My Fallen trust, and my Blessed hope (Part 20, Act 3) *FINALE TO AWAKEMENTS*

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(We are now in the present status of the narrative, where Amy and Stempy are now adults. Stempy at this point in time has only one Bakery opened, in Ballywhoot. However, he does also have his studio for his show, which just got built. Amy is now there with him, checking out the studio with him.)

Amy: *looks at the Studio with approval* Woah Stempy...You sure have everything worked out! First your bakery, and now a show? I'm so proud of you! *looks to her side, expecting Stempy to be there, but he wasn't*

Stempy: Hold on a sec, Amy! Stempy is no more! Now....*appears, wearing his baking outfit* Dr. Frosting is here to take the cake! *poses*

Amy: *giggles* Is that supposed to be your sort of, persona?

Stempy: You could say that. *shrugs* Anyways, it's getting kinda late, I suggest you sleep in the storage room. Yknow since...

Amy: Mom and Dad kicked us out for being too old ^^"

Stempy: Yeahhh.....But the storage closet isn't that bad. Plus, you'll need the sleep for tommorow! Tommorow is when we shoot our pilot episode.

Amy: Right! Okay Stem- I mean, Dr. Frosting. *smiles* See you tommorow morning!

(With that, Amy walks to the upper level of the studio to get to the storage room to sleep.)



(Amy woke up to sudden noise that occurred outside the storage room. Getting up and quickly leaving the room, she saw a bunny-like figure...a pokemon...It had snow white fur, fearless red eyes, deer horns, and light pink markings on its face and body. This was the mythical pokemon, Jackilon, a watcher for the legendary pokemon, Graciousis. Amy did not know what it was however.)

Amy: *rubs her tired eyes* What...What kind of pokemon is th-

(Suddenly, the mythical pokemon leapt off, bouncing throughout the studio. Something inside of Amy provoked her to follow it. Was it curiosity, or something more? Whatever it was, she still chased it, wondering who or what this pokemon was.)

(After some minutes of chasing the creature, she eventually caught sight of a secret trap door within the set of the show, located underneath a kitchen counter. Losing interest in the bunny looking pokemon, Amy turned her attention to the trap door. It made noises....gross noises. It was like a wild pokemon eating juicy raw meat.)

Amy: What the....Stempy, what's this....*begins to slowly open the trap door, revealing a ladder that went down into a pitch black room*

(When she opened the door, she released a foul odor into the air. It smelled like fresh and rotten flesh, colliding at the same time to create an alarming stench that would make any normal person fray with discomfort and sickness, as with Amy. The smelled raised several red flags for her, but she still tried to bot get weirded out. Maybe this is just the meat freezer for the studio? But if that's the case, why would there be a rotting flesh smell filling the air? Maybe they just have expired meat? Who knows, Amy certainly didn't.)

(Despite this, curiosity still killed the cat, provoking Amy to travel down into the unknown and fearful abyss that was this room. When she got in, she heard a...)


(And more disgusting noises up close. Now she felt a bit scared.)

Amy: *heavily and silently breathes* .....H....Wh.....WHO'S THERE?! *yells as she turns on a light close to her*


(Amy could not believe the sight she saw in front of her....not even in her deepest darkest nightmares would she have imagined what she was seeing before her.)

(In front of Amy, was her beloved brother and his friends (Suisy, Benny, and Lew) kneeling and EATING a once living, breathing baby pokemon, being a wild Pichu. It's belly was clawed open,  causing its organs to spill out, and its gastrointestinal liquids to spill onto the cold dirt floor. It's ears and organs have been munched on, and it's body was now grey and cold, indicating its death.)

Amy:*looks around some more, observing more of what she saw*

(On the walls of this room, were more bigger pokemon like Mighyena, who hung from meat hooks and had theirs bodies cut opens and left hanging their, puss leaking from wherever they were cut. Blood splatters were everywhere, caking the ground, walls, and some of the ceiling. There were also plenty of tables with chains attached to them, in order to chain down their prey. They came in multiple sizes, for as big as Gyrados, to as small as Joltik.)

(As she looked over the room, more tears escaped her eyes as she observed more and more innocent pokemon killed for Stenpys, no, Dr. Frostings desire. She wanted to think this was a dream; the pokemon from earlier, an illsuion.)

Amy: Why....Why why why why why WHY!!!!

Stempy: Amy, please...I can expla-

Amy: You are not my brother!! Stempy would never do this....where is he?? WHERE IS MY BROTHER, DR. FROSTING?!?!

(Amy continued to scream about where her brother was. The more she yelled, the more Stempy lost himself....Stempt was gone, and all there was now, was Dr. Frosting.)

Frosting: *gets out a knife* He's gone, Amy....*smiles before charging at her, weapon in hand*

(Amy quickly began to stop screaming and made a sprint for the exit out of this hellhole. She scrambled up the ladder, through the studio, and busted through the front door, nearly breaking it.)

Frosting: *stops in the doorway as Amy ran* MAKE THE FUTURE!!

Amy: *stumbles as she runs into a forest in front of the studio*


Amy: *trips over a rock in the forest, and falls onto the ground*

Frosting: But eat your own pokemon....*smiles as he walks back into the studio, knowing Amy would be too stunned and voiceless to expose him*


(We cut to Amy, lying on the forest floor, crying to herself. She felt angry, betrayed, unloved, alone, and sad all at the same time. She had no where else to go, nor any idea to turn to. She was hopeless as she curled up alone on the muddy forest ground.)


???: Jaaaahhhh!

Amy: *turns to one side, seeing the bunny mythical again* H...Huh...? It's you...

Jackilon: Jalon....

Amy: *sniffles and gets up on her knees* ...did you wanna show me....*sniffles* that....?

Jackilon: *nods*

Amy: B-But why?

Jackilon: ...

(Jackilon stared at Amy, having her remember all the real love her and her brother, her real brother, have shared. This made her spill more tears, but she got the message loud and clear.)

Amy: .....I couldn't be in the dark anymore....I had to know what he was really like, and not just blindly love him....I get it ....*tears up more* n o w .....

(She quickly calmed down this time however and became cold. Cold to the idea of her brother. Cold to how the events affected her. Calming down, she laid down on her back, staring up at Graciousis' starry sky above her.)

Jackilon: *lays on her stomach, resting*

Amy: *patting Jackilon* ....Hmm....Do you think there would be someone?

Jackilon: ?

Amy: Someone, maybe strong at heart and as a trainer, could save my brother....from this....*shudders* desire of his....

Jackilon: *purrs, knowing so*

Amy: One day perhaps.....One day.....

(Amy curls up to sleep under the starry sky, after whispering...)

"We all come from the upperhand, yet some end up blessed, and others, fallen."

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