Aren't We Just All Salty

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Wisty: Hey everyone! Let's get started!

Neko: Damn, you're eager to start today...

Crystal: Oh must have a lot of stuff...

Wisty: Yep!

Dark: Okay, then let's get started right away!

Wisty: First of all, I dare Dark not to be violent for 3 chapters!

Dark: *knives go poof* *growls* You better watch your fucking back, once these chapters are over...

Rebecca: With that out of the way, the next dare by Wisty is for Blue and Yellow to sing a song!

Yellow: Oh, um...I'm not that good...

Blue: What ya talking about? You're amazing! *drags Yellow up* Come on! This'll be fun!

*Blue and Yellow sing Safe and Sound *

Galaxy: *claps* Damn, you two are good!

Dragon: Yea!

Yellow: *blushing* W-wow...thanks!

Green: *nods* You two make quite the pair

Amy: Next dare! Wisty dares Green to search up "Originalshipping" on Wattpad, and read the first story!

Green: ...What's this..."Originalshipping"?

Psycho: You and Red, you dolt

Green: *rolls eyes* Why...

Dark: 'Cause we ship it. Now, go!!

*Few minutes later*

Green: *finishes reading* People are messed up...

Psycho: *sharpens knife* No shit...

Soul: A-another dare b-by Wisty--

Dexholders: *glares at Wisty*

Diamond: Come on! I thought you liked us!

Pearl: *smacks Diamond* Since when?!

Wisty: Don't worry, they don't affect you! I dare someone to get punched be me!

Hosts: . . .

Wisty: What?! Can't I punch someone?

Zuraxy: Well, you can, but you just...didn't seem like that type

Wisty: *shrugs* So...who volunteers?

*. . .*

Wisty: What? No one?

Neko: *sigh* Fine, I volunteer. At least I can block.

Wisty: *tries to punch Neko*

Neko: *blocks* Done?

Wisty: fair...

Spirit: Now, some truths! Wisty asks Gold, "who's the Uke? You are Silver?"

Gold: Totally Silver. I would top

Silver: *chokes* Gold!

Blue: *wrinkles nose* TMI Gold, TMI

Zuraxy: Yeah, dude. Gross.

Dark: *coughs* Anyways...the next question, to everyone here; who do you think is the most annoying? I would say Gold.

Green: Probably Gold or Pearl

Yellow: I don't think anyone here's too annoying...

Blue: Gold, totally

Gold: Hmph. I'm being ganged up on! I say Green. So serious...

Silver: Pearl. Too happy

Pearl: That is not a legit reason to hate someone

Silver: Never said I hated you. Just that you're really irritating

Pearl: Well, fine. I say Silver, since he's so mean!

Gold: *whispers* Salty much?

Crystal: I think Gold's the most annoying

Sapphire: Imma say Prissy

Ruby: Hey! I say Barbarian!

Dark: I don't know...'pparently this place's full of sissies

Galaxy: Hey!

Rebecca: Rude

Dark: Since I can't stab people, this is my consolation

Platinum: Anyways, I think that the most irritating person here is Sapphire, no offense. Just, you have no class

Diamond: I'm pretty neutral on everyone

N: I can't say that anyone here is irritating, since I don't feel like I understand them well enough, though I do wish that Silver and Green would treat their Pokémon better.

Silver: *looks offended* I treat my Pokémon very damn well! I had a Crobat for fuck's sake!

Green: *Unfazed* *shrugs* I'm tough on my Pokémon. So? That's how I train...

Black: *Hugs N* It's okay, love--

Wisty, Dragon, Amy: *squealing quietly*

Black: I think that White's like the annoying sister I never had, always telling me to shut up!

White: Well, fuck you too. You're plenty annoying

Dark: Now, on to the hosts! Galaxy?

Galaxy: Eh. Probably Gold

Zuraxy: I agree

Rebecca: Me too, honestly

Gold: What?! Rude!

Rebecca: Who woke me up at 3 in the morning ;cause the plumbing broke? You, that's who!

Gold: What? It was leaking! I didn't want it to leak everywhere

Rebecca: It was a dripping faucet, you absolute idiot.

Psycho: *burst out laughing* Seriously?! *falls over* T-that's incredible! *chokes*

Neko: *pats Psycho on the back* What the actual fuck, Gold. This is exactly why we don't like you.

Soul: I-I think h-he's fine...I w-would say my b-brother, S-Spirit

Spirit: *grumbles* Fine! Be that way!! You're plenty annoying yourself, you know!

Psycho: I was gonna say Gold, but now I just think he's stupid to the point of rediculousness. I'm going with...N

N: *frowns* Why?

Pshycho: 'Cause you're the least likely to get all salty about it.

N: Fair enough...

Wisty: I don't know, I'd probably say Ash

Dexholders: *mightily confused*

Diamond: Um...Who?

Wisty: Should we teleport him here?

Dark: *shrugs* *teleports Ash*

Ash: Woah! Where am I? *Sees Green* Hey! Gary! You're here too

Green: ...?

Ash: Aw, don't give me that face! Remember me? Your rival?

Green: While my rivals were irritating at times-- (Blue: Hey!) --I'm sure they weren't as annoying as you...

Ash: Hhmph. Still rude as ever, Gary!

Green: Who the fuck is Gary, and who the fuck are you...?

Wisty: *sigh* That would be Ash. Self-proclaimed "Pokémon Master", and the biggest failure in Pokémon training ever seen

Galaxy: His voice alone makes me want to punch him in the teeth...

Ash: *frowns* That's not nice!

Wisty: We. Don't. Fucking. Care

Dark: Can I please punch him? Please?

Neko: No violence! Respect the power of the dares!

Dark: *incoherent grumbling*

Psycho: Buuut...I can stab him! *cheerfully stabs Ash*

Dragon: *looks at Ash's body* Welp. He's dead. *Cleans up*

Dark: Now that fiasco's over...Next?

Amy: Um...I don't know...Leaf? I guess? *looks nervously at Dark*

Dark: *Murderous expression*

Wisty: Heehee...WiltingLeafShipping~~


Wisty: But Wisty yes!

Dark: . . .

Dragon: Anyways, I find no one particularly annoying, so yea!

Rebecca: Hm...looks like that wraps it up! Short chapters!

Galaxy: Remember to keep daring! (Wisty: Hey! You stole my outro! )

Spirit: Dark doesn't own Pokémon or Pokémon Adventures, by the way!

Dark: Peace!


*There's a silence from ???  ....    You don't know whether it's good or bad...*

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