Amber vs. Loita

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This is also just Amber's Pov and no more corny jokes but don't worry more will come in the future

Amber's Pov

I can't wait to burn this flower for stealing my FBF (Future BoyFriend) "Ready fox?" Loita asked. "Ready then ever" I replied with a snort.

"Ready... Set.... FIGHT!" I used agility so I could dodge her attacks better but unfortunately it was an Epic Fail "That' the worst plan ever pychic!" Yay atleast I learned how to fly I guess...

She threw me with full force just like Blossom did. "Owch that hurts like Darkrai (This is better then you know)" She smirked and made a shadow ball my worse fear.

"Take this shadow ball!" I dodged with agility again and geez that was scarier then a Darkrai's nightmare. "Well I think it'a my turn so moon blast!" It hit her but she blocked it with safeguard.

"Oh come on" I shouted until an idea popped into my head. "Ember!" Little fire spreaded through the battlefield fusing with it. What is she doing Loita thought. I just smirked "Well I'm just making the batrlfield for intresting like this Lava Plume!"

There we go little volcanoes sending lava but it also fused with my Ember making the move stronger. It hitted her and her safeguard failed so it did a whole lot of damage. "Oof you got me this one but see if you can avoid this magical leaf!"

Oh arceus she's right! Magical Leaf never misses a target unless perfect! "Can't catch me leaves!" I ran twoards Loita and stood behind her. "Wha-what are you aghhh" Loita just got hit by the magical leaves because of my bright idea!

Can't believe Aqua lied about no puns and yes I broke the fourth wall. "Why you charge beam!" Oh no even if it dosen't hit me it inreases her power! I simply dodged and hope for the best.

"Smart aren't ya anyway thunderbolt!" Welp I'm gonna risk it for Arceus sake. "Heat wave!" Yep I felt weaker since I jusr learned that move! The two moves collasped and then KABOOM! Everyone talked about who's move was stronger. Who's gonna win. Who's the weakest. The smoke cleared and Loita fainted.

"From the looks of it Amber won the battle while Loita loses" I felt heart warming when Mr. Blaze said that. "You did great Amber and now it's my turn" Blade told me. He's totally gonna win because of varuous of moves, I just know it!

Sorry for spelling mistakes did this late at night anyway see ya later for Blade vs. Manda

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