This is happening 'cause this ship needs to happen

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(None of y'all were making this happen, so yeah. Happy Valentine's Day! #ForeverAloneSquad

To be clear I still probably won't update lol rip my heart and soul in scioly)

If anyone actually asked Sapphire if she had a crush on anyone, she would deny it, obviously. It couldn't be further from the case though. Unfortunately, the one person that she liked had conveniently gained amnesia, and somehow only forgotten the time of their budding relationship. Obviously, Sapphire had saw though this ruse, though it honestly just pissed her off more.

Ruby stood in the doorway of her room, looking nervous, fiddling with his finger behind his back. "Can I talk to you?" Sapphire shrugged. "Come in, I guess." The male Dexholder sat himself down on her bed. "So, um..." 

"Just spit it out already, would ya?!"

The Charmer looked at the Conqueror. "I, uh, really like you"

Wha..?  "..."


"Ya idiot!"

"So, is that a denial?"

This guy. This guy.

"Can you give me a hint here? Yes? No?"

And he dared to act so clueless? Sapphire took a deep breath.

"Wha--Wait, really?"


Ruby's face split into a wide grin, eyes shining. "You'll date me?" Sapphire sighed at the other's  childlike excitement. 

"I jus' said dat."

Ruby leaned forward and hugged her. Sapphire smiled. She just might find it in her to forgive Ruby for his fake amnesia. 

"Does this mean I get to call you my girlfriend?"

The Conqueror growled.

"Don' press yer luck"

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