~*Special Chapter*~

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Happy Halloween everyone! Here's the special chapter so yeah. hope you enjoy and wait this is also in Aqua's Pov so that's all bye!

Today was Halloween and the school is having a costume party. Amber, Luna, and Blossom are at my house.

Amber was dressed as the fire princess because you know. Blossom is Chesire Cat from Alice at Wonderland and it all makes sense! Luna.... well... she's a cat. When I mean cat I mean not wearing anything just something a cat will wear.... wonder if she's crazy..... wait she is!

Blade is not coming for some reason.

Me well I'm dressed as a shadow queen. Blossom said I look like the shadow roses and arceus I do look like them.

"C'mom guys we'll be late if we keep this pace!" Luna ran while we tried to catch.

Blossom just levitated. I kinda wish I was her :P

"Were coming and slow down!" Amber shouted at the top of her lungs. Ugh my head.

Le time skip by our lord arceus

We finally made it. "Thuis is going to be awesome!" I completely agree with Blossom.

There were loads of decorations. Chandeliers that look like Chandelure and I think I spotted a spinarak.

We went inside and guess who we saw? The Shadow Roses of course.

Their costumes are well... intresting I guess?

Vanilla was dressed as an Angel. That disappointed Blossom because she wanted her to be an ice cream... I think?

Manda she's not here. I wonder why?

Loita was a ballerina since she already looks like one.

Finally Josephine. She's dressed as a prom queen. Wonder how she got that idea...

"Wow those are your costumes?! They're pretty plain" Vanillia spoke. Nu-uh she didn't!

"Well excuse me Ice-Cream these were handcrafted so I suggest you to wash yourself and that beloved makeup of yours" (you should know who this is)

Wow Vanillia looks like she's gonna burn someone! Now that's the oppisote of Ice-Cream!

"You know Aqua you should atleast join us I mean for ut being handcrafted I must say it's ummwhat was it oh yeah stylish"

Wow Josephine really thinks I will join them and DOES NOBODY NOTICE LUNA WITH NO COSTUME!!!

Oops excuse me it's just I realize how people are blind besides my friends of course.

"Well I could but it's just you're not the boss of me so uh no thank you" iI replied with a little sass if you know whag it is.

"Well if that's what you want then fine and enjoy the party" Loita said with a smirk. Oh how I hate it...

"Come on guys we need to see everyone else's costumes!" Blossom said and she dissapered great!

"I don't see why not and how about we spit up?" Woah Amber's idea sounds perfect.

"Yeah let's spit up!" After I said that we allsplitted up at different directions.

I saw Sparky talking to her brother Sparkx. I think she's dressed as a mouse since you know.

Sparkx... I have to explain it don't I :P

I can only say one thing... Bad Boy

Yep if you know then great and if not then learn just learn. Little did I know I had a lot of fans right behind me.

I think I should run.... When I turned around I saw a dedene, gligar, floette, and other pokemon I better run from.

Before I could I seemdd ti black out and was on a pink bubble and guess who I saw?

The one and only Blossom.

"BLOSSOM WHERE WERE YOU!!!" I had to scream I mean she ditched me, Amber, and Luna.

"Well you sea I'm not so shore" Oh Arceus please it's not a ocean pun because I'm already gone nuts.

"How many puns do you even have?" I asked. Probably the most worst question ever!

"About as how many the writer has." Nope I'm done with this fourth wall breaking nope!

"Heh okay ans look at thw time I have to go!" I left pretty quickly because of people breaking the fourh wall. It was a nice wall too.

I kinda forgot about the fans so I should be more careful. Wait... is Amber getring chased by pokemon?

Yeah I'm not mistaking she's getting chased. :/ All I did was watch. It was really entertaining though and funny.

"Fire Blast" Yeah she burned everyone. Luna and Blossom were laughing so hard right now they are crying.

Don't know funny it is to cry or there is something in their eyes.

After that big fiasco I saw Amber walking to us angrily. "YOU GUYS JUST WATCHED WHILE I GOT CHASED!?"

Uh oh. "No I got chased too and look Sparky needs me gotta go!" Yeah she didn't need me but it's the only way to get away from an angry Amber.

Anyway I saw everyone's costumes and I'm not telling since well there's loads of pokemon here. I mean tons.

Still after like 1 or 2 hour(s) nobody notices Luna not wearing anything. I wander how some pokemon don't notice.

So the party went well and our group was back together. We were juat chatting like besties!

"Guys since were a group how about we have a name like the Shadow Roses and maybe a better one?" Amber said.

OMA How did we never thought of that?

"BEST IDEA EVER!!!" Luna screamed. OMA I kinda forgot she screams lime that

Then everyone stared at us at Luna's sudden outburst. I feel so embarrassed now...

Amber dragged Blossom by the tail and I dragged Luna too on the tail and we quickly ran to the spot where you go when you're uh you know what I mean.

"Luna can you PLEASE stop shouting SUDDEN OUTBURSTS ever AGAIN!" Amber said and lectured Luna. LOL

After a couple minutes they stopped. "Sooo what will we call ourselves?" Blossom asked.

Silence fell and then I said, "Er Team Enchanted?" Everyone looked at me.

"BEST NAME EVER!" They shouted. I was happy. Now we are called Team Enchanted!

The party ended and we all went home. And that my friends is how Team Enchanted was born!

Seriously people over 200 views I love you guys and I hope you guys enjoy the 1048 worded story bye~

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