Awakements: Dancing with you (Part 8)

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(We open up on not-yet-gym leader Sally walking into Chessia City, for now known for its business and governmental status. Sally skipped up the road and looked around at the bustling Chessia City. In her arms, was a Mime Jr. she picked up at the pokemon orphanage a ways back.)

Sally: *whistles* This place is bangin' big! *skips down the sidewalk and bumps into a dude in a suit* Whoopsie! Sorry bro! *picks up his suitcase*

Dude: Watch it, you moron! *snatches his case back* And don't wear so much pink, you'll cause eye strain! *grumps away*

Sally: ...*thinks* Woah...whats that dudes deal?

Mime Jr.: Mime mime mime?

Sally: ....*pets Mime Jr* Hah! Don't worry bout that dudette, mimey! He probably just wasn't havin' a boppin' day or nothin..

(Sally ignored the man however, and began to walk towards a huge building known as "Gym Leader registration tower". This tower granted trainers permission on whether or not they could become gym leaders.)

(On their way to this building, Sally noticed some flashing lights in the Alleyway of one of the buildings.)

Sally: Huh? *walks into the Alleyway, looking around*

Mime Jr: *same* Miiime?

(Suddenly, a small floating squid floated towards them. This was an Inkay, but not a normal Inkay. This Inkay had velvet pink tentacles, a shiny diamond colored posterior surface, crystal, shiny eyes, and rainbow like lights flashing different colors from where Inkays usually have their yellow lights.)

Sally: Woah dude! That's a cool lookin' pokemon right there- huh?

(Looking at the Fulcrian Inkay, Sally noticed at the bruises the squid had on its side tentacles.)

Mime Jr: Mime mime?

Sally: Oh okay, bro?

(Suddenly, The Inkay fell down and started to cry.)

Mime Jr: Mime! *squirms out of Sally's arms and gets down to Inkays level so Mime Jr. could comfort Inkay*

Sally: *same* Hey.....Hey dude, it'll be okay....*pets its posterior surface*

Inkay: In....Kay...

Sally: Hmm....How would you like to become my pokemon? Coz like....I dwanna leave ya here...*gets out a pokeball and taps it onto the Inkays head*

Inkay: *heads inside of the pokeball, becoming Sally's pokemon*

Sally: *smiles*

(Soon, Sally makes it up to highest floor in the gym leader registration tower, where the current gym leader/mayor of Chessia was. To get in charge of the city, Sally would have to get this leader in a pokemon battle.)

Sally: Hey dude, I'm here yo.

Leader: Ah, you do you like Chessia City so far?

Sally: I gotta be honest, I just ain't giving with this place dawg. Everyone here looks like a downy dump, man.

Leader: What does that matter? They work hard and stay focus, and that's 10x more important than happiness!

Sally: *frowns* Not cool. Not cool at all, my man.

Leader: *rolls his eyes* Do you want your battle or not?

Sally: *nods*

Leader: Okay then....*sends out a hellpin and a Zwellious* This will be a double battle. Any two of your pokemon, vs. These two pokemon of mine.

Sally: Aight...Mimey? Y'all ready for this?

Mime Jr: Mime! *steps into battle*

Sally: Lets go, Inkay! *sends out Inkay*

Inkay: In-kay!

Leader: Let the battle commence!

(We then see a long scene of the Pokemon dishing out moves and doges towards each other like crazy. Despite their efforts, the chessia gym leader was dominating the battle due to tyoe advantage. At one point, both pokemon, out of love for Sally and her will to make Chessia a happier city, evolve and begin to dominate the battle. Soon, Sally won and claimed Chessia as a whole new town. A carefree town, where young adults can just get away from life and hang., Malamar...was happy.....The city Inkay has known has finally been changed for the better.)

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