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          "OH MY, that's too rich!" Andréa Rivera laughed out loud to be heard over the deafening noise. Students were either joking around or spinning, some enjoying their last year at Hogwarts, while some were just having fun at the Valentine's Day Ball. Andréa being the former.

          You see, it was her last year of Hogwarts, and it had been one interesting ride. She aimed to become a Healer in the future and had received the grades needed to do so. She just hoped it would remain that way until her exams.

          Andréa had miraculously gone through about seven years at Hogwarts without getting into drama or life changing events, and lived a nice life in Ravenclaw. Half the time, she was too invested in Fictional Drama to care about what was happening around her. Remarkable, indeed.

          So of course, the Ball wasn't meant to be any different really.

          She hadn't gone all out either, and many others hadn't. Besides, what fun could you even do while wearing puffy gowns and ridiculously high heels? Instead, Andréa had just gone with a simple long sleeved dark blue dress with silver coloured like flame designs at the hem, that reached just below her knee, with matching dark blue socks and white dress shoes. At least she was comfortable, right?

          "The prank Potter pulled on that Hufflepuff—I'd feel bad for her if I didn't want blue hair myself," Micaela Irena grinned. Andréa had known Micaela since childhood, and knowing her of course, she always loved dying her hair. In fact, she had dyed it so many times she forgot what her original hair colour was. As of now, it was a dark purple.

          "Careful lest Potter hears," Andréa warned jokingly. Micaela rolled her eyes.

          "Let him hear all he wants, what's the worse that could happen?"

          Speak of the devil... Andréa thought as she spotted the subject of their conversation strut by with his friend, Sirius Black. Of course they had decked out for the event, Andréa couldn't recall a time where Black showed up with his hair anything but perfected.

          And as for Potter, it was safe to say that his ego was probably larger than Andréa's love for Fictional Drama. It was perhaps Micaela's worst nightmare when Lily Evans and him had finally become friends; if her constant murmurs about wanting to hex that annoying smirk off his face was anything to go by on that day.

          "The worst would probably include-" Andréa began, but didn't get to finish her sentence.

          Without warning, someone violently shoved past her, knocking her glass of pumpkin juice out of her hand. Before Micaela could react, the glass fell to the floor dramatically and smashed into pieces, successfully having splashed the top of Andréa's dress before the rest of its contents disappeared onto the marble white floor.

          "Hey! What was that for?!" Micaela demanded. However, the offender had swiftly disappeared into the crowds before Micaela could have their head.

          "The nerve of them!" She huffed.

          "It's fine, I'll just use a drying charm," Andréa tried to reassure her, but there was no stopping Micaela when she was set on an idea. Before she knew it, she had sped off, pushing through the crowds. Andréa rolled her eyes, she herself found no reason to go and hex the living day or nightlights out of a person if they annoyed her, but then again, she was by nature a calm and composed person.

          With Micaela however, the opposite could be said. If anyone provoked her, it would be a miracle if it ended without an argument at the very least.

          She decided to walk over to the refreshments table, hoping to find a tissue at least, because she couldn't simply use a drying charm on her face now, could she? She had gotten a little juice on her mouth and had to wipe that manually.

          Much to her surprise, she saw James Potter hanging around by the table, without his friend Black. She assumed that he had gone off somewhere to chat someone up or something of the sort.

          She spotted a stack of napkins at the table and quickly grabbed two to wipe the juice from her mouth. Of course, she had no intention of striking conversation with the other, but it appeared that he'd noticed the dark juice stains on her dress. He raised his eyebrows.

          "Well well, whatever happened?" He questioned, as if he was being sarcastic. Which he could have been, but she honestly couldn't tell.

          That was the thing about Potter and Black; one could never tell if they were being serious or not. No pun intended.

          "Got Pumpkin juice spilled on myself, nothing major," she dismissed as she took out her wand to cast the drying charm. Swiftly waving it once, at once, her dress dried.

          She made to leave, but Potter spoke again.

          "Pass me the Butterbeer, will you?"

          Andréa rolled her eyes. "Why don't you get it yourself?"

          "Gee, you'd think one would cut another some slack on the last year," he droned sarcastically. At least, Andréa thought so.

          Knowing that she wouldn't lose anything if she handed James Potter the darn Butterbeer, she picked up the nearest goblet lazily and handed it to him. He took it from her and instantly took a large gulp from it.

          She lingered for a few moments more, feeling that something was off about the situation.

          Very off.

          She got ready to go back and find Micaela and see if the person she had gone after was found by her and whether they were still alive or not, before Potter started choking violently.

          She looked at him in confusion and concern as he started coughing. She was a bit startled when he dropped his goblet and it clattered to floor, breaking into a few pieces.

          That wasn't the end of it, however. He began coughing up blood soon enough, and fell to his knees, and pretty soon, there was a small puddle of blood on the marble floor.

          Her eyes widened. "Potter, you need Madam Pomfrey-" she tried helping him up, which proved to be rather difficult, seeing as he was much heavier than her.

          Where is Sirius Flipping Black when you need him?!

          By then, the students had started to notice the scene and started yelling, which only spread and caused more chaos.

          "Someone go find Black, yeah!?" She yelled with a bit of sarcasm dripping from her voice. It was kind of idiotic of them to think that gossiping and staring would do anything to make the situation any better.

          Luckily, however, Black had just arrived, pushing past everyone. The yells had probably guided him there. His face paled when he spotted Potter with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

          "What the bloody hell happened?!" He exclaimed, rushing over and supported the now unconscious James Potter.

          "I don't know-let's just get him to Madam Pomfrey, I think his drink was spiked!" Andréa blurted out. Everyone parted to make some way for the trio to leave.

          The journey to the Hospital Wing was spent in silence, the only sound being of Andréa and Black's hurried footsteps and their panting.

          It was safe ☾︎or rather, hazardous?☽︎ to say that, that was a Butterbeer backfire.

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graphic by @themology

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i think u get the point-


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✨ experimentally proven ✨

- noreal

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