Riddles Can't Get Enough (closed)

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1# Trifle with me
And fall into oblivion
I'll steal your soul's energy
And sleep for a millenium
Spread my wings and tail feathers wide
Give a cry and dissapear into the night
Glowing red
I spell dread
Who am I?

Winner gets Strikedash! Female. Calm, arrogant, smart, and athletic. Loves to run and shoot lighting bolts. Found inside a lab.
SteelSkarmoryKate Name: Ignite

2# I resemble an insect
Yet I'm anything but
I'm fast and strong
You can't keep up for long
I make sandstorms with my wings
Hiding myself is an easy feat
Like singing sounds their beat
That's why I am called the desert spirit
I'll spot you with my special eyes
Before you even see me
Do you think that's creepy?

Winner gets Cofavile! Female. Mischievous, hyper, playful, stubborn, wary, and curious. Found deep inside an underground cave. PokeManiac9803 Name: Pharo

3# riddle winner gets Mawbreon! Female. Kind, mysterious, calm, quiet, caring, patient, and graceful. Found inside a maze. @thebabymangle Name: Luna

3# rumors say I live in the sea
However, I take to the skies
I am very rarely seen
Yet I am such a good find
You'll want to catch me
Because of my strength and speed
Even with my bulk and size
I can be kind hearted and nice

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