Awakements: The sky's our limit (Part 12)

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(We open up a few years back in the Hoenn region. 14 year old Lisia was in Fallarbor town with her Swablu named Ali, dressing up Pikachu's for the pokemon contest located in her town.)

Lis: *looks around and sighs* Ugh, Where's Kleo???!? She never shows up when I'm about to practice for the pokemon contests!!

Ali: Swaaa?

Lis: *looks down* I bet shes on route 114 with Swablu....doing something dumb like trying to fly without using a flying type....

(Meanwhile on the grassy section of Route 114, we see 14 year old Kleo and her Swablu crafting a mini hot air balloon composed of a laundry basket and several ballons, kites, etc.)

Kleo: Okay Swablu...This time, it's SURE to work! *takes out some statistics* according to these notes, the air in each balloon and *licks finger and put it in the sky* the speed of the wing should out do my weight and elevate me a precise...*thinks*...6 feet in the air! Did you get that, Rufflet?

Rufflet: *on the ground, with a clipboard, ready to observe and take notes*..........*nods, not understanding*

Kleo: Al-kay then! *gets into the laundry basket* Swablu, hoist me up!

Swablu: Swablu! *pushes Kleo up some*

(To Kleos delight, her hand crafted invention did elevate the child. She looked down.)


Swablu: *cooes in satisfaction*

(Then Kleo kept getting higher....and higher....and higher...higher than the child anticipated....)

Kleo: I CANT BELIEVE IT!! I DID IT!!! I....I......Im too high! Ah!! Swablu!!!

Swablu: *cooes in distress and tries to hoist Kleo down, but to no avail*

Kleo: Ahh!!!! Someone help!!!!! Aaaahhhhh!!!

Swablu: Swaaa!!! Swaaa!!!

(They were so high up now that Rufflet could not even see them anymore.)

Kleo: At this rate I'll float out of the atmosphere and suffocate in deep space!!! *continues to yell for help*

(Kleo then floated above the clouds, so high that the child couldn't see the ground anymore. When suddenly...)


(A Swellow popped up and used Whirlwind, causing the winds to shift and for Kleo to no longer float higher, but instead safely along the vast plain of clouds.)

Kleo: Huh? *turns around and sees Winonna, the flying type gym leader of Hoenn, flying on her Skarmory*

Win: *smiles*

Kleo: W-Winonna! M-Miss Winnona I'm so sorry your-

???: Who said Winny was the only one here?

(Suddenly, peering up from the clouds, was gym leaders Skyla and Falkner. Falkner was riding on his Pidgeot, and Skyla was riding by holding onto the feet of two swoobat.)

Kleo: Falkner?! Skyla?! What are you two doing here???

Falkner: Use flying type users regularly flying around the helps our pokemon achieve a sense of calmness.

Skyla: Yeah, and like, why are you up here?

Kleo: *explains that it wanted to invent something that would end the use of flying on flying types forever*

Win: Oh my....Such an ambition...!

Kleo: Yeah....*sinks into the laundry basket, slightly flustered by such skilled flying type trainers praising the child*

Skyla: Hey guys, look! *points up at the sky*

(Just above the thick clouds above them, the saw the golden markings of the legendary pokemon, Rayquaza. The legendary dragon itself was right above them!)

Falkner: of the strongest pokemon to exist......

Kleo: *stares wide eyed and blank in utter awe*

Win: .....*smiles and begins to lift Kleos basket up towards Rayquazas underbelly, where it's markings are*

Kleo: H-Hey what are y-

Win: Shh....raise your hand....towards its tummy....

Kleo: ....*does so, closing her eyes*

(Kleo touched the scaly underbelly of Rayquaza.)

Ray: *stares down at the trainers with its gleaning golden eyes*

Trainers: *gasp*


Ray: *looks into Kleos eyes*

(Kleo was petrified. Was he gonna strike? Was he angry? The child didn't mean to anger him...)

Ray: *soars into space, dropping behind an Altarinite into Kleos hands*

Kleo: *adjusts her glasses so she could look at the stone better*

Falk, Sky, and Win: A mega stone....

Win: One for Altaria....

Kleo: And Swablu evolves into Altaria...!

Swablu: Swa?

Kleo: *tucks the mega stone safely away in her coat pocket and hugs Swablu* YOUR GONNA BE A MEGA EVOLVING POKEMON!!!

Win: *chuckles*

(Soon, The flying the trainers bring her back down to the ground, right at sunset.)

Win: Good luck with your dream Kleo. I see a clear future for you.

Kleo: Thank you so much Winonna! I won't let you down!! *runs back home*

(As soon as she got home...)


Kleo: *tunes Lisia out, walking up to her room with Swablu* One day, Swablu...

Kleo: *takes out her mega stone in secret and looks at it* One day....

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