. Raf sighed heavily and looked at his guardian for a moment. He didn't like the faded color of his friend, or how violent he had become. The boy walked over and looked down the rail to Rachet. He stood there for a moment and watched him.

"What is it Rafael?" The medic grumbled. Before the boy could answer there was a beep from the computer. The boy looked back at his guardian as the medic worked on getting the transmission through.

Raf noticed that Bumblebee was awake and looking around with confusion. The boy smiled big as Arcee walked over to the scout. But that smile quickly faded as he realized Bumblebee still wasn't himself. The Autobot scout struggled against the restraints and Arcee tried to calm him down. Rafs eyes widened as he heard the metal clamp groan as it bent.

"Rachet..." Jack said warningly as he stood next to the young boy.

The medic had just gotten in contact with Optimus and was talking to him about something. He looked up at the two boys and was about to snap at them when he heard a crash.

The Autobot spun around optics widening as he saw Arcee struggling to hold the scout down. Bumblebee had freed one servo and thrown the metal clamp at her which hit a glass jar, hence the crash.

"By the All Spark! Arcee hold him down while I sedate him!" Rachet yelled as he ran to get somethings.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" She screamed as she shoved him back down.


Yellow Jacket grabbed the femme bot with his free servo and threw her against the wall. He ripped off the other clamp and threw it at the medics head as he approached. The Autobot ducked and started cursing at him in Cybertronian. Yellow Jacket started shooting at him and he ducked behind a wall. He growled angrily and yelled some more. The femme got up and shot as she made her way to the medic.

Yellow Jacket bent down to try and and rip the other clamps off. He heard the computer talk and he fired in that direction without looking up. The femme yelled back at the computer and he looked up and glared at her. He looked around optics narrowed. Where was the medic?

He suddenly felt something sharp go into his neck cables. The medic was behind him and just injected something into his system. Yellow Jacket grabbed the medic and threw him over his shoulder. The medic grunted as he hit the ground, and looked up optics wide as the barrel of a cannon pressed against his helm. It cocked and started powering up.

"BUMBLEBEE NO!!" Yellow Jacket looked up at the small boy that ran towards him.

"Raf stop!" Jack yelled. Arcee grabbed her charge and held him back.

Raf ran towards the two bots, and Yellow Jacket aimed his cannon at him as he kept the medic pinned down. The boy didn't stop. He climbed up on to Rachets chest, held his hands out and glared up at his guardian. Rafs heart beat faster as he looked into the bots cold optics. His mind racing as he thought about what to do. Yellow Jacket took his cannon off the medics helm and aimed it point blank at the boy.

"Raf get out of the way!" Arcee yelled. She aimed her own cannons at the scout.

The boy breathed heavily and sweat ran down his face as the gun powered up again. He felt the heat from the cannon and he kept his gaze on his guardians optics. No one dared move.
"Bumblebee... don't do this." Raf said calmly.

His heart beating faster in his chest. He noticed the bot was growing tired as his systems started to shut down. He saw his guardians optics flash from purple to blue for a brief second. The medic wanted to move the boy out of harms way, but he didn't dare move for fear of getting him shot.

"Rafael.... Get out of the way." Rachet said quietly, his own spark beating in anticipation.

"No!" The boy said without moving. "I won't let Bee hurt you." He glared at the bot who was now struggling to stay awake.

Yellow Jacket wanted so bad to shoot them both. But he couldn't pull the trigger, something was stopping him. He growled within himself and felt his systems shut down.

Raf watched as the bots helm twitched, then it's eyes changed to blue again. His guardians optics widened and he looked around frantically. Bee looked at his cannon still aimed at his friends. He transformed his cannons back into servos and stared at them in horror. He leaned back against the berth and looked down at Raf.

"I- I'm....sorry..." Bumblebee beeped sadly. The look on his face plate was so heart breaking, it made Raf want to cry. The boy stared at his optics until they faded and he went offline.

Raf fell to his knees and sighed heavily. His hands were shaking and he wanted to cry.

"Rafael.... Are you alright?" Rachet asked softly. The boy looked over at the medic and saw that he was genuinely concerned. The boy smiled sadly.

"That was terrifying..." The boy admitted. "I....seriously thought he was....going to..." He felt sick as the thought came to him.

"Rachet...I think....I'm going to...." He looked over and saw the medics servo.

He climbed on and curled up into a ball. The Autobot carefully stood up and walked over to Arcee. The computer beeped and Optimus asked for a ground bridge. Still holding Raf in one servo he typed away and told them to move out of the cave. Optimus agreed and after a moment the connection died.

"Wait....where's Raf?" Jack asked as he looked up at the medic. The Autobot knelt down and set his servo on the ground. The boy was still curled up in a ball.

"Is he okay?" Jack asked with concern.
"I-I'm not sure." Rachet mumbled. The boy looked up at them for a moment, then clutched his stomach.

"Come on." Jack said as he helped him up. The two boys walked towards the other room. Arcee stood by Rachet and watched them.

"Are you sure Raf is okay?" She asked as she watched. He sighed heavily.

"Bumblebee almost unintentionally killed him. I'm sure Raf is simply in shock that his guardian almost...... harmed him." Rachet mumbled, more to himself. Optimus and Bulkhead walked through the portal supporting Smokescreen.

"I sure hope Bumblebee doesn't remember any of this." Arcee muttered as she went to go help the others. Rachet looked at the scout and sighed heavily.

"So do I......" He mumbled and he went to help the team.

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