You evil Bi*ch!😲

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Chloe's POV
Ugh I hate that Mari-trash!

She is all over my husband along with her disgusting body. I need to find a way to get rid of her from my future life. I look at my get rid of list to finish that ugly blue haired brat.

Killing her
Burning her
Poison her
Electricute her
Get her arrested
Drown her
Choke her
Keep her as my slave

I don't know what to choose because in the end I want to see her suffer. "I guess I will go with this." I said as I made my choice on making her suffer.

This will be fun.

Next day at school

Sabrina's POV
I need to warn Marinette about Chloe's evil schemes. How I know I was at Chloe's place taking back my things when I heard Chloe's plan against Marinette.

Yeah, I overheard her yelling to herself about doing awful things to Marinette. To tell the truth she really needs to use her inside voice but you know she is to busy being selfish to care about anyone or worry about herself for a change.

I told Alya yesterday to warn Marinette about Chloe and all so that shouldn't be a problem right?

I walked towards the school gates and saw Alya and Marinette.

"Marinette! Alya!" I called their names as they turned there attention toward me and ran over.

Marinette's POV
I got a text from Alya, who got a call from Sabrina, that Sabrina overheard Chloe's scheme of trying to get rid of me. I won't let that happen not on my watch.

"So Sabrina are you sure you heard about what Chloe is going to do?" Alya asked and Sabrina nodded. "Of course I also took a photo of the list she wrote to get rid of Marinette while she was gone." Sabrina said as she took out her phone and showed us the picture of what she took of Chloe's plan to get rid of me.

"Killing,Burning and what the hell!" I said Chloe wants to get rid of me for sure. "That girl is out of her mind!" Alya said.

"So now what how will we protect you when she is going after you?" Asked Sabrina I started to think a little then I thought of something that will put Chloe back in her cage.

"I know a plan but I know who will help." I said with confidence.

"Who?" Questioned Alya and Sabrina.

"It's . . . . . ."

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