Are You Serious Blossom!?

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This is especially made for Bloss_Utonium and you'll understand if you read the A/N I made if you didn't then you should read more of those and anyways I thought this song matches the chaptee so let's get to the story~

Amber's Pov

History is so boring. That's right I'm acting like Luna in the other chapter. Wait did I just break the fourth wall OoO. The teacher Ms. Loyes who is Loita's mom! This is a crazy school. Anyway were learning about humans like the famous one Red. I looked over to Blossom daydreaming wait what?!

"Blossom are you alright?" She snapped out of it and was like "Y-yeah I'm fine just.... well... you know thinking yeah I was thinking about our projects!" This is totally not the Blossom I know wait... IS IT A DITTO TRANS- wait that would not work since you know sciencety stuff.

"You sure because you look Luna when she's thinking about Sparkx" she tapped her fingers I mean paws together and finally said "Well I have a teensy weensy crush into Red and hope we get to science we'll turn into humans so I could travel with him.." WAIT STOP IT RIGHT THERE so she had a crush on a human wow girl.

Time Skip To P.E

Aqua's Pov

P.E is not that bad guys" "ARE YOU CRAZY AQUA!!!" Amber shouted at me like P.E is just a warm up by running on the track for 2 or more miles allowing using moves to make things faster like extreme speed, quick attack, volt tackle, and many others including flying.

Our teacher a blaziken is Mr. Blaze which is an odd name if you ask me becuase it's just a part of Blaziken but just the Blaz with an e. "Okay class we will go to the track for a warm up" There are loads boos and moans.

After we went to the track I used tackl, agility, and quick attack combo. Amber used Flame Charge while Luna just well walked when she could just use quick attack or agility and finally Blossom just flew useing extreme speed. Skme others for example Jet used aqua jet and Sparky used volt tackle. Meanwhile Blade used his hidden ability called Chlorophyll

30 Minutes Later Of Warm Ups

"Okay now were ready to battle now before you ask I'll choose your battle partner" he said. That's all! Everyone is thinking about it too. "Wait after all that hard work!? We deserve better" Loita shouted. For once I agree.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Loyes but teachers must follow the principal's orders anyway as I was saying here are your partners, Loita and Amber, Blossom and Vanilla, Aqua and Josephine, Blade and Manda...." I didn't listen to the rest of the partners and looked at Josephine looked at me and smirked saying This is for revenge.

I hope the others will be okay in the battlefield. "I'm totally gonna burn the vanilla ice-cream~" Blossom sang and I laughed a bit at her pun. "Blossom why are you not depressed since you're bipolar" Luna asked.

Plz don't break the fourth wall I thought again and again. "Because my dear friends the author which is actually one of our friends thought I had the depression bipolar but the happy bipolar thing~" she sang and I can't help it but say "How many people are going to break the fourth wall?!"

Hope you enjoy the chapter and the battles will be in seprate chapters since it'll make this chapter way too long like how much damge the movw causes or it's probably me being lazy XD anyway heres the order of the battle

Blossom vs. Vanilla just for Bloss_Utonium

Loita vs. Amber

Blade vs. Manda

And last but not least

Aqua vs. Josephine

Also just saying I did not forget about Sparky she's just a side character you know like blah blah blah whatever anyways bye~

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