Ash vs Sir Aaron (I)

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Big shootout to AnshKikani for the second request. Thanks

It is the year 2030. It is the time of the year the whole world has been waiting for. The battle between the best of two different eras, the modern and the past.


The scientists have finally been able to invent the machine capable of capitalising on the powers of Celebi, one of the two only time-travel Pokemon. It allows the teleportation anyone from any time period of the past to the present time. In addition, it can be done without changing or adjusting the event and time of the past, in other words, the past will freeze. However, there is a twist. The scientists can only do this once every month due to mother nature and also to prevent people from abusing it. Thus, in order to make full use of this machine, the World Pokemon Battle Committee has decided to give the machine its first real test by inviting the aura guardian of the past, Sir Aaron!

In order to pick the finest trainer to pit against probably the world's best Pokemon trainer of the past, countless of Pokemon Battles had been ongoing for the past year and countless of trainers from various regions had signed up various competitions. However, only one can fight against the best.

Today is the last day of the very last competition to see who can make the mark, to be the very best trainer!


"This is the most intense match I have ever watched! Both trainers do not seem to be giving up!" Brock commentated.

Kiawe and Ash were at the centre of the limelight. Both Pikachu and Turtonator were fighting with their lives, both panting, both were too their very last Pokemon!!!

The two competitors looked at each other and nodded their heads. They had known each other for a long period of time already. They understood what they mean.

They commenced the Alola dance of Z-moves with their respective Pokemon. As they were gathering enough Z power from their Z-rings, they knew there could only be one winner. After the two immensely powerful moves collided, thick smoke formed and spread across the battlefield.



"ON OUR RIGHT WE HAVE ASH, THE REIGNING WORLD CHAMPION." he added, screaming into the microphone.

The whole crowd started to stand up and cheer for the two contenders. In addition, this match was live-telecasted worldwide, enabling everyone from all over the world to watch this battle.

In Kanto, Brock and Misty were watching the broadcast from their respective gyms

In Hoenn, Drew and May sat in the comfort of their sofa eagerly waiting for the start of the largely anticipated battle.

In Sinnoh, Paul and Dawn stopped their pleasure and fun just for the match.

In Unova, Cilan and Iris met up to watch the game together.

In Kalos, Bonnie and Clemont decided to view the match at home with their dad.

In Alola, the Pokemon School gang gathered in Mallow's restaurant to view the match.

"THIS WILL BE A 6 ON 6 POKEMON BATTLE WITH POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTION BY EITHER TRAINER! Let the battle BEGIN!" the commentator shouted to raise the atmosphere in the stadium.

Everyone cheered even louder!

"Sceptile, I choose you!" Ash shouted as he threw his first Pokeball.

"Chesnaught, go!" Sir Aaron commanded.

Due to the fact that Sir Aaron lived in an era when Pokeballs were not invented yet, Sir Aaron's Pokemon was already present on the field, namely Embor, Blastoise, Salamance, Dragonite and lastly his trusted friend, Pokemon and student, Lucario. In addition, Sir Aaron was capable of communicating with his Lucario using his aura.

"So it is grass vs grass, let the battle begin!" the commentator said.

Ash shouted, "We shall go first, quick attack!"

The Forest Pokemon burst towards its opponent at lightning speed.

As a quick response, he asked his Pokemon to avoid the attack.

Although Chesnaught was bigger in size as compared to Sceptile's lean size, he still managed to dodge the attack sideways. Stunned, Sceptile froze right in front of Chesnaught, losing its attack and speed. Under Sir Aaron's swift thinking, Chesnaught's left arm glowed brightly in the form of dark green colour. Creating one forceful forward swing by moving its arm backwards, Sceptile was slammed right onto the ground, causing it to moan in pain. Tile~

"Sceptile, quick get out of there!" Ash roared.

The next moment, Chesnaught's another arm shone again, this time so brightly that Sceptile noticed it. As the arm was about to hit it, Sceptile used all its might and pushed itself away from its enemy, causing the move to miss.

"Nice escape!" Sir Aaron praised Sceptile.

Now, the two Pokemon looked at each other into their eyes, awaiting their trainers' next command.

"Sceptile, leaf blade!" Ash commanded.

Despite knowing that it is a less effective move to Chesnaught, Ash knew he could only use Sceptile's very fast speed to outrun Chesnaught, but first, he had to lure it into his trap.

"Chesnaught, just charge ahead." Sir Aaron shouted.

Before the move made contact, Ash commanded, "Sceptile, jump up high!"

"You too, Chesnaught!" Sir Aaron orders.

To Ash's shock, Chesnaught also did the same thing and jumped but it was higher than Sceptile.

Suddenly, Chesnaught's entire body gleamed green-orange and angled itself towards Sceptile. With the help of gravity, Chesnaught raced way faster than it was supposed to be towards Sceptile. It was Giga Impact.

"Use leaf blade-"

Before Sceptile could hear its trainer, the move had already made contact, sending Sceptile's body downwards. The collision was so bad that Sceptile's body sunk below ground level, resulting in an imprint of its body on the ground. Sceptile groaned in pain then closed its eyes.



"Nice one, Sir Aaron, your Chesnaught is indeed powerful," Ash replied.

"Thanks, Ash!"

"Chesnaught, come back!" Sir Aaron added.

"Seems like Sir Aaron will changing his Pokemon too, I wonder what will both of them use next?" the commentator said.

"Ash lets choose our Pokemon at the same time," Sir Aaron suggested.

"Ok, here goes, Staraptor I choose you," Ash shouted.

"Dragonite, go," Sir Aaron roared at the same time.

"Wow, this battle can never cease to amaze me, next up will be an air battle between Dragonite and Staraptor!" the commentator screeched into the mic.

"Dragonite versus Staraptor! Battle begins," the judge resumed the battle.

"Fly up!" Sir Aaron initiated.

"Staraptor, you too!" Ash shouted.

Whoop, as both Pokemon flew up high into the sky such that the spectators had to extend their necks to look at them battle each other

"Ice Beam!" Sir Aaron commanded.

"Wing Attack!" Ash countered.

Staraptor's wings shined then glowed white and it charged straight at Dragonite. The Dragon Pokemon opened its mouth and formed a light blue orb in front of its mouth. It then fired multiple light blue beams of energy from the orb at its opponent. Thanks to Staraptor's speed, it managed to dodge all of it as it continued its flight towards Dragonite.

However, Dragonite wasn't afraid either as it tried its best to keep Staraptor away. The closer Staraptor was to Dragonite, the easier it was for Dragonite to hit Staraptor. As Staraptor was spinning mid-air avoiding the light blue lightning like attack, Dragonite finally connected its first hit onto Staraptor, not on its body, but on its left wing flap.

Staraptor's flight instantly became unstable and it looked scared, flapping its wings desperately.

"Now unleash your thunder!" Sir Aaron shouted after seeing the change in the situation.

Dragonite charged electricity in its antennae and fired a beam of yellow electricity from its body at the supposed Staraptor.

Ash quickly came up with an idea. "Staraptor, Brave Bird!" Ash yelled.

Staraptor stabilised itself easily as if they had trained for this scenario before. It collapsed its wings and plummeted down at the opponent like a missile, its whole body bursting into flames, melting the ice. Then, it extended its wings, its body became surrounded by a blue gleaming aura, speeding straight at Dragonite...

Suddenly, a thick glob of smoke appeared and it was falling from the air down to the stadium grounds. No one knew whether it was Dragonite, Staraptor or even both of them as the two moves struck at the same spot.

The next moment surprised everyone. "Starr!" the Pokemon who emerged from the smoke!

Meanwhile, the other Pokemon fell down with a thud, revealing its swirly eyes.

"Dragonite is down!!! Staraptor is the victor which means Ash wins this match!" the commentator roared.

"Star~" the surviving Pokemon called as it was flapping its wings on Ash's side of the battlefield, meters above Ash himself.

Meanwhile, every of Ash's supporter heaved a sigh of relief. However, the excitement still wasn't over for the two trainers at least.

The judge spoke, "Sir Aaron, please choose your next Pokemon!"

"Hmm, that was impressive, Ash, but I think my next one will amaze you more!" Sir Aaron praised Ash.

Ash encouraged, "Bring it on, the stronger the opponent the better we get, right Staraptor!"


"Certainly impressive spirit!" Sir Aaron continued, "Salamence go!"

Salamence flew into the battlefield, as its fiery eyes laid on Staraptor, perhaps because it took down its fellow Dragon-type friend.

"Ash, do you wish to change your Pokemon?" the judge asked kindly as a reminder.

"No, my Staraptor will take down another one, right?" Ash said, with confidence.

"So this is a battle between Staraptor and Salamence, Battle continues!" the judge called.

Ash initiated the first move, "Staraptor, quick attack!"

Staraptor burst at lightning speed towards Salamence, a much bigger Pokemon.

"Not so easy, Salamence, Incinerate!" Sir Aaron commanded.

Salamence created several fireballs with a bright centre with black highlights around itself mainly for protection. As expected by Sir Aaron, Staraptor was hit and became engulfed by a single shot of death before connecting its attack. Unfortunately for Ash, the other shots made contact with Staraptor.

"Let's finish this, dragon pulse!" Sir Aaron seized this opportunity.

"NO, STARAPTOR," Ash called his Pokemon, "STARAPTOR, you okay?"

By then, Salamence had commenced charging its purple-black ball in front of its mouth.

As Staraptor was descending to the battleground, it heard Ash's woes. Its eyes dilated and became very alert to its surroundings and also shaking off the previous attack. Awaiting for next command, it sped off like lightning.

'BEEEPPP, BEEEEEPPPP' Rotom dex cried out, "I must take pictures of this! This speed is 350% faster than the maximum speed of a normal Staraptor!!!"

Ash quickly realised what its Pokemon wanted and shouted, "BRAVE BIRD, give it all you got!"

Similarly to before, Staraptor tucked in its wings and burst straight upwards towards its second opponent. At this same moment, Sir Aaron noticed the circumstances had changed and swiftly demanded, "FIRE NOW!!!"

Hearing its trainer, Salamence fired a single black beam with purple zigzags surrounding it at its opponent. As if Staraptor had a sixth sense, it was more than prepared to dodge the ray of doom, disappearing before the attack made contact. Salamence's pupils widened in shock as it expected Staraptor to be out of breath.

Suddenly, Staraptor reappeared in front of Salamence and charged straight for Salamence. However, somehow someway, Salamence moved its mouth to where Staraptor appeared.


Next moment, Staraptor was found on the ground, with circular eyes.

"Staraptor is unable to battle, Salamence wins!" the judge announced.

The crowd cheered for such an intriguing and breathtaking air battle that they never seen before.

"OMG, I thought Staraptor have gotten Salamence there, what an unexpected turn of events, if you could see, Staraptor was getting slower and slower during the brave bird!!!" the commentator said with excitement.

Ash glanced at his fallen Pokemon and returned it to its own respective Pokeball. He talked softly such that no one else except his Pikachu can hear, "Staraptor, you did great there, just take a nice long rest."

Raising his head to the battlefield, Ash felt that the battle had just started. He shouted, "Impressive!"

"Yeah, I must admit I didn't expect Staraptor to survive that long! Bring out your next one!"

"If you insist!" Ash replied.

Ash bent on his knees, so low that he can pet Pikachu and said softly too, "Buddy, you are next, you think you can do it?"


"Yeah, that's the confidence!" Ash replied to the electric mouse.

"Pikachu, I choose you!!!" Ash shouted.

The whole crowd cheered as they all knew Pikachu was his best buddy and was the cutest too.

"This is a battle between Pikachu and Salamence, Battle continues!" the judge re-engaged the fight.

Sir Aaron beaming with confidence, "Salamence, incinerate Pikachu!"

The flying Salamence created several fireballs with a bright centre with black highlights around itself, then sent all of them flying towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu, you know what to do, iron tail!" Ash shouted.


As the fireballs closed in for Pikachu, Pikachu's tail glowed white. Doing a frontflip, its white tail hit one of the fireballs, enabling Pikachu to jump up high in the air. Still, in mid-air, Pikachu repeated the steps again and again.

The whole crowd gasped except for one obvious person, none other than the straw hat girl as she had seen this method before during her first Kalos journey together with the one and only Ash Ketchum back at the Cyllage Gym, back then known as the Rock Tomb Climb.


"NOW, PIKACHU, use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted after noticing that the attack had stopped and Pikachu had climbed way above Salamence.

"DRAGON PULSE TO COUNTER!" Sir Aaron responded quickly.

The two moves collided, however, Salamence darted straight through thick smoke and grabbed the helpless Pikachu by its mouth and teeth. Struggling to break free, Pikachu could not move or budge.

"Crunch that Pikachu!"

"PIKKKAAA!" Pikachu cried as it was blown off Salamence's mouth.

"Quick attack, let's go!" Ash commanded.

Pikachu sped off, leaving a white trail behind it and eventually hitting Salamence's right cheeks by surprise.

"Iron Tail!" Ash shouted next.

The glowing white tail slammed Salamence's face right from the top down.

"Ride on it!" Ash yelled.

"Oh no, you don't!" Sir Aaron screamed, "Salamence, shake Pikachu off!"

The pseudo-legendary Pokemon started to jerk from side to side, trying its best to get rid of the pesky mouse.

Pikachu definitely remembered all the times it had used its small figure to ride on various Pokemon, from Drake's Dragonite to Tobias' Latios to many other Pokemon even legendaries.

"THUNDERBOLT!" Ash screamed.

Pikachu releases a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from its body at Salamence below himself. Yellow sparks travelled along the body of Salamence.

With sheer determination, Salamence endured the pain and ascended upwards on command by its trainer while Pikachu constantly inflicted damage through tightening hugging thunderbolt. 80, 90, 110, 150, 200 feet.

Sir Aaron shouted, "Do a sudden descend!"

Salamence used its last ounce of energy and made a swift change in direction, causing Pikachu stranded in mid-air.

"Salamence, now hyperbeam straight at Pikachu!" Sir Aaron demanded.

Salamence quickly returned to ground level and aimed its mouth at the predicted path where Pikachu would land.

Salamence opened its mouth and a dark purple ball appeared in front of its mouth. As Pikachu continued to fall helplessly, it then fired a beam of dark purple energy from its mouth at the Pikachu.

Ash was now on its feet. This split second of neurons running through Ash's brain mattered a lot, either a victory or a defeat. He recalled the last time that Pikachu was tossed around like this was the battle with Tobias that resulted in a draw with Tobias' Latios. He cannot afford to lose any more of his Pokemon, especially his previous Pikachu. He remembered something.

"PIKACHU, SPIN!!!" Ash yelled very loudly.

The jolt of yelling got into Pikachu's mind. He knew instantly what to do. He flipped itself in mid-air, pointing his head downwards towards the beam. As the powerful energy beam approached Pikachu, he spun laterally in the nick of time, totally dodging the attack.

As hyperbeam is a move that Salamence had to recharge, Ash knew what his finishing move should be.

"Let's go Pikachu, you know what to do," Ash yelled.

Ash showed off his z-ring on his right hand and started a random Alolan dance with Pikachu to start drawing power from the z-crystal on the Z-ring. The power accumulated by Ash was then transferred to his favourite buddy. Pikachu, with massive amount of energy, unleashed all its strength by pouncing on the weakening, immobilised Salamence.


Total exhaustion, Salamence appeared fainted after the smoke cleared.

The judge ran into the battlefield to check on Salamence's state and then declared him fainted. "Salamence is unable to battle, the winner is Pikachu!" the judge announced.


The crowd wildly cheered in support for the cute electric rodent and also its trainer.

When the cheering died down, Sir Aaron made his next move and chose Chesnaught as his next Pokemon.

Pikachu turned to face its trainer. Cutely, it clenched its right fist and gave Ash reassurance that it can finish it off. Ash nodded in agreement.

"So the next fight will be Pikachu versus Chesnaught. Let the battle continue!" the judge continued the battle.

Both Chesnaught and Pikachu stood there motionless, awaiting each other, anticipating each other to make the first move.

Ash could not take it anymore as he was the passive type of trainer and shouted, "Quick Attack!"

Pikachu dashed off in white lightning towards Chesnaught, moving from one spot to another quickly.

"Wood Hammer!" Sir Aaron gave a defensive weapon to Chesnaught.

Smart enough, it was more than capable of fanning off the Pikachu's impending attack. Pikachu was unable to close into Chesnaught due to its green swinging arms.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

As the yellow 100,000 volts of electricity drew very close to Chesnaught, it shifted both arms in front of itself, attempting to block off the electric move. Yellow sparks flew off from its hands.

Both Ash and Pikachu looked in shock as they failed to penetrate its defence. Pikachu started to pant from the exhaustion from the previous battle. "Frenzy Plant!" the trainer from the other end of the battlefield shouted.

Energetic, Chesnaught stuck both its hands into the ground and made giant roots come out of the ground.

On high alert, Pikachu leapt high to dodge the first root coming out of the ground. Lucky, the next emerging root missed Pikachu narrowly to its left. The third root struck Pikachu with exact precision as if firing accurately from a sniper.

As Pikachu flew off very high up the sky, Chesnaught was asked to stop its attack and made a jump for Pikachu.

"Pikachu hang in there," Ash consoled its threatened buddy, "Use Volt Attack!"

Pikachu changed the direction it was facing towards the approaching Chesnaught. "Giga Impact!" Sir Aaron yelled.

Pikachu's body then became surrounded by golden electricity, charging straight down towards its opponent. While covered in electricity, Pikachu's body looked black and white.

During Chesnaught's ascend flight, an orb of light purple energy with spiralling light yellow streaked around it appeared around Chesnaught's body and it charged upwards towards Pikachu.

When the two Pokemon collided, everyone gasped...


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