Waking up

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You are waking up you fell and got hurt.But don't worry just a scratch. You used to be In your house when you woke up you were abounded.where  am(I?(you say). You get up and find an old rusty house you say its getting dark.You find a flashlight in a bag you  picked it up and rushed in the house.You find a bed and slept.Next day you run out and find the road you follow it and end up in a village you ask everybody in the villages no luck you don't know where To go.It rains you're sitting on a log sad and lonely.

      Next morning you see a traveler it's a girl you immediately fall in love with her.You feel  something burn on your skin you realize Poison RAIN  you scream you find an invincible umbrella but only takes up on person you run as fast as flash and put the umbrella over the traveler.At that moment she fell In love with you  put on a force field and the poison burns you luckily you don't burn to death but you obsorbed the poison so basically you are poison man. The traveler  asked do you want to come with me?Of course! You said to her im Luffy  who are you?Im hatsuna miku So they traveled together with love.

Unfortunately  you forgot about the poison that got obsorbed in your body if you touch anybody they get poisoned!

To know what happens next scroll up :)

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