Awakements: The Climb after the Blizzard (Part 11)

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((Above is how Trenton looks))

(We open inside of Hildagarths home, located in Linweich Village. Inside, she had the fire place up and running and also had something baking in the oven. She was sitting on a rocking chair, humming a melody to herself. On her lap, wad a baby popplio, bundled up in soft blankets and was being rocked to sleep by Hildagarth.)

(Suddenly, the door opened. Hildagarths husband, Trenton, was back from shopping in Linweich.)

Trenton: Evening, love.

Hilda: *smiles* Welcome back honey...

(They both kiss)

Trenton: Say, wots that you got there? *gestures towards Popplio*

Hilda: Oh...Popplio? I found her by Viagra Bay this morning....she looked hurt and I took her in, despite me being an ice trainer....

Trent: Ah Hildagarth....your so caring, sweetie. *smiles*

(Suddenly, the oven timer went off.)

Hilda: Oh honey, can you please get those for me?

Trent: Of course *goes to the oven and takes out a batch of healthy gingerbread cookies* What are they?

Hilda: Their healthy gingerbread cookies I baked myself for popplio....I thought I'd make my own instead of buying Dr. Frostings kind....

Trent: Well, why not buy Dr. Frostings kind?

Hilda: Well....The closest Pokebakery is far away....and, I rather just try and bake my own, if that's okay with you....

Trent: *pats her head* Of course it is, Honey! I rather eat your baking then Dr. Frostings any day!

Hilda: *blushes and gives Popplio a cookie*

Popplio: *eats it all up* Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! *smiles*

Hilda: She likes it...*smiles* I love you, Trenton...

Trent: I love you too, Hildagarth...

(They both kiss again.)

(Time skip to a few weeks later when the couple go into one of their skating shows together. They both send out their pokemon. Hildagarth sent out her newly evolved Brionne, and Trenton sent out his partner pokemon, Fulcrian Lycanrock. They all skated together, doing elegant trick and stunts to amaze the crowd.)

Trent: *while skating, suddenly notices a mysterious figure making a crack under the ice where Hildagarth was skating*

(In an instant, Trenton quickly skated towards her and pushed her out of the way, and just in time to. Because as soon as he did, the ice below him broke, and he fell into the dangerously cold water.)

Hilda: *falls over and gasps* TRENTON!!!! *crawls over to the hole*

Brionne: BRIOOO!!! *tries to dive in*

Hilda: No brionne!! *holds Brionne to keep her from freezing*

Lycanrock: *rushes in and dives in after Trenton, nothing stopping him*

Hilda: *tries to get in after Lycanrock*

(Before Hildagarth could make it in, Brionne held her back, not wanting her to die either.)

Hilda: *screams, crying*

(3 hours later....we cut to a funeral scene where all of the gym leaders are gathered around a tombstone. The stone read "RIP Trenton Avel and Lycanrock; 1978-2017; beloved husband of gym leader and his partner". The gym leaders all sadly put flowers on his grave and then left....all except for Hildagarth.)

Hilda: Oh Trenton....*falls to her knees and weeps* Why did it and like this.....Why....Who....How.....*goes quit* .....*digs a small divet in the grave and places her wedding ring in it* Trenton.....I love you......*skates away in silence*

(3 years later....we cut to Hildagarth skating on Viagra Beach, looking at the same in dismay. Philip was also there, looking out into the sea, fishing. It was early morning, so the sun was just peering up from the curve of the ocean.)

Philip: *notices Hildagarth* Hmm? Heya Hildy. *asks the most logical question he could ask* Why are you wearing skates in the sand?

Hilda: *sits down* They make me feel better....

Philip: Well I ain't seeing you smiling.

Hilda: ...

Philip: ...


Philip: *scoots closer to her* You still thinking about Tren-

Hilda: DONT say his name....please....*some tears roll down her cheeks*

Philip: Sorry......


Hilda: Philip.....I might be resigning my spot as a gym leader....

Philip: *eyes widen* WHAT?!

Hilda: I just....cant battle without him....Im sor-

Philip: *stands up and grabs her shoulders, ready to give an inspirational speech* Now listen here you! Let me tell you about the time my dad died! I watched him die of pokerus right then and there on the table, and right as he did so, Yknow what he told me?! He told me to live my passion of battling with water types!! Now I'm not sure if yer husband loved you as a gym leader, but I'm CERTAIN he wouldn't want you to give up something you love, just because of him! Would he? Huh?? Would he????

Hilda: N-No...

Philip: *lets go of her* You make the choice. You continue to live your career, or you give up because of loss. Your choice. Not mine. *goes back to fishing*

Hilda: I....I....

Brionne: *pops out of her pokeball and rests her head on Hildas lap* Bri....

Hilda: I will!

Brionne: !!! *smiles*

Hilda: And I'll teach my challengers as if they were my own!

Brionne: *begins to glow bright blue and grow*

Hilda: And I'll get stronger!

Brionne: *grows a longer tail and beautiful blue hair*


Primarina: Riiiiina!~

Philip: Thats the ticket!

Hilda: Thank you so much, Philip! Thank you very very much!! *skates off*

Philip: *looks at her rushing off and smiles* Heh......


Philip: Wonder who killed Trenton though....Cant just be the ice breaking....

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