Aqua vs. Josephine The Final Round

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The final round in P.E. There's a chance there would be more battles in the future so enjoy the last battle or maybe and also I'll do paragraphs so you guys won't go um where was I? Oh and also play that song. It makes things interesting I guess. So yeah enjoy

Aqua's Pov

Wow I can't believe it I thought. I'm going to battle the second best battler in the school. I was a bit nervous and my friends can tell.

"You'll be fine just cool down" after Blossom said that she dropped cold water and ice on me. "Literally"

"Blossom that's not helping!" Amber shouted at her. Arceus it is colder than Articuno's blizzards.

"Well sis it's your turn so good luck in battling" All I hope Blade is right. After the battle Mr. Blaze anounced the winners,

"Now for the final battle Aqua and Josephine!" Everyone was cheering. It was loud since like half of the school is here"

Me and Josephine walked to the battlefield. It was different from the other batrlefield I seen.

It has ice, water, and rich soil. Wow the principal is creative I thought. I actually never met the principal!

"How about you start first it won't hurt can it?" Josephine said suspiciously. I don't really trust her one bit.

Okay think Aqua think! What will I do? Hmmm I got it!

"Sure shadow ball!" She looked bored. Eh of course ghost types aren't effective against dark types.

"That's it! My turn dark pulse!" Yes my plan is going to be brilliant.

The dark pulse and shadow ball crashed into each other. The smoke cleared and guess what?

"Where is that eevee!?" Josephine shouted. Basically I used dig. Am I brilliant?

I used dig on Josephine. She took a lot of damage but she is stilk okay. "Enough is enough shadow claw!"

I didn't have time to dodfe so it hit me. It didn't took a load of damage since it's a ghost type move.

"Swift!" Too bad for Josephine swift never misses. It took more damage than dig but she's still standing.

"I am not loosing to a weakling iron tail!" I didn't dodged and it hit me like a brick.

It's like she used frustration wait that's it! I forfot that I know the move return so yeah.

"Return!" I hitted her with return. It did a lot of damage since I was treeted nicely.

"Errrr guess I will have to use it play rough" noooo not a fairy move arceus please.

"Ummmm hyper beam!" I would have to rest but it's worth it.... I hope.

The two moves collided together and there was a sound like a bomb and smoke was everywhere.

I felt a little sharp pain on my paw but I didn't wince. I looked and the smoke cleared.

Me and Josephine standing to see who fainted. After like 5 minutes Josephine fainted.

"Josephine is our and Aqua is the winner!" I couldn't believe my ears as Mr. Blaze said I was a winner.

I heard a lot of cheering. I guess they changed their mind about me being a shiny pokemon. I feel so alive.

I walked towards Luna, Blossom and Amber with sparkles in my eyes. They looked happy. So did Blade!

"Oh my arceus Aqua you are known as the second best battler om my arceus I can just burst into tears of joy"

Blossom just used fake tears but it still looked real

"Congrats Aqua you diserve it." Blade compimented me.

We went out for our next class which is Science. There was gossips of me and people are talking to me!

Now were popular. Maybe this school wasn't that bad as I thought!

Thank you guys and yep this is the last battle. Maybe if we reach 50 votes there would be more battles. Anyway hope you enjoy and look out for more updates bye!

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