a sample of what comes to my mind out of nowhere

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Virgil walked into his apartment that was shared with two other people, Deceit and Remus. He noticed as no lights had been on and no one seemed home. Virgil slipped his shoes off and slowly crept his way to his room. Once he made it to his room he laid on his bed.

"I missed this place," he whispered and hugged his pillow. The sheets that smelled of lavender always made him better after a long day.

He stood up again to go turn on the lights. Once he did he turned to see Deceit reading a book in the dark. Virgil jumped once he saw the man who'd been sitting in his room for hours reading and going through his things.

"Welcome home, Virgil." He said and crossed his legs in the seat. Virgil's face showed of fear and insecurity of what else Deceit could've done in the his room for more than one hour. "What are you doing in here?" He asked Deceit, and immediately ran to snatch the 'book' Deceit was reading. "You were reading my diary? Again? You're an asshole." Virgil yelled at Deceit in anger, throwing it at his face.

"So you're in love with Remus' brother." Deceit mentioned. Virgil's angered face became red. "I want to rip your eyes out of its sockets and feed them to the good for nothing snakes in your room." He said with gritted teeth. Deceit only chuckled and shook his head, adjusting his fedora. "You didn't answer my question."

Virgil's eye twitched. "You're invading my privacy and expect me to tell you where I was? You expect me to explain my love life to you?" Virgil yelled at Deceit. Deceit sat on his dresser with a deadly grin.

His eyes glistened within the moonlight of the window, and his grin grew bigger. "Don't you know they don't really care about you? Logan only let's you accompany you because he's afraid of Patton being sad. And your little boyfriend? He's just like everyone else. A stubborn prick who thinks of no one but himself. He's just like everyone you don't like. He's loud and way too emotional for you." Deceit said and laughed at Virgil beginning to get even angrier.

"I know you're trying to get me upset to try and weaken me. Your 'friends' with the black magic don't frighten me like it does everyone else." Virgil replied and shuddered at the feeling of Deceit behind him.

Running fingers through his hair, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths - Virgil looked at Deceit calmly. "Listen, I just don't want it any more." Virgil said and sat on his bed.

Deceit raised an eyebrow.

"You're planning on leaving us, yes? The two who raised you and helped you form who you are?" Deceit said and got louder while walking closer to Virge. "They're loud! They're obnoxious! They're everything you hate in a person! The positivity and optimistic things they say will tear you apart - make you go crazy!" He yelled and cornered Virgil.

"You are and forever will be a dark side, Virgil." He said louder than before.

Pounding was heard from Virgil's chest. The desperation of thinking his friends were amazing would surely over come his negativity and mental anxiety. But visibly he was shaking. His throat was closing in and his fists were clutched.

Deceit sighed and sat on the bed with Virgil. "Face it, Virge. You need us for the greater good." He said lowly into Virgil's ear. "I'll get Remus and we can watch your favorite scary movie." He said and stood up to leave.

"Stay with us." Deceit said.

"I will, I promise." Virgil said and wiped his cold tears. "No tricks." He finally said and laid down. Deceit smirked and walked out of the room.

As soon as he did, though, Virgil shot out of bed and packed a bag. He grabbed his converse from his closet and packed clothes. Once he was done packing he opened his window and jumped out. Virgil landed on his feet and quickly started to run in the direction of 'The Light Side's house'.

Patton heard pounding on the door. He immediately opened it to see Virgil in fear. Patton carried him inside and walked him to the couch where Roman and Logan were playing Uno. "What's wrong Virge?" Roman asked him, looking at his dirty face.

"Roman, when was the last time you talked to Remus?" Virgil asked and spoke pretty quickly.


Virgil's eyes widened, he then stood up and backed up quickly into the wall. "That's not Roman." He said repeatedly and went through his pockets for something. "What? Yes I am!" Roman said and went forward. As he did, though, only Virgil could see the snake skin on the left side of his face.

Patton gave an confused reaction. "What do you mean, Virge?" He asked and went closer to him. Roman's expression suddenly changed from confused to giggly, only as if it weren't him. "Whatever that is all about, I'm not going to worry about it." Roman chuckled.

Virgil could hear a different voice within his laugh. It drove him mad.

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