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Walking down the hall, Green headed towards the library, hoping to do some reading before the game starts. Heading into the library, Green suddenly paused, hearing a sound. It sounded like someone's muffled footsteps. Strange... Green thought. No one but him is usually awake at this point. Slowly, the viridian eyed teen sneaked towards the sound.

Turquoise quietly swore. Her Umbreon had alerted her of the Gym Leader. She silently cursed Green's acute hearing leading to her loss of advantage. Fine. You wanna play that way? Crouching, the blue haired girl sneaked as close as she dared to Green, holding a needle glinting in the moonlight. 

The silence was alarming. As Green has sensed the intruder, the intruder has done likewise and realized that they've been discovered. In the dark, he didn't know much about his surroundings, and even less about his opponent. The Trainer's brain was working a mile a minute, working out a strategy. 

With the Moonlight Pokémon's help, Turquoise knew exactly where she was, and where the tables and chairs and shelves were. In other words, she could see near perfectly. Silent as an Espurr, the assassin slid right next to Green, tensed up her muscles, and pounced.

Green fell over with a sound of suprise. Now that his assaliant was right on top of him, he got of his situation. His attacker was a girl, fairly petite and light. I could probably pin her... Flipping over, the Viridian Gym Leader put his hand on her throat, and used his other arm to pin the girl's shoulders down. "What are you doing here?" Green growled at the girl. 

Turquoise silently cursed herself for her  sloppy work. She had to fix this, or there would be...consequences. She looked at Green, and forced a laugh. She had to by time. "What am I doing, you ask? Well, if I told you, that would ruin the point, wouldn't it?" She watched the Trianer curl his lip in frustration. "What. Are. You. Doing" Turquoise wiggled a bit, loosening one of her arms. She laughed again, sounding almost maniac. "Not telling!"  By now, she had distracted Green enough that she had been able to get one of her arms loose enough to move. Big mistake, Greenie...

Green frowned. This mysterious girl was not only being a pain in the ass, but she also seemed to be a tad insane. While contemplating his choices, he noticed that in the midst of things, the assasin had gotten one of her arms free. Eyes widening, the Trainer realized his mistake. The blue haired girl reached for a needle glinting in the moonlight. As she stabbed forward, Green jumped back, the thin pice of metal passing though where his neck was seconds ago. Green tried to back away, but realized that he was backed into a bookshelf. Damn. This lady was good. Maybe I could go from the side? Nope. An Umbreon, probably the girl's, blocked off his exit. The Trainer reached for a Pokeball, but came up empty. The teen mentally smacked himself for leaving his Pokemon in his room. 

Turquoise walked slowly to Green, who was now trapped between a bookshelf and her Umbreon. Perfect. As she neared, she saw Green sink into a fighting stance. She clucked her tounge. "Wouldn't try anything if I were you..." No answer. The emerald eyed boy tensed up asTurqoise stepped closer. Hm...nice try, but not enough to scare me off... Quick as a Jolteon, the assasin jumped forward, feighting a stab with her needle, and jabbing Green in the stomach, and injecting the liquid into his neck. The ingection sent a visable jolt though Green's body, and he stumbled, falling unconcious as the toxins took a hold of him. 

"Good night, Greenie~~"

(A/N: Yea, so I wanted to try something different. These short "filler"chapters written in story format might pop up once in a while to advance the plot and show what happens...what will happen next...?"

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