Awakements: The Wild (part 1)

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(Our scene opens with Quinton about to leave Applecorn town and venture into thw wild area. A gently wind blows in his hair as he stares into the vast plentiful forest that was the first wild area. His starter pokemon, Bubver, looks on into the wild area whilst in Quintons arms.)

Bubver: *looks up at Quinton* Bub?

Quinton: ...

Rosey: *behind him* Someone have cold feet?

Quinton: *jumps a little and turns around* Ah! Rosey! I didn't see ya there.

Rosey: *walks to his side* What's wrong quint?

Quniton: just.....

Rosey: Scared?

Quniton: No; I'm just....nervous. What if I get chewed up and spitten out by all the strong trainers out there. I mean, did you see me in that last battle? I lost horribly!

(We flashback to multiple scenes of Quinton failing to defeat Clover, the grass type gym leader, in a pokemon battle. His pokemon, Cardidi and Bubver, constantly struggling before a fire broke out.)

Quinton: The only reason I really won was because some forest fire started.

Rosey: ...


Rosey: *sends out her Lillipur* Quinton. Show me that forest charm of yours.

Quinton: *reluctantly takes out the gym charm he earned*

Rosey: Who earned that piece of leather with a picture on it?

Quinton: My pokemon?

Rosey: No, well actually, yes, but who else?

Quinton: Their strength?

Rosey: No! YOU did! It was with YOUR strategy and guidance that you bested most of Clovers pokemon! Without YOU, your pokemon wouldn't get an inkling of stronger.

Quinton: ...

Rosey: Listen quinty. Going into this wild area doesn't just mean you get bombarded with pokemon from other regions...

(We see the wild area from Quintons point of view, in all of its untamed glory.)

Rosey: ...going in, means so much more...

Quinton: ...


Quinton: Can we go together?

Rosey: Sure.

(Quinton and Rosey run into the forest and begin running through the crisp orange and red leaved trees, battling trainers and catching pokemon far and wide. After a short battling montage, we cut to nighttime, where Rosey and Quinton camp out near a playground for the night.)

Quinton: *in his sleeping bag, gazing at the stars in the beautiful Fulcrian night sky* Today trainers, tommorow pokemon trainer....*looks over at Bubver* Heh...goodnight...*pats his head and sleeps for the night, smiling*

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