Druddigon (closed)

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Only adopt one pokemon please. Read the rules...only one. :)

Standard dragon
Name: Drifflander
Owner: MittenTheLitten
Likes to fight. He is protective but likes to be alone. A bit lazy too.
Found inside a dark cave

Treetop Menace grass dragon
Name: Grass
Owner: EveClark5
Likes to eat a lot. Hard to get its attention
Found eating greens in a leafy rain forest
He's very easygoing.

Kaiju rock water
Name Tsunami
Owner @Eve_Lupin-Weasley
He likes to show off. A bit arrogant.
Found swimming around whirlpools effortlessly. A great, sturdy, and reliable swimmer although a bit slower than most lapras.

Sand Demon ground dragon
Name Djinn
Owner: PokeManiac9803
He's very protective but friendly and sweet to people and pokemon he trust. A bit cuddly.
Found protecting pokemon from the sandstorms in the desert.

Swamp monster dragon/rock
Name Aqua man
Owner: SiaHarleylouise1043
Likes swamps, building stuff, and ancient artifacts.
He's very quiet but kind, gentle, and strong and sturdy. Can withstand many hard hits.
Found in some ruins in Unova

Howler dragon dark
Likes to be out at night and see the moon. As long as it can see the sky, it stays calm. He's observant, feisty, and quiet. Hates closed rooms.
Found on the top of a cliff on a full moon
Name Howl
Owner: @Holly_Redlock

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