★~Christmas Special~★

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KYAH made it and now... da title says it all and Merry Christmas to you all!

Aqua's Pov


This happens a lot I mean who dosen't like Christmas?

Anywho we met a new friend and she was VERY interesting because you know why?

She's freakin mega glaceon for arceus sake! I mean seriously how was that even possible?

And this is how we met...

Flashback... (still Aqua's Pov)

OMA I'm so nervous because the vice principal which I kinda forgot his name, but it doesn't matter!

So he told me to be a tutor? IDK for a new student I mean why me? Why all of the pokemon here he chose me.

Hopefully he/she will be nice like them if you know what I mean.

I heard that the new pokemon is special, but I don't know why, but we'll see.

Then I saw the door open and that's the new student?!

She well I think the pokemon's a she telling by her looks she's a glaceon... well a mega one to be exact.

I couldn't believe it maybe she was like that when she was born?

I don't really know it's bad to think of someone judging by there looks you know what they say:

Don't Judge A Magikarp By There Looks

You know a weak fish then evolve into a fearsome gyarados whoch ia why don't mess with them they could beat you up anytime!

GAH out of topic here! So I walked towards her... HOPEFULLY it's a she! I'm just hope.

"Hey you're new right?" I asked I mean you need to make sure because it could be a pokemon back from their evolution ceromony.

The mega glaceon just nodded in response.

I could alreadu tell they're a shy one trust me I was like that too.

"So my name is Aqua what's your's?"


Minti... what an interesting name for a glaceon.

"Alright then Minti so first off did you get your things from the principal like your scedule and stuff from your mailbox before you came?"

"Yeah I got in here." Minti said and pointed to a light blue bag.

"Okay now let's see your scedule and dorm room becoause those are important."

I looked over her scedule and these are her


"Cool you have some classes with me plus you'll be in a club which will happen in January depending on your skills and stuff."

I look over to her and she seems to take in the imformation. It's nice to have someone listening to you if they're new or not.

{Few Hours Of Touring Later...}

I FINALLY showed her the whole school! It was boring, but I did have to skip a few classes (Yay Me!)

I introduced her to Amber, Luna, and Blossom and we got along. The thing was that we will be in separate clubs besides me and Luna because each club is separate by types.

We became quick friends plus a new addition to the group.

At least Josephine and her gang aren't bothering us which is lucky because I don't want to deal with them.

Luckily she was in the same dorm with so we got to know her better except why she was a mega, but hey! Secrets must be kept secret.

{Flashback End}

Welp at least we won't have no classes today and the principal held a party at the gym which will be awesome!

So what's happening now is pretty... Normal?

"LUNA WHAT ARE YOH DOING!" (Pretty obvious who it is)

"Making pie!"


"Because I think pies are better with it!"

Wait whaaaaaaaaa

"Instead of vinegar how about sugar I'm sure evryone would love it! Especially with IDK 10 cups of them?"

No... that will not work out since people will be hyper and oh arceus that means.... crap

Well the principal trusted us to bake the food, but things aren't going as planned.

"Hey guys how about I bake the pie and the other foos while you guys get the decorations finished." I asked.

Yeah he/she also trusted us with the decorations. Bad idea -_-

"Guys about she handles the cooking and we'll do the decorating I mean it's beter than nothing!" Minti said.

I have to admit, but she's right the party will start until 8:00 p.m I think? Yeah and it's currently 12:00 a.m.

Yep 8 hours we could do this right?

{8 Hours Later Before The Party}

Actually we did pretty great.

I'm so glad that mom tought me how to cook stuff like pies, cake, drinks, and stuff.

Some of them will be berry flavor because I couldn't waste an ingredient and leave it expired.

The berries were close of being expired anyway so I couldn't help myself after all those were my favorites.

The decorations were pretty cool ;)

Stole ya job Blossom

Anyway forget about that the decorations were christnas wreaths and they were a variety of colors so it was pretty cute.

There were oragami snowflakes and they look fantastic! Well I think they were oragami actually scratch that the snowflakes were made from pure ice.

I think Minti made and I must say it was pretty impressive.

There were also ornaments, pointsettas, ribbons, mistletoes even! (Muhahahaha!)

There were also those fuzzynthings we hung up along the gym and somehow the 4 got a Christmas tree decorated with so many things I could just stare at it!

Hopefully this is satisfying enough pkus I worjed hard on the food and the drinks are a delicacy.

Pretty much everyone came and now the gym was full I mean how did they even fit a school in his gym?!

Pretty weird if you ask me, but hey at least the party was enjoyable to everyone that's what counts.

Practicly everyone was having a blast! There was even a DJ how cool was that?

There were ornaments with a pokemon on it with a name and everyone is making it.

I made one it was an aquamarine ornament with a shiny eevee of course printed on it with my name on it!

It also has snowflakes so my ornament was cute.

"Hey Minti are you enjoying the party?" I asked. I couldn't help it okay I had to make sure people like this I mean I well we put a whole lot of effort on this.

"Yeah it's nice." She replied.

Already satisfied with the answer I wandered around and saw Luna doing something I'm not sure what that cat is up to, but I don't really care because she's not doig somehing bad right?

The dance floor was amazing plus the music was better making this enjoyable.

I couldn't helpm but play that song over my head it was SONhard not to forget it.

Pretty much everything was going finenthen the best part yet!

Present exchanging!

We exchanged presents and gave them the presents I had so we don't really know what we get, but you get what you get and don't throw a fit. (That's how it goes right?)

I couldn't wait to open the presents well... prwtty much everybody.

After the exchanging everyone went well ran to their dorms.

{In Aqua's Dorm}

"OMA OMA OMA I CAN'T WAIT!" Luna shouted. I think everyone heard her.

"OKAY OKAY WE GET IT NOW LET'S JUST OPEN OUR PRESENTS!" Amber shouted pretty much frustrated.

"Sowejustopwnourgiftsandtellotherswhatweget?" Blossom said quickly I couldn't quite get what she's saying.

"Yeah?" Minti replied. I think heard her saying to herself I think that's what she said.

Hopefully she'll get used to this after all it's me and Amber's daily lives of hyper friends, but I don't mind as long she dosen't destroy the universe or something.

Nah that will never happen they're too innocent they can never do that.

So here's what we got:

My Gifts:
● a blue scarf decorated with a lighter blue snowflakes
● a cute blue and light purple ear muffs
● an expensive purse
● cute jewelries
● a TM with Rainy Day (convenient that I could learn it)

Amber's Gifts
● charcoal (XD you know what that means just JK)
● necklace with a firestone in a shape of a flower (DON'T TOUCH ME WITH THAT!)
● a game called Undertale (I suggest you to check that game out it's so emontional T_T
TM with frustration (convient again)
spundproof headphones (I want one too so I won't hear Luna!)

Luna's Gifts
● a book called, "Ways To Prank For Dummies"
● an android (how?!)
● necklace with a moon on it
● replica of a moonstone

Blossoms' Gift
● pointsettas
● ribbons
● a cookbook
● gems
● TMs

Minti's Gifts
● blue bracelet with snowflake
● book about megaa
● TM called Blizzard
● cute blue tiara
● key charms
● friendship bracelet kit

That's all we have for Christmas really and what we want to say is,

"Merry Christmas!!!"

Merry Christmas everyone and this is a long special wow so hipe you have a great time with your families and friends ciao~

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