Chapter 4: Pokemon Have Rights?

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"That felt amazing. I needed to kill a warehouse full of arrogant children. Thank you, Black," Hilbert sighed with content.

He didn't just kill them....,but I put those memories in a box and throw the key away. Oshawott sleepily snuggled my head. He was kinda cute in a mutilated Purrloin sort of way. The warehouse was on the outskirts of town so I was making my way back to Accumula Town to find a place to stay and maybe stock up on items. Maybe they'll have those Full Restores.

"Black-kun!" a voice attacked my ear drums.

Cheren rushed towards me, waving his hand as if I couldn't see him.

"Speak of the devil," I gritted my teeth.

"Yes, Blackiepoo?" Hilbert cooed.

I growled and ignored my murderous and equally horny alter ego.

"Black, where have you been?" Cheren asked. "You had Bianca and I worried sick."

"I was getting far away from you," I said bluntly.

"And I was getting to tear open children!" Hilbert blurted out.

"Ever since we were kids, you always wondered off, never sitting still in one spot," Cheren shook his head.

"Oh I can stay in one spot especially if you're not there," I replied.

"What do you think is going on over there?" Cheren pointed to the stage that I passed earlier.

Upon the stage were lines of people in grey, medieval styles clothes with a crest. The crest was a white and black shield with a blue "P" in the middle. The same crest was on the banners which the people on the end of the lines held. A crowd of people were gathering in front of the stage.

"It looks like some sort of...event is going on in which a crowd is attracted," Cheren squinted.

"Gee, I'm so glad you pointed that out. I never would have guessed that!" I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Let's check it out!" Cheren grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the crowd.

I tore my arm away from him and glanced around. All sorts of people had gathered here. Trainers, breeders, ordinary folk. Over a plump man's head, I saw a tall man with a long mane of green hair under a cap.

Sheldon snorted and shook himself awake.

"What's going on?" Sheldon asked sleepily.

"Good question. I wonder if this is some sort of concert. Or a rally for a stupid cause against something that doesn't exist," I then proceeded to cough and sputtered out "wage gap."

An overweight woman with glasses and a ridiculous haircut turned to me, glaring harshly. She must've heard what I said.

"Misogynistic, cis male scum! Don't try denying the oppression that you are laying on women!"

"You're a woman?" I asked, surprised. "Let's see what my Pokedex says."

I whipped out the device. The second half of it extended upward and scanned the thing.

"Trigglypuff, the Triggered Pokemon. Trigglypuff believes that all its problems come from the fact that it is female. It strongly believes society is against it and all men are oppressing her. It's also extremely stupid," the Pokedex said.

"Oh hey, facts, the one thing you refuse to see," I said with a smile.

"The one thing you refuse to see is your white male privilege!" Her body rolls jiggled as she spat.

"I'll have you know that I identify as a shiny lesbian Charizard. I also have a voice in my head whose sexuality is uncomprehendable to anyone alive. So in short, check YOUR privilege!"

Trigglypuff started screeching and flailing her arms.

"Master, get it away from me, please." Sheldon hid behind my head.

"Black, I am so proud to be in your mind," Hilbert sobbed happily.

"Don't bring your hate speech here!" Trigglypuff screamed.

"Did somebody say hate speech?" A voice boomed across the crowd.

Spotlights flashed on the stage, drawing my attention to it. The cosplayers standing on the stage started playing trumpets. A man covered in a heavy robe sat upon a golden throne as half a dozen Patrats carried it across the stage. The Patrats grunted and wheezed as they carried him to the center spotlight, they looked to be on the verge of death.

I got a better view of the man as he stood from his throne. He had long, pale green hair and a red eye piece covering his crimson eyes.

He was handed a microphone by one of the cosplayers. He cleared his throat and began speak.

"Hello, my name is Ghetsis. I am here representing Team Plasma. Ladies and gentleman-"

Trigglypuff wailed since Ghetsis only addressed two out of the two genders.

"As I was saying," Ghetsis continued after Trigglypuff was finished, "I would like to talk to you about Pokemon liberation. I'm sure most of you believe that we humans and Pokemon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other. However...that's bullshit!"

My eyes widened at the sudden change in tone. And from the fact that he wanted Pokemon liberated even though they were literally carrying him a few seconds ago.

"We take Pokemon from their homes, force them to battle, force them to perform, and even change them despite their wishes-"

"Yes, because Magikarp LOVE being Magikarp," I said a little too loudly.

Ghetsis took a deep breath, controlling a deeply rooted rage, "Can we hold the interruptions?"

The crowd was silent.

"Thank you. As I was saying, they take selfish commands from Trainers. They are pushed around as our "partners" at work. They fight until they are unconscious for the love of Arceus! Now, ladies and gentleman, Pokemon are much different from humans. They contain unknown potential. We have much to learn from Pokemon. Tell me, what is our responsibility to these wonderful beings called Pokemon?"

"To catch them all!" I shouted.

Ghetsis swept a gun up from his robe. His eye twitched with fierce anger. The crowd gasped.

"Dammit! Who said that?" Ghetsis waved the gun around. He cocked it back. "Which one of you dead pieces of shit just said that?"

He pointed the gun toward Trigglypuff. "Was it you, lard ass?"

He swung it towards Cheren. "Was it you, string bean? I swear to Arceus, I will blow your head off into the next generation, boy!"

I shrunk down, avoiding eye contract with the crazed gunman. This guy was more unstable than Hilbert.

"Bring out the cage!" Ghetsis barked at one of his grunts.

A small cage was wheeled on stage with a monkey like Pokemon with a tiny green bush on its head. You could see malnutrition and all its glory.

"This is what happens to Pokemon, metaphorically and literally!" he pulled the trigger, splattering the Pokemon's brains all over everyone in the front row. "They die! You capture them? They die!" Ghetsis shot its already dead body.

"I just liberated this Pokemon's soul-"

"He liberated its head from it's neck," I said to myself.

"This is what happens when Pokemon aren't free!" Ghetsis snapped his fingers.

Plasma henchmen threw buckets of crimson blood on the crowd. Some got on my shoes and my cheek. Cheren got drenched while Sheldon was screaming about the blood on him.

"Why is this happening?" I screamed. "This makes no sense!"

The crowd became a riot. People were running into each, slipping on the blood, and throwing their Pokemon away.

"Liberate your Pokemon! Make Unova great again!" Ghetsis hopped on his throne, almost crushing the Patrats. "Team Plasma, out!"

He dropped his mic and pulled a whip out, lashing the Patrats. "Faster!"

Team Plasma made their escape as the chaos unfolded.

"He has my vote," Hilbert said.

"Black, I caught that Trigglypuff!" Cheren exclaimed behind me.

I turned around to see my stalker cover in blood, charging towards me with a Pokeball speckled in flesh. I panicked.

"Mosh pit!" I shouted and decked Cheren in the face.

He whimpered and collapsed to the ground. Everyone went dead silent with their eyes fixed on me.

"No? We're just gonna suddenly stop all forms of violence now?" I outstretched my arms. "Fine. Whatever."

The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving me with an unconscious Cheren. I kicked him a few times to wake him up but with no luck. I turned away to see the green haired man I saw in the crowd. A pedestrian walked past me, and the man vanished.

"What the-?" I started to say.

"I can hear your Pokemon." a voiced said.

I jumped with a yelp. I whirled around to see the vanishing man.

"Let me hear your Pokemon speak," the man said.

"I don't wanna talk to you," Sheldon squeaked.

"Who the hell are you?" I pointed my finger at the man.

"I am N." the wind picked up and blew his long mane of perfect hair. His eyes sparkled with an unsolved mystery. A rouge smile played on his lips.

"Oh my god, I'm in a Yaoi." I said with sudden realization as my heart dropped.

"Purrloin, use Sucker Punch."

A purple feline seemingly leapt from nowhere and knocked Sheldon off my shoulder. He grunted as he slid across the ground. Purrloin pranced over to its master, smiling cattily.

"Sheldon, use Water Gun!" I shouted.

Sheldon spun to his feet and sprayed a stream of water at Purrloin. It was going to be a direct hit. N suddenly darted in front of Purrloin, drenching himself in water.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked in total disbelief.

"I won't let my Pokemon be hurt," he said.

"Then why did you send it out into a freaking battle? What did you think was gonna happen- oh my god, I can see your twenty-four pack."

Since N was wearing a white button up, his chest was visible thanks to the water.

"You're making me question my sexuality, and I don't like it!" I jabbed a finger at him. "Sheldon, Tackle!"

Sheldon now wore a brave face. He was becoming more comfortable with battling, but he was still cautious.

He ran and slide between N's legs and rammed into Purrloin. Purrloin did a backflip to recover, but Sheldon was already on it with another Tackle. This time, Purrloin did catch itself.

"Water Gun!" I commanded.

Sheldon pumped another stream of water, pushing Purrloin into a near wall. Purrloin struggled to escape. Sheldon kept the pressure until Purrloin stopped moving. Purrloin laid in defeat.

Sheldon returned to my side. I nodded at him with a smile. Sheldon smiled with joy.

"I was never good at battling Pokemon. I hate it. Pokemon should be free." N scooped up his Purrloin and looked to me. "If you cared for your Pokemon, you would release them."

"But you just used a Pokemon in battle and lost. If you want Pokemon to be free, then why do you have one? Better yet, you wanted me to free my Pokemon by battling me with another Pokemon?" I tried to point out his flawed logic.

N blankly stared at me for a moment before backing away into the shadows of a nearby alley.

"And I thought Cheren and Bianca were weird," I turned to Sheldon. "Speaking of weird, I just realized that your a talking Pokemon. Or can I talk to Pokemon? I am moderately confused, and I realize this hours later."

"I think it's me who's doing the talking," Sheldon thought for a moment.

"Okay. Where did you pick up speaking English?"

Sheldon paused, looking at his hands. "I-I don't know. I honestly don't know."

I raised an eyebrow at my Pokemon. I shook my head, dismissing the thought.

"Let's get cleaned up," I picked Sheldon up and walked over to an empty lot beside the Pokemon Center.

Sheldon sprayed water into a bucket that I found cast aside. I got as much blood out of my shoes as I could, and I scrubbed Sheldon clean. Once we were cleansed of Pokemon blood, we started to look for a place to stay since I figured that I wouldn't be welcome at the Pokemon Center after the incident with the nurse.

"You're uncharacteristically quiet, Hilbert. What do you think of that N guy?" I spoke to Hilbert.

"He is now Senpai," he blurted.

"Okay then. I'll make sure that I never see him again."

"Hey, dumb ass!" a gruff, feminine voice shouted.

I turned to the voice only to get nailed in the back of the head with a metal object. I stumbled into a nearby alley and fell to the ground. My attacker grabbed my jacket and threw me up against the wall of a building. I focused my blurry vision and got a look at my attacker.

She was a girl about my age. She a long, chocolate brown pony tail under her pink and white hat. She had shimmering blue eyes that seemed to cut right through me. The rest of her face was covered with a black bandana.

She was dressed in a black vest with a white tank top under it. She also had jean shorts with ripped bottoms. Did I mention she had a gun pointed at my face?

"Hey! You leave my master alone!" Sheldon charged toward the girl.

A tiny white Pokemon with black skin flaps swooped down and drop kicked Sheldon into a trash can.

"Emolga!" The Pokemon jeered.

"Sheldon!" I tried running to him, only to be pushed against the wall.

"Move and I blow your head off!" she barked.

"I hope it's not the one on your shoulders," Hilbert said.

"You know what I'm thinking?" I thought to Hilbert.

"Are you thinking of introducing her to Stabbitha?"

"Only a scratch," I said to him.

I slid the knife from my pocket and flicked the blade up, swinging it at my attacker. She caught my wrist without looking. She twisted it; I released the knife with a yelp. She kicked it up in the air and caught it. She know had a gun and a knife. Her looks were dangerous than both.

"No more games, bitch nuts. Give me your money!" she pointed the knife at my throat and the gun at my head.

"I don't think you need a gun and a knife. Your shorts are pretty damn intimidating by themselves," I squeaked.

"Are you telling me how to mug someone?" she jabbed the gun barrel at my head, ignoring my fearful compliment.

"No--I just-"

"How about I splattered your balls all over this alley? If you have any, that is," she pointed the gun at my crotch.

"Please don't shoot my balls off!"

"Maybe I'll take your Pokemon too. He'll make me a pretty penny with the right buyer."

"For the love of Arceus, don't take my Oshawott and please, please don't paint the alley with my balls!" I slid to the ground and landed on my knees, tears streaming down my face.

"Are you crying?" Hilbert laughed.

"Are you crying?" the mugger asked in disbelief, her voice softening.

"I'm sorry, but I am having a really rough day. I met two psychopaths, bent on making my life hell, I was almost shot in the face, I killed a kid, and there was blood and cosplayers! And there's a warehouse full of corpses!" I sobbed.

"Oh my are crying," the mugger took a step back.

"Here's my money-" I reached into my back pocket.

"Forget it," she said, while holstering her gun. "Nut up and wipe your tears."

I obeyed and ran my sleeve over my eyes. Suddenly, she jerked me up by my collar and pulled her bandana down. Her face was dangerously close to mine, causing me to flush a shade of red.

"I thought recognized you. A bounty was on your head for the Trainer Mafia except you killed most of them," she smirked.

"Your with them?" I gulped.

"Nope. Did some business from time to time. You killed all of them, but her you are pissing yourself."

"That wasn't me," my voice hardened.

"I need a grunt, and you fit the bill perfectly. I can't be doing all the work myself." she placed my knife in my hand. "How about you join me, and I don't turn you into the police or the mafia?"

I thought for a moment. What could this woman want? She was obviously a criminal. She was dangerous. Did I want to get wrapped up in whatever she was doing?

"This sounds fun," Hilbert cheered.

"What do you need a henchman for?" I asked.

"I need to expand my Fletchling of a business."

"What kind of business?"

"A criminal organization of course."

My heart dropped. No going back now. "Right. What exactly do you need me for?"

"I have big plans for you. Anymore questions, numb nuts?"

"My name's Black by the way, and I have just one."

"And what's that?" she folded her arms.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"The name's White. And I'm going to conquer Unova."

Author's note: Well that happened. It was Pretty long. I don't know when the next update will be. School is really hard and I only have five days left. Semesters and all that. I've got nothing left to say.


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