Character: June

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Name: June Magpost

Age: 26

Occupation: Is the gate keeper/owner of the Pokemon Plaza. Her job is to run the plaza and battle you to see if your worthy of battling there.


Galarian Rapidash (60): Psycho Cut, Drill Run, Megahorn, Dazzling Gleam

Spireeth (60): Dark Pulse, Psychic, Shadow Sneak, Gyro Ball

Swoobat (60): Psychic, Air Slash, Steel Wing, Calm Mind

Gastrodon //East Sea\\ (60): Earthquake, Muddy Water, Ice beam, Sludge Wave

Mega Beedril (60): Twineedle, Poison Jab, Drill Run, Outrage

Breloom (60): Giga Drain, Sky Uppercut, Thunder Punch, Spore

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