New friends,New enemies?!📚

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Marinette's POV
Another normal day at school which means dealing with the devils. As I went inside the school I hear all my classmates chatting something that caught my interest.

"Hey Alya what's going on?" I asked. "Girl didn't you hear?!" She said in shock. "Uh no." I replied. "Well I heard that we will be having more new students!" She said. "Oh so that is what it is about?" I said.

"Yeah I also heard that some are bad." Alya said. Oh great I hope that none of them turn out to be like Chloe or Lila. I said to myself as Ms.Bustier walked in which made everyone to sit back down.

"Ehem I would like to say that we have more students coming to join our group." Ms.Bustier said as the new students walked in. 4 guys 4 girls eh.

"Alright on of you guys and girls may introduce yourselves." Ms.Bustier said as one girl with brown hair and blue eyes came up first.

"Hello my name is Blue and-" She got interrupted. "Blue?! Haha what kind of-" Then Chloe got cut off. "Why don't you shut your lips before I put duct tape on it so you would stay shut." Blue said in a calm and scary way that Chloe jumped back.

"As I was saying my name is Blue Water. I am interested in getting to know you all and I hope you won't mess with me because if you do you will regret it." Blue said evilly. "Alright next!" Ms.Bustier called as another girl with yellow eyes and hair came up.

This is Blue Water

"Ummm hi my name is Yellow Thunder and I love to draw,sketch and going outside because that is where I get my inspiration." Yellow said she reminds me of myself and all. "And I hope you all don't mess with me." Yellow said with and angry expression but I find it cute.

This is Yellow Thunder

"Alright next!" Ms.Bustier called as a girl with blue hair like mine came to the center. "Hello my name is Crystal Star love to study the roots of nature and the animals that live with us." Crystal said with a calming aura I guess she is fine.

This is Crystal Star

"Alright your next!" Ms.Bustier called as another girl similar to Crystal except the blue hair and clothing. "Hi my name is Lyra Soul and it's a pleasure to meet you all." She said it in a cheery way. "I love to go on adventures and I love to have fun I always hang out at the park because it's fun!" She said.

This is Lyra Lugia

"Alright now for the boys you may introduced yourselves when your ready." Ms.Bustier said as a boy with raven hair and Gold eyes came up. "Why hello fellow classmates it's nice meeting you. As you all know I love skateboarding and play video games. One more thing if you mess with me that will be the end of you." He said giving us the stink eye. "Oh by the way my name is Gold Heart." He said.

This is Gold Heart

"Ok thank you Gold now who's next." Ms.Bustier questioned as another male walked up with red hair and silver eyes. "My name is Silver Soul and I am not the type to socialize with anyone and if anyone dares to fight me then you will get it." He said and finished his word.

This is Silver Soul

"Alright next up!" A boy with prickly brown hair came along. "Hey my name is Green Leaf and I am the type in studies and I don't want to goof around until I have." Green said with not a surprising feeling but I guess it's normal.

This is Green Leaf

"And Finally." Ms.Bustier announced as the last guy came with wild black hair. "Hey everyone my name is Red Fire and I am happy to be in this class so let's try to get along around here not have any fights." The guy said in a cheerfully way like Lyra's but what really catches my interest in him is his hair that's for sure.

This is Red Fire

"Alright I guess we all got threw all the new students and now I will give you your seating places." Ms.Bustier said giving them their seats.

"Actually since we don't have enough time for finding seats I will re-seat all the students from their original place but some will change some will stay." Ms.Bustier said as everyone groaned along with me because I love this spot. "Okay class dismissed!" She said as everyone does thier routine.

"Alright let's get this day over it." I said to myself.

Red's POV
First day at school with my buddies Green,Crystal and Lyra as I was going to get out near the door I bumped into some one. "Hey watch it you!" She yelled as I looked up to see a blonde haired girl.

Guess who it is?

And that's a rap! We got more new students and enemies! That is all until next time! Bye bye little ninjas! NINJA VANISH!💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜

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