Awakements: The very best, like no one ever was (Part 17)

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((A homage to the roleplays of me and DJ_Genie))

(It was a rainy day in Kanto....A girl and her father rush to an apartment in Pallet Town.)

Father: One room please...Just until we get a new house.

(The apartment worker gives then a room key and the girl and her father go to their apartment room. We then cut to the father making dinner for his daughter while his daughter stares out the apartment window and over the Kanto region.)

Father: *cooking* Jay, did you put your wet jacket in the closet?

Jay (The daughter): Yeah dad! Is dinner ready yet?

Father: Yep!

Jay: yes! *flops onto the bed and turns on the television*

Father: *gives Jay her dinner*

(Suddenly, an important announcement came on the TV. It was from professor Oak, and he was broadcasting from his lab.)

Oak: Good evening, good people of Kanto! As you all know, tommorow is trainers day, meaning all the 10 years olds from around the world get to see their regional professors, get a pokemon, and set off on a journey to become a pokemon master.

Jay: I wanna be a pokemon master!

Oak: Pokemon are creatures that inhabit almost every part of the world! They roam the lands, swim the seas, and fly the skies!

Father: *snickers* Yeah...everywhere except where we used to live, right Jay?

Jay: *nods, having grown up in a place that was inhabited by animals instead of pokemon*

Oak: Some use them for battles, others view them as pets; I myself, use them for my studies. *releases three pokemon from three pokeballs, being the starters* Tommorow morning, every 10 year old in Kanto gets to pick from 3 pokemon available at my lab. The grass type pokemon, Bulbasaur, The water type pokemon, Squirtle, or the fire pokemon, Charmander. The decision is yours, trainers! Have a good rest, and get ready! Your journey is about to unfold....this is Professor Oak, signing off.

Jay: *turns off the TV* Dad, can I-

Dad: Of course sweetie! Sounds like fun! Who knows? Maybe I might catch a pokemon! *chuckles*

Jay: *turns out the light to get some sleep, while her dad leaves to buy her supplies*

(The next morning...)

Jay: *wakes up and looks around*

(To Jays surprise, she found her dad and a small purple rat pokemon making her lunch.)

Jay: Dad?? D-Did you just catch a pokemon???

Dad: Yep! Meet my new partner, Ratatta!

Rat: Rattaaata! *skips over to Jay and sniffs her face*

Jay: *giggles* Aww, Hi Rattata!

Dad: Heh, I caught him while getting you supplies for your journey.

Jay: *smiles* Thanks dad!

(After some breakfast and getting dressed, Jay and her Dad said their goodbyes and Jay rushed out of the apartment and to Oaks lab. Oaks lab however, was overrun with children, all who were dying to get pokemon.)

Jay: *pouts, being unable to get through*

(Soon, the crowd died down, and all the ten year olds of Kanto got their pokemon and went off on their journey.)

Jay: *enters the lab* Mr. Oak....?

Oak: *under his desk, exhausted* Are they all gone?

Jay: Mr. Oak?

Oak: Oh...theres one left....*stands up, bumping his head against his own desk* Ow...

Jay: *stands back a bit, fixing her hat*

Oak: Hello there, youngggg-

Jay: Jay, It's Jay sir.

Oak: Jay! How wonderful to see you! Ready to start your pokemon adventure?

Jay: *nods*

Oak: Great! Pick out a pokemon!

Jay: Hmm....How about Charmander?

Oak: Charmander! Great choice! I- *looks for a pokeball with a Charmander in it, but finds none*

Jay: Aww....

Oak: Ehehehe....Charmander is a bit overrated anyways, eh, how about another one?

Jay: Okay! Hmm....How about squirtle?

Oak: Squirtle! Of Course! *gets out a pokeball for Squirtle* I-

(Suddenly, a girl with spikey ginger hair and way too skanky clothes swipes the pokeball away from Oak.)

Girl: Mine! It's a water type, so its mine!

Oak: Oh! Misty! U-Umm...Great to seen you here....

Misty: I bet you are! And I also get you were gonna give this loser MY squirtle!

Jay: ... I-Its yours, don't worry....

Misty: Yeah, that's what I thought. *walks out*


Oak: Uhh....Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur isn't a horrible choice! Bulbasaur is actually quite....*can't find any Bulbasaur pokeballs either* Oh come on! I never run out of Bulbasaur!

Jay: Does this mean...I don't get a pokemon?

Oak: No no! I uhm....Wait here! *runs out for a minute*

(One hour later...)

Jay: *waits*

Oak: *comes back with a pokeball* Alright here we go! Jay, meet Eevee! *releases the Pokemon inside the pokeball, being eevee*

Eevee: *comes out* V- Vwee?

Jay: Aww, how cute! *pets eevee* Hello :3

Eevee: Vwe! Evee! *prances behind Oak*

Oak: Ah....Well, it could get some getting used to....however, I think you and Eevee are gonna be the best of friends!

Jay: Awesome!

(So Oak then gives Jay her pokedex and Eevee's pokeball, and she was off! Happily skipping to route 1, Jay looks high and low at the trees, as her new Eevee stays by Jays leg.)

Eevee: Vwee...*looks around, scared*

Jay: *picks up Eevee* Hey hey....Its okay. I got ur back! :3

Eevee: Evwee?

Jay: *nods before spotting a wild pikachu up in one of the trees* There! Look Eevee!

Eevee: *sees the Pikachu* Vwe!

Jay: Lets catch it! Use tackle!

Eevee: Eevwe! *tackles the pikachu down, starting a battle*

Pikachu: Piiika, chuuu!!! *uses thundershock on eevee*

Eevee: *takes the hit*

Jay: Tail whip, then tackle!

Eevee: Eeee, vwe! Vwe! Vwe! Vwe! *waffles her tail in Pikachu's face*

Pikachu: Pika! *defence lowers*

Eevee: *rams into Pikachu, sending it flying into a tree*

Jay: Nows my chance! Go pokeball! *throws the pokeball at the pikachu*

(It shakes shakes twice.....Jay caught the Pikachu!)

Jay: Yes! We did it, Eevee!

Eevee: *smiles, gaining trust in Jay* Eevwee!

(Later, after training pikachu and Eevee, Jay soon reaches the end of the route, where she hears some hurt pokemon noises upahead.)

???: Pie! Pie! Pie!

Jay: Hmm? *runs up a bit to see what the noises were*

(There, She saw Misty, the girl from earlier, beating a weak and defenseless Caterpie, simply because she did not like bugs.)

Misty: Take that, you icky disgusting bug type!

Jay: HEY!! What are you doing?!?! *pulls Misty back, defending the hurt Caterpie*

Misty: Bug types are disgusting, and I saw this one crawling on my leg, so I started to step and squish on it!

Caterpie: *laying in the grass, hurt*

Jay: *picks up Caterpie* Thats no reason to abuse an innocent little pokemon like that! It's not even yours, it's a wild caterpie!

Misty: *growls and takes out a pokeball* How dare you stand up for this disgusting, putrid bug type!! Lets battle!

Jay: Your on! *takes out Pikachu's pokeball*

(The two girls battled with their pokemon. Misty had a bruised Squirtle, and Jay had her Pikachu. A few thunder shocks later, Squirtle fainted, causing Misty to retreat.)

Caterpie: *faints as well from the pain*

Jay: *quickly takes Caterpie to the Pokemon center in Viridian City*

Eevee: *follows her*

(One heal later, in the pokecenter....)

Nurse Joy: *brings out a healthy caterpie* Your pokemon is all healed up! *smiles*

Caterpie: *jumps into Jays arms and softly nibbles her fingers in gratitude*

Jay: *giggles* Hey that tickles! *smiles* Do you wanna be my pokemon?

Caterpie: Pie! *nods*

Jay: *softly taps a pokeball against Caterpies head*

(The pokeball shakes once....twice....she caught the Caterpie!)

Jay: *smiles and calls out all her pokemon*

Caterpie, Pikachu, and Eevee: *come out and greet Jay*

Jay: *looks at them* We're gonna go so far together! ....*looks up* I just know it...

(Suddenly, we cut to a montage of Jay traversing throughout the Kanto region. The original pokemon theme song played throughout this montage. During the montage, we got to see Jay meet a variety of people and pokemon. She met and battled brock, and won; She met and saved Lently on Mt. Moon, who traveled with her throughout her journey; She caught the same Jigglypuff that would follow ash in the anime, and there fore joined her team; Her Caterpie eventually evolved into Butterfree; She met Mistys sisters who she battled and won against, also earning a Psyduck who was mentally and physically scarred by Misty; She met and battled Lt. Surge and won, earning herself a thunderstone which she used to evolve Pikachu into Raichu; She made it through rock tunnel, where her Psyduck evolved into Golduck; She made it to lavender town and met Carol, who went on to become Jays rival; She saved a shy Haunter from Misty and caught it, becoming a valued member of her team; She went to Ecruteak City and met and battled Erika; She then eventually met Janine, the daughter of Koga, on the route outside of Ecruteak, in which they became very close friends; She met and battled Koga, and gained a closer relationship to Janine; Her Jigglypuff soon evolved into Wigglytuff, via the use of a moon stone; She saved a Dratini in the safari zone that was being beaten up by Misty; We then saw her battle all the other gym leaders, evolve Dratini, and eventually battle the elite four.)

(Later, she would go on to craft Fulcre with only her and her Pokemon. As work continues, she looks over the region she and her Pokemon were making, and said...)

"People and Pokemon....Our bonds and harmony come together through mutual support and love, and only the very best could know that....."

"Train on"

((Jay belongs to DJ_Genie))

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