Tag Battle #1

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"Welcome to the World Pokemon Tag Team Championship, I am your host, Jay and by my side is your co-host, Janet. We will be commentating on the upcoming tag team battle. On our left, we have Team Ferris Wheel, consisting of N and Touko," Jay started.

"And on our right, we have Team Hoenn Champion, Steven and May, let's put our hands together for them!" Janet continued.

The two team took their time to enter the limelight as there was a long walkway to the battlefield. (much like in XYZ Kalos League)

The crowd applauded for their appearance and also probably their hard work too for reaching the finals of this tag team battle. "The previous match Team FerrisWheel had was against Team Blonde, it was really close right Jay?" Janet recapped.

"No, no Janet, I think May and Steven had a run for their money when they were up against Team Amour the previous round. I still cannot believe that how Ash-Greninja held up against May's Blaziken and Steven's Mega Metagross at the same time." Jay exclaimed with total excitement.

"Yeah, I don't disagree but still seeing Zygard in action was super awesome! Enough of the previous round. Now both teams have just one more hurdle to become the crown champion for this year edition of the tag team tournament, the TTT," Janet enthusiastically continued from where Janet left off.

"This will be a 3v3 tag battle between Team FerrisWheel and Team HoennChampion! Any substitution can be made." the referee announced.

"Please choose your first Pokemon!" the referee requested the two teams.

"Aggron, I choose you!"

"Glaceon, take the stage!"

"Hmm, one ice type, one steel."

"Let's destroy them!"

"Samurott, go!"

"Braviary, I need your help!"

"BATTLE STARTS!" the judge announced the start.

"So this match will be between Glaceon and Aggron versus Samurott and Braviary. Basically, these two are the same two starting Pokemon from previous rounds leading up to this final, any comments on this, Janet?" Jay asked.

"Well, I don't see a problem, the two Pokemon combination that the two teams had used are quite strong as of now. For now, I am just interested in seeing which one will be down first!" Janet commented.

"We will find out once they start their first move!" Jay said.

"May, initiate plan A!" Steven told May

"Understood, Glaceon, use shadow ball!" May initiated the first one.

Glaceon opened its mouth and formed a dark purple ball of energy in front of it. It then fired it at the opponent, specifically at Braviary, causing it to flap its wings to dodge.

"Aggron, Earthquake!"

Glaceon quickly jumped on top of Aggron. The ground suddenly shook violently under the control of Aggron as shockwaves were sent battlefield-wide.

"Samurott, use Aqua Jet to dodge!"

Water was first formed around Samurott. Samurott rose into the air and shot itself like a rocket towards Aggron.

"What a clever way to dodge earthquake, I have never seen such a tactic, do you, Jay?" Janet exclaimed.

"So do I!"

"As planned, Aggron, use Hyper Beam," Steven muttered.

"Now, Glaceon use Ice Shard!" May commanded.

Using Aggron as a jumping platform, Glaceon leapt even higher into the air. It aimed its mouth at Braviary. Multiple icicles appeared from its mouth and were shot straight at Braviary.

At the same time, Aggron gathered energy in its mouth that turned into an orange beam. It unleashed its might at the water-surrounded Samurott.

"Samurott, dodge it"

"Braviary, counter it with Brave Bird!"

Sadly, Samurott had no place to dodge and took the Hyper beam straight on.

Braviary charged straight at the now vulnerable mid-air Glaceon. Its body became surrounded by red fire and subsequently, the fire changed into a light blue aura. It slammed into Glaceon.

Both Samurott and Glaceon were sent flying back to their respective trainers' side of the battlefield.

"N, use something against Aggron!" Touko told N.

"Use Toxic!"

"Taking advantage of the recharge time Aggron needs, a sweet move!" Janet said.

Braviary fires a stream of purple liquid from its mouth towards Aggron. The next moment, a purple electricity jolted the whole of Aggron.

"Oh no, seems like Aggron will be in great pain for the remaining of the battle, what will Steven, the Champion do about it?" Jay exclaimed.

"Look, Samurott and Glaceon are joining back to the fight, they don't seem to be giving up!" Janet added.

Steven and May exchanged looks and nodded at each other.

"Glaceon, follow Aggron," May commanded.

"Aggron, use takedown," Steven said.

As if a bull, Aggron charged right at Samurott.

"Use Air Slash to stop Aggron!" N said.

Braviary's wings glowed light blue and it flapped them, releasing multiple light blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades from its wings at the speeding Pokemon.

However, Aggron didn't care.

"Touko, there's no choice, we have fight it head on!" N demanded.

"Ok," Touko accepted, "Use Aqua Jet at Aggron!"

Once Steven got the cue, he told May, "Now is the chance!"

May looked at her boyfriend and nodded, "Glaceon, jump onto Aggron, and use Ice Beam."

Using her performances' experiences to her advantage, Glaceon spun upon leaping from Aggron's head, sending multiple light blue beams ahead of itself.

"Wow, I have never seen such move done like this before!" Jay exclaimed.

"Even I as a coordinator, have not seen such control before. Look at how the move doesn't strike Aggron at all, not even close. It is as if Glaceon has a special eye for Aggron," Janet applauded.

"Braviary, counter it with Brave Bird!" N said.

Touko demanded, "Samurott, spin!"

Once again, Braviary became surrounded by a red aura and made use of the fire to burn through the light blue rays sent by Glaceon.

Samurott, on the other hand, charged towards the beams, causing the water surrounding itself to freeze into ice. Despite ice being the solid state of water, the spinning Samurott still had the momentum to move forward.

"What a splendid display of moves! They attack with style, right, Jay!" Janet commented.

"That's right Janet, that's why they are in the finals, not the others!" Jay inputted.


A huge collision of moves caused the stadium to be filled with smoke.

The crowd were murmuring about the possible outcomes.


After the smoke cleared, Glaceon and Samurott were seen lying down on the field.



Their fiery eyes connected.

Suddenly, purple sparks zapped Aggron, causing its eyes to close and fall forwards.

After the referee declared the three fainted, the crowd cheered, jeered and applauded loudly such that no one could differentiate between the three.

"What an exciting turn of events, no one would have expected Braviary to remain flying," Jay exclaimed.

"Me too, I thought Glaceon could have survived. She's my favourite Pokemon, so blue so icy," Janet said.

"Don't you already have one?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, so?" Janet replied.

"Back to the battle, we shall wait for the three to reveal their next Pokemon!" Jay said.

After the two pair discussed, Touko was the first to reveal.

"Unfezant, GO!"

May and Steven threw their Pokeball each.

The blaze Pokemon was unveiled doing a kick and maintained a fighting posture, hands balled into fists, ready to fight while the armoured bird Pokemon did a 360-degree roller coaster-like motion.

"Our next battle is Unfezant and Braviary versus Blaziken and Skarmory," the judge announced.

"Use Air Slash!"

"You, use Air Slash too!"

The moves quickly collided in the middle of the battlefield, creating black smoke.

That was what we as trainer thought.

Braviary had caught hold of Blaziken using its strong feets and ascended upwards, shocking everyone.

"Blaziken, NO!" May shouted.

"May, do something!" Steven exclaimed.

"Oh... Blaziken..."

Before May could finish saying, Blaziken was seen shaking as Braviary was moving in a zig-zag movement.

"Unfezant, use Air Slash on Blaziken!"

Unfezant's wings glowed light blue and it flapped them, releasing multiple light blue glowing saw disc-like blades from its wings at Blaziken.

"Skarmory, use Air Slash too!" Steven commanded.

The two moves clashed again, causing great air turbulence, so strong that Braviary had to let go of Blaziken.

Thanks to Blaziken's strong legs, Blaziken looked unfazed upon landing safely.

"May, I got an idea, ask your Blaziken to ride on my Skarmory!" Steven informed.

"Right!" May agreed, "Blaziken jump onto Skarmory!"

"What's the pair planning to do? Skarmory is weak against fire, you don't think Blaziken will burn Skarmory right?" Janet raised her concerns.

Jay answered, "Don't worry, at this level, I doubt Steven will risk it all!"

"Braviary and Unfezant, draft formation!"

The two bird Pokemon aligned themselves, one behind another, Braviary ahead of Unfezant.

Both dashed straight towards Skarmory. Using their agility and lightning speed, they easily outmanoeuvred its opponent and threw them with various attacks.

"May, aim for Unfezant, it's easier!"

May nodded.

"Blaziken, use Blaze Kick and aim for Braviary!" May shouted.

"Touko, you know what to do!"

"Yeah, Unfezant move ahead of Braviary."

As soon as Blaziken was close to hitting Unfezant with its fiery red long leg, however, it avoided the attack.

Seeing Blaziken falling, "Braviary, finish Blaziken with your Brave Bird!" N shouted.

Blueish in colour, Braviary, charges straight at the helpless Blaziken.

"Blaziken, counter with your blaze kick!" May shouted.

"Unfezant, use air slash to distract Blaziken!"

"Oh no, you don't, Skarmory you too use air slash!"


"What a spectacular exchange of moves!" Jay exclaimed.

"I think so, it is exactly this that makes 2v2 so much fun!" Janet added.

After the thick smoke cleared, Braviary and Blaziken were found lying on the ground with swirly eyes while Unfezant and Skarmory continued flapping their wings, starring at each other, eying for a revenge!

Unexpectedly, the two bird Pokemon, on their own accord, flew towards each other and collided, then dropped like a dead bird.

"All four Pokemon are unable to battle!" the judge announced.

"Blaziken return, you did a great job!"

"Skarmory you too!"

Steven and May exchanged looks. They knew this is their last chance and they must make full use of it. As promised before the tournament, they will go all out and do their very best to get the trophy.

"Now it's time for my best Pokemon!" she whispered to her old friend.

"Yeah, let's go, Metagross!"

"I choose you, Altaria!"

"Braviary, you have a rough match, thanks a lot, take a good rest," N recalled her Pokemon.

"Serperior, your turn, my friend!" N threw his Pokeball out.

"Unfezant, you did well."

"Zebstrika, let's win this!" a thunderbolt Pokemon appeared from the Pokeball.

"Altaria and Metagross versus Serperior and Zebstrika! The battle continues!" the judge announced.

"Jay, what do you think of this selection?" Janet asked.

"Obviously, Touko chose Zebstrika to counter Altaria, but it might be a bad choice against Metagross. Well, we just have to wait and see!"

"Altaria, cotton guard!" May commanded.

Altaria glowed white in colour and cotton-like bubbles appeared around its body. Suddenly all of them disappeared and it glowed blue this time.

"Protecting yourself from thunder attacks!" Touko thought.

"Raising defence stats this way will help Altaria survive thunder type moves, but how effective will it be?" Jay said.

"Let's see! Zebstrika, use thunder!" Touko said.

Zebstrika's lightning rods on its head became charged with electricity and then fired it straight towards the flying Altaria.

"Metagross, use Psychic!"

The eyes on Metagross glowed light blue. All the lightning strikes suddenly were stopped, as if time was stopped. The next instant, all of them were redirectly back, but now towards Serperior.

"Serperior, dodge, then go and wrap around Metagross!" N commanded.

"Metagross, you know the drill!"

As if planned, Serperior suddenly became under Metagross's control and its outline glowed light blue.

"Altaria, flamethrower!" May ordered.

"Zebstrika, use wild charge at Metagross to help Serperior!" Touko said.

An intense blast of fire was fired and now engulfed Serperior's snake-like profile.

Zebstrika's body became surrounded by bright gold electricity with white static around it and charged towards Metagross.

Before Metagross could give Serperior the full damage, it was hit by Zebstrika causing the Psychic to be lifted.

The charged electricity was sort of transferred from Zebstrika to Metagross, creating a white orb discharged energy which exploded eventually.

"Metagross, it's time," Steven grabbed his keystone and put it through his ring finger, keystone, give our bond form!"

The keystone instantly glowed bright yellow in colour while the corresponding Mega stone on one of Metagross's legs shined light blue in colour. The two shining lights linked together one by one, once completed, pinkish-red colour energy was formed, giving Metagross enough energy to slowly change form.

"Metagross, Mega evolve!" Steven shouted

Under the energy veil, Metagross's legs slowly grew outwards and changed direction. Now the legs were facing its opponent as if they are guns while its main brain is at the point where all four legs joined together.

"Wow, a shiny Mega Metagross!!!" Janet screamed in joy.

Keystone, respond to my heart," May took out her keystone from her neck and placed it close to her heart, "listen to my heart, Altaria, Mega Evolve!"

The same sequence as before occurred allowing Altaria to change form. Now, Mega Altaria has more extensive cloud-like plumage with a large fluffy mass extending from its back.

"This will mean trouble for N and Touko, how can they defeat two fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon?" Jay said.

"Dragon Pulse!"

Mega Altaria fired a multi-coloured dragon-shaped beam of energy at Serperior, engulfing it.

"Serperior is unable to battle!" the judge officially said.

The regal Pokemon was recalled.

"Now my final pal, Metagross!" N successfully unveiled his final Pokemon.

"Battle continues!"

"Now that all four trainers are at their last Pokemon, Jay, who do you think will come out on top?" Janet asked.

"Hmm... I think!"


Another explosion had occurred, vibrating the whole battlefield.

Both sides had started their barrage of attacks. Neither Pokemon were willing to give in...


"What a match!" Steven shook hands with N while May shook hands with Touko.

"Me too, this is the most intense match I ever had!" N commented.

"It seems like our little rivalry at the start has turned out to be a friendly encounter!" Janet announced.

"Isn't it what we all hope for, us to live harmoniously with Pokemon?" Jay questioned.

"Yeah, ok now, let's put our hands together for Team FerrisWheel, our Tag Team Champions for this year!" Janet announced.

The whole crowd erupted in cheers as Team HoennChampion and Team Amour congratulate them.


Thanks, WingsofSunrise for the request!

Req as per following:

Could you do a tag team battle with only three pokémon each: N and Touko (my ship XD lol) versus May and Steven Stone (my other ship :p) N has Zoroark, Braviary, and Serperior while Touko has Samurott, Unfezant, and Zebstrika. May uses Blaziken, Glaceon, and Mega Altaria; and Steven uses Mega Metagross, Skarmory, and Aggron.



If there's any grammar mistakes, please point out and forgive me. I just sent my laptop for servicing so editing becomes a problem for me on my phone. Hope you will understand.

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