Awakements: A spiteful escape (Part 9)

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(We open in Lavender Town one cold and misty night. Carol and her Cubone were walking pur of the pokemon tower comforting a crying trainer.)

Carol: I'm sorry for your loss, Miss....Im sure your pokemon is looking down on you in empathy, wishing to still be on this world with you....

Trainer: *sniffle* Oh Butterfree....why did it have to end like this? *sniffle and begins to walk back to her home town*

Carol: *watches the trainer leave and picks up Cubone* Cubone...

Cubone: Cu?

Carol: ....*sighs*....ever since Jay left Kanto, I feel like everyday has gotten more and more sadder....both in, and outside Lavender Town.....

Cubone: Cu....

(Suddenly, Carols other pokemon Ghastly peered behind her.)

Ghastly: Ghastly! *licks her head, in an effort to cheer her up before pointing his tongue over to her house*

Carol: Your right....Maybe I am just kinda sad still....Lets go eat dinner. *walks to the Pokemon house, aka her home*

Carol: Hey dad, I'm back...

Mr. Fuji: Evening sweetie, how was your day?

Carol: Depressing...

Fuji: Of course it was....Dinners almost ready, I'm just waiting for your sister to come home from work.

Carol: Okay dad...Ill get changed. *heads upstairs, her pokemon following her*

(As Carol changed into a soft purple dress and let her hair down, she saw a photo frame in a drawer that had a picture of her, Lently, and Jay, all together as friends/rivals. She sighs, remembering how fun it was to meet Jay and be her friend.)

Carol: Oh Jay.....

Cubone: *hugs Carol*

(Downstairs, Carol could hear arguing and banging going on. She got out of her room and peeked downstairs to spy on what the commotion was. Turns out, like a lot of times, Her dad and her sister were fighting.)

Sabrina: I told you Mr. Fuji, she's way too meek to become Kanto's ghost type gym leader. And we already have Mom as a ghost type specialist, so i don't see the point.

Fuji: Young lady, if you could become a gym leader, so can Carol!! You can't decide what she can and can't be!

Sabrina: *slams her fists on the table* Dad, I became a gym leader because of my passion for Psychic types, not because I "just wanted to"!!! You can't force Carol into becoming a gym leadet, and I won't FarFetch-ing support her!


(Carol quickly ran back into her room before Mr. Fuji could finish and started to cry into her bed. Ghastly and Cubone try and console her, but to no avail.)

Carol: *sniffles* Not even my own family can stay together.....I wish my journey lasted longer....Im tired of rotting away like a corpse in a town like this.....*sniffles and gets up*.....

Carol: Cubone, Ghastly....I think I'm gonna run away....

Ghastly and Cubone: *about to gasp and protest*

Carol: *covers their mouths* Shh! I know this may seem extreme....But....I really just need to leave this place....Im sorry, but I just need to....

Ghastly and Cubone: *nod and agree to help her escape*

(Later that evening, Carol began to prepare for her departure. Her ghastly snuck her food in water for her travels, and her Cubone managed to smuggle a small boat for her. At midnight, Carol woke up and wore her light blue cloak and her special necklace with had a picture of her family in there.)

Cubone: *climbs into her hoodie, ready to leave with her*

Carol: Ready Cubone? *opens her window*

Cubone: *nods*

Carol: Okay....lets go....*climbs out of her window and onto the roof*

Ghastly: *helps her to the ground*

Carol: *quickly runs to the edge of Lavender Town and gets into the small boat*

Ghastly: *begins to push her off to sea*

Carol: Goodbye Mom....Goodbye Dad......Goodbye Sabrina......

(She begain to sail away from the misty town, eventually the town coming out of view.)

Carol: Goodbye Lavender Town......Goodbye Kanto....Apart of me will miss you......Goodbye....

(We then cut to a series of moments that happened overseas, like her Ghastly evolving to protect against the dangers of her journey. Soon, we cut to a still of Carol finding Fulcre and landing against the side of Blackblood plains. There, her Cubone evolved into an Alolan Marowak ((it's Alolan because pokemon experts first discovered it in Alola, but never found it anywhere else)) in an abandoned church, which would become her sort of "gym".)

Carol: This is better....for everyone.....

((Jay belongs to DJ_Genie))

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