Brown-Eyed Girl

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Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison


Canon Universe after Alola

Ash's POV

"And Ash Ketchum has become Alola's first Pokémon League Champion!" The crowd noise fills Kukui's villa.

"It's been six months and they're still replaying our match, Professor Kukui walks out in his usual attire.

Not many can pull off the lab coat no shirt look like Kukui.

"It was an awesome battle right Pikachu!" I say to my number one pal.

Just thinking about it gets me pumped up. Our first league win and now we're a champion of a region.

Pikachu gives a cheer back while enjoying a bottle of ketchup.

"Speaking of, you have your exhibition battle against Lance soon," Kukui reminds me.

Becoming champion has come with a lot of duties. Most of my time is spent training with my Pokémon here at Kukui's lab in between exhibition battles or other things around Alola.

No time for a new journey that's for sure.

I really miss exploring a new region with my friends. There's just no way to replicate the experiences and challenges that come with a journey.

"Yep we're so psyched! I've always dreamed of battling him and we're going to show him the Alola League is just as strong as the Johto League."

"That's the spirit!" Kukui throws his fist into the air.

"Okay boys," Professor Burnet shakes her head while walking into the room. She also has her usual clothing on, in addition to the wedding ring Kukui gave her.

Unfortunately for me now Burnet is focused on finding me a "special someone" as she would say. Apparently nothing makes you happy like a special someone can.

But all I need is Pikachu and the rest of the gang to be happy.

Lyra's POV

"This is going to be your first big test," My grandmother walks into the Pokémon daycare.

My Pokémon daycare.

Ever since I took it over from my grandparents, they've had trouble adjusting to retirement life. They always have input to give me on every decision I make.

Granted I've made some big ones. Hiring more help, expanding to new regions, offering better training services.

I've been trying my best to take the best qualities from their daycare and give the best Pokémon care to every trainer all over the world. Ambitious I know but I've watched a trainer go from loss after loss to a champion.

Who knew one week with the guy would inspire me so much.

I miss going to camps with my friends and Pokémon. But right now I need to focus on the daycare.

If only I had a few hours to go see that trainer battle in my hometown Goldenrod City.

"I'm ready, I assure her. "The daycare north of Goldenrod has lots of room and this one will be ready for all the backflow."

"I still don't like having multiple daycares," My grandma frowns. "How can you make sure they're giving the best treatment possible?"

"Because I trust them," I smile to hopefully calm her fears. "Your and grandpa's years of experience of taking care of Pokémon is now passed on to everybody who works at our daycares. They know how important it is."

"If you say dear," She walks over and fixes my white hat with a magenta ribbon wrapped around it. "You're doing such a good job."

"Thanks," I blush.

"Maybe you can take some time off and go dee that boy you're always talking about."


Third Person's POV

Goldenrod is rocking.

The Alola Champion coming to Johto has created a lot of excitement. Many haven't heard of Ash and are eagerly waiting for their region to display its dominance in Pokémon battling.

It'll be a lot closer than they think though.

Lance is a dragon type master but after recently being dethroned as the Kanto Champion, is on a tough streak. His other duties have become much more important than training.

A part of him is hoping Ash reignites the battle spark inside him.

After all, the boy's spirit can get anyone going.

It's about two hours until the match and the stadium is already mostly full. The modern stadium has multiple levels of seats that circle the entire battlefield. An oval of sky can be seen showing a nice sunny day.

A perfect day for a battle.

If both competitors show up.

"Pika!" The yellow mouse Pokémon yells at Ash.

The raven haired trainer got a little sidetracked. He heard of the bug catching contest in National Park this morning and just had to go.

And there's no keeping Ash Ketchum from a Pokémon competition.

Unfortunately he kinda stole the show catching a wild Scyther which brought a lot of attention to the Champion. After that there were lines of trainers with questions he couldn't ignore.

But now he's late.

He remembers the route pretty well through central Johto. The bricked pathway, the Pokeathlon, and of course the daycare.

"I wonder how Lyra is doing Pikachu," Ash thinks out loud.

Ash may be wild at times but he never forgets his friends. Dawn, Lyra, Ethan, and himself had a really fun week at a Pokémon camp. He'd never met anyone that worked at a Pokémon Daycare.

It was an interesting concept.

A place where Pokémon are trained and cared by a the daycare instead of their trainer. Part of that doesn't sit quite right with Ash. He can't imagine letting someone else train his Pokémon.

Except for Charizard... Primeape... okay maybe it's not that farfetch'd.

Ash runs by the daycare.

"Heart and Soul Daycare," He reads, slowing his pace for a second. "I thought I saw one of those in Hoenn. I thought Lyra said it was just her and her grandparents. Not one of the popular ones."

"Pi," the Pokémon shrugs, hoping the trainer regains focus on getting to Goldenrod.

Ash eventually picks up his speed again after the confusion allows him to forget about it and get back to main issue.

Then an explosion goes off.

A big plume of smoke comes from the daycare paddock.

Ash stops immediately and looks over. Black curling smoke continues to pour upwards.

He looks at Pikachu who nods back before they hop the fence and run towards the smoke.

Trees whiz by them as they run by like wild Pokémon. They notice a few curious Pokémon watching them but their focus is ahead of them.

Ash starts to pick up a girl's voice. It's definitely not a happy tone of voice.

Ash and Pikachu push into the clearing a notice four or five trees aflame. The whole area smells like a bonfire but they go instantly into action. The first thing Ash sees is a Typholsion and other fire types which must've started the fire.

"Greninja come out and stop them with water shuriken!" Ash yells before even taking in the full situation.

"Stop don't hurt the Pokémon!" The girl yells and the bipedal frog Pokémon emerges from his pokeball not knowing who to listen to.

Ash turns his head from the fire.

He notices a brunette with two pigtails, overalls, and a maroon shirt. A white hat lays beside her on the ground.

He also takes a second to notice a group of fire type Pokémon. He recognizes a couple Quilava's and other Pokémon from his travels. None of them seem angry or on a rampage.

It was an accident.

"Marill use hydro pump," Lyra commands her first partner.

The blue round mouse Pokémon sprays the trees with a cool blast of water. The fire sizzles out quickly, leaving behind thicker grey smoke and a few slightly charred trees.

"Lyra," Ash brings her attention back to him.

Their brown eyes meet for the first time despite him being there for a solid 15 minutes by now.

"Ash!" Lyra completely forgets about he prior anger she felt towards the man threatening the Pokémon in her care. "What are you doing here?!"

"I thought there was a fire and you needed help," He scratches his head embarrassed. "Turns out you had it under control."

"Oh," The girl giggles. "You still have your hero gene I see."

Ash turns his head even more embarrassed.

"The fire types overdid it with their training," Lyra explains and looks at the group of Pokémon. "Good thing we have lots of trees."

"You all look really strong," Ash smiles at them. "Sorry for barging in."

"I appreciate you trying to help," Lyra winks. "I know you can't help it."

"I didn't realize your grandparents owned all the daycares I've seen in other regions," Ash changes he subject as they walk back to the house.

"Well," Lyra smiles and puts her hat back in her head. "That was my doing when I took it over."

Ash's eyes widen as she tells him a quick overview of all the work she's put in.

"That's amazing Lyra."

"I try," She laughs and sits on a bench that faces the paddock. "It's hard not seeing my friends and travelling though."

"I get that," Ash sighs and joins her. "I don't know if I'm cut out to be a champion."

"I thought you were going to be a Pokémon Master. Isn't that what a champion is?"

"I don't know," Aah shrugs and looks at Pikachu who is playing with Marill. Clearly having a good time and not thinking about the battle they're currently late for. "I guess Pokémon Master to me was seeing, training or beating every Pokémon I could find. Not just being a Champion."

"Hmm," Lyra lays back into the bench. "I think I know how you feel. I always dreamed of taking my grandparents daycare to the next level but I didn't think it would be so lonely."

Ash notices her chestnut eyes gloss over. And all he can think about is how he wishes he could make them happy.

He did always enjoy how cheerful and energetic she was at that camp.

"Life is hard when you aren't on a journey," Ash jokes and she nods.

"Lyra honey the battle is starting soon," Her grandma walks out into the backyard. "Ly-"

The two young adults turn their heads in unison. "Yea I'll be right i-"

This time it's Lyra and her grandma looking at Ash.

"Oh man."

Announcer's POV

Everyone is going crazy.

We have a rampant crowd.

The Johto Champion.

An international TV feed.

Celebrity guests.

But only one trainer at the moment.

I hear my producer makes various phone calls to try and locate the Alolan Champion. I heard he was a bit of a wild card but I thought that was about his battling.

Then out the corner of my eye I notice a Charizard flying into the stadium.

People start to notice and the crowd starts to cheer.

Here we go.

"Everybody! Let's welcome the Alolan Champion Ash Ketchum!" I yell into the microphone.

This will be fun.

The two heavy weight trainers trade multiple blows between Pokémon.







Dragonite 1.


Dragonite 2.


Some of the most powerful Pokémon known to the battling world give it their all. Powerful blows are given and received. The two teams are pretty evenly matched, coming down to the aces of each trainer.

Greninja versus Dragonite 3.

Hyper beam.

Night slash.

Dragon claw.

Water shuriken.

Lance's orange beast of a dragon type takes attacks like they're nothing before hitting Greninja harder than Alain's Charizard.

Ash-Greninja superpowered form may be one of the only things that can deal serious damage to Dragonite.

Both Pokémon are heavily panting. Scratches all over their skin but fierce determination in their eyes.

"Hyper beam!"

"Water Shuriken!"

I watch the two attacks begin to form.

Dragonite mouth forms a bright ball of energy before turning into a powerful beam of light.

Greninja swings around a large ninja star made of water that grows and grows into a vicious orange weapon of water.

My eyes follow the shuriken as it cuts through the hyper beam and nails Dragonite.

I get ready to make the call but wait for the referee to make the official declaration.

His arm points towards Lance. "Dragonite is unable to battle!"

The crowd is quiet initially before bursting into cheers. No one loves a good battle like Johtonians, even when their Champion loses.

I watch the champions shake hands before Ash leaves in a hurry on his Charizard.

Lyra's POV

"He's so strong now," I awe as the cheers ring through the television.

"You could've told me you were dating a champion," My grandma smirks.

"What Lyra!?" Grandpa shrieks.

"I'm not!" I sigh and hide my face. "He was just stopping by."

"Yea what a coincidence," The elderly woman rolls her eyes.

Plus he lives in Alola anyway. And I live here. It would never work.

"You could open a daycare in Alola," She reads my mind.

"Bu-" I start but am interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Don't be afraid," My grandma whispers to me as I walk to the door.

I swing it open with my eyes closed. Part of me wants it to be him and the other is like please no.

"Lyra?" He questions with a goofy smile.

I open my eyes and blush. Why would I do that to myself?

"Um congrats on the win," I manage to get out.

"Thanks but I couldn't really focus," He does his usual embarrassed head scratch. "I was thinking about that we talked about."

"Oh?" I shut the door behind me and step outside into the cool evening with him.

"I want to open a daycare in Alola," The boy proclaims and I can't believe it. "To be a Pokémon Master I want to train all sorts of Pokémon to make me an even better battler."

I stand there not really knowing what to say.

"I'll need your help though since you're the daycare expert," We lock eyes until they slowly drift down. "You don't have to say yes and I know you're really busy but-"

I wrap my arms around him and press my lips against his.

Then he kissed back and I melted.

We break apart.

"Yes I would really like that," I wink. "But I'll be putting you to work."

He recovers from the sudden kiss then laughs bringing me close again by the hip.

"Yes my brown eyed girl."


I will forever ship this.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next time I get random motivation.


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